Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Not liking Hillary of the more unlikable politicians I can think of...makes me a "misogynist"?

You liberals tried to shame people into voting for Clinton in the last election, Joey...and it failed miserably. The reason I didn't vote for Hillary is that she's dishonest and corrupt...not because she's a woman! If someone could convince Condi Rice to run for President...I'll vote for her in a nano second!

Except your party didn't nominate Condi Rice.

You nominated a mentally unstable game show host.

and then you voted for him.
Not liking Hillary of the more unlikable politicians I can think of...makes me a "misogynist"?

You liberals tried to shame people into voting for Clinton in the last election, Joey...and it failed miserably. The reason I didn't vote for Hillary is that she's dishonest and corrupt...not because she's a woman! If someone could convince Condi Rice to run for President...I'll vote for her in a nano second!

Except your party didn't nominate Condi Rice.

You nominated a mentally unstable game show host.

and then you voted for him.

Actually, Joey...the ironic thing is that it was your main stream media that in essence nominated Trump. They thought he was the one that Hillary could beat so they gave him coverage and starved the other GOP candidates. Then when they accomplished getting him nominated they immediately started attacking his "character".

The American people voted for Trump because compared to Hillary...he was the better choice!

As for Condi Rice? She was asked to run...she declined...and our country is the worse for it.
This anti Trump equating to Pro Hillary shtick is the biggest political facade i've ever seen

They are both crooks Oldone.

The fact is ,Prez Trump is seriously under fire , not only in REAL court, in the court of public opinion as well

This anti Trump equating to Pro Hillary shtick is the biggest political facade i've ever seen

They are both crooks Oldone.

The fact is ,Prez Trump is seriously under fire , not only in REAL court, in the court of public opinion as well


With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated. So tell me how that "Russian Collusion" thing has played out? Quite frankly that was a joke from the start. I can't believe that the people who actually DID collude with foreign agents to affect our election got away with accusing the man they smeared with doing what THEY did!
Actually, Joey...the ironic thing is that it was your main stream media that in essence nominated Trump. They thought he was the one that Hillary could beat so they gave him coverage and starved the other GOP candidates. Then when they accomplished getting him nominated they immediately started attacking his "character".

I think this is why I've not been able to take the Russian angle very seriously. I wonder what we'd uncover if Mueller investigated the Democrat's involvement in promoting Trump as the front-runner during the nominations.
Actually, Joey...the ironic thing is that it was your main stream media that in essence nominated Trump. They thought he was the one that Hillary could beat so they gave him coverage and starved the other GOP candidates. Then when they accomplished getting him nominated they immediately started attacking his "character".

I think this is why I've not been able to take the Russian angle very seriously. I wonder what we'd uncover if Mueller investigated the Democrat's involvement in promoting Trump as the front-runner during the nominations.

The question I have is why Mueller wasn't tasked with investigating collusion with BOTH sides in that last election? Why does Hillary and the DNC get a pass when it's obvious that they did pay foreign agents to put out a phony "dossier" to smear a candidate for the Presidency?
With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated.

Trump picked a fight with the press right outta the gate Oldone

Nobody needed to be Nostradamus to figure how that'd sugar off

Second that!

Trump well into second term!

GOD Bless President Trump! :2up:

Actually, Joey...the ironic thing is that it was your main stream media that in essence nominated Trump. They thought he was the one that Hillary could beat so they gave him coverage and starved the other GOP candidates. Then when they accomplished getting him nominated they immediately started attacking his "character".

I think this is why I've not been able to take the Russian angle very seriously. I wonder what we'd uncover if Mueller investigated the Democrat's involvement in promoting Trump as the front-runner during the nominations.

The question I have is why Mueller wasn't tasked with investigating collusion with BOTH sides in that last election? Why does Hillary and the DNC get a pass when it's obvious that they did pay foreign agents to put out a phony "dossier" to smear a candidate for the Presidency?

I'm not really sure who is doing the tasking. If it was his decision in any way, there's the obvious personal motive that he felt guilty about his role in turning sentiment against Clinton at the last minute - that he was culpable in getting Trump elected in the first place. So now he's doing what he can to get him removed from office.

