Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Are you saying the main stream media didn't go after Trump first? Sorry, Sparky but that's not how I recall it going down. Go back and watch CNN coverage of Trump. You'll see that they covered him with mostly positive stories right up until he was nominated and then those stories did a complete 360 and were mostly negative. They tried to "fix" that race with a candidate for the GOP that they thought Hillary could beat easily only when they attacked him after the primaries Trump attacked them right back. It turns out that the American public views the main stream media as more untrustworthy than Trump...something that the MSM didn't see coming.

Again, 3 million more people voted for Hillary. The American Public got this right.

Now, I do blame the media to a degree for Trump, not because they were in a conspiracy to give Hillary an opponent she could beat. They promoted Trump because he was good for ratings. this is the problem when you have a media whose main job is to get an audience and sell cornflakes.

It used to be the main three networks