That's sheer speculation, of course. But do believe the Democrats were instrumental in getting Trump nominated.
The question I have is why Mueller wasn't tasked with investigating collusion with BOTH sides in that last election?

because he was tasked with a specific investigative issue by republicans


Are you saying that Republicans are the driving force trying to get Trump removed? Hmm.... it's possible I suppose. I'm sure most of them would much rather have Pence then Trump.
With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated.

Trump picked a fight with the press right outta the gate Oldone

Nobody needed to be Nostradamus to figure how that'd sugar off


Are you saying the main stream media didn't go after Trump first? Sorry, Sparky but that's not how I recall it going down. Go back and watch CNN coverage of Trump. You'll see that they covered him with mostly positive stories right up until he was nominated and then those stories did a complete 360 and were mostly negative. They tried to "fix" that race with a candidate for the GOP that they thought Hillary could beat easily only when they attacked him after the primaries Trump attacked them right back. It turns out that the American public views the main stream media as more untrustworthy than Trump...something that the MSM didn't see coming.

What you're seeing now is a fight to the death between a President who won't turn the other cheek and the liberal media who have declared a jihad against him for beating "their" candidate!
With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated.

Trump picked a fight with the press right outta the gate Oldone

Nobody needed to be Nostradamus to figure how that'd sugar off


Are you saying the main stream media didn't go after Trump first? Sorry, Sparky but that's not how I recall it going down. Go back and watch CNN coverage of Trump. You'll see that they covered him with mostly positive stories right up until he was nominated and then those stories did a complete 360 and were mostly negative. They tried to "fix" that race with a candidate for the GOP that they thought Hillary could beat easily only when they attacked him after the primaries Trump attacked them right back. It turns out that the American public views the main stream media as more untrustworthy than Trump...something that the MSM didn't see coming.

What you're seeing now is a fight to the death between a President who won't turn the other cheek and the liberal media who have declared a jihad against him for beating "their" candidate!

I was actually working at NBC at the time. They had monitors up throughout the building, constantly streaming their various channels. I don't usually watch television, but under the circumstance, it was hard to avoid. I watched it play out exactly as you describe.
Interesting , but the fact is Trump didn't demonize one media outlet , he went after the majority of them

I could understand if it was one lame broadcaster, journalist, or even whole media outlet

Nope, he 'fake news'd' the bulk of mainstream media , and now he's busy defunding public radio

That isn't about any given candidate, that's about using a candidate as an excuse to confront the 1st Amendment

Everything Trump has called "FAKE NEWS"

This anti Trump equating to Pro Hillary shtick is the biggest political facade i've ever seen

They are both crooks Oldone.

The fact is ,Prez Trump is seriously under fire , not only in REAL court, in the court of public opinion as well


With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated. So tell me how that "Russian Collusion" thing has played out? Quite frankly that was a joke from the start. I can't believe that the people who actually DID collude with foreign agents to affect our election got away with accusing the man they smeared with doing what THEY did!

Trump has been under fire because of his lying. He lied about the crowds at his inauguration and when called on that lie, he doubled down on it.

I think his Inauguration Day lie was a trial balloon to see how the media would react to this relatively innocuous lie, just as the whole “birther lie” was a trial balloon to gauge the gullibility of the Republican base. 30% of Republicans still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Not coincidentally, I think, 30% of Republicans believe Trump over Comey, and support Trump regardless of what he does.

When the media refused to get in line and parrot Trump’s “alternative facts”, he declared war on the MSM and that the media was the “enemy of the people”.

Article One of the dictator’s handbook: Discredit the media and declare them to be the “enemy of the people”. That way they’ll have no idea of what you’re really doing.
Interesting , but the fact is Trump didn't demonize one media outlet , he went after the majority of them

I could understand if it was one lame broadcaster, journalist, or even whole media outlet

Nope, he 'fake news'd' the bulk of mainstream media , and now he's busy defunding public radio

That isn't about any given candidate, that's about using a candidate as an excuse to confront the 1st Amendment

Everything Trump has called "FAKE NEWS"


Ah...wasn't the "majority" of the media outlets demonizing him? Let's be honest here, Sparky...the main stream media went after Trump like nothing I've ever seen before and they continue to do so. Turn on CNN or NBC and give yourself a whack in the head every time they say something negative about Trump. After you've beaten yourself might want to rethink your contention that it's Trump that's demonizing the media. :eusa_wall:

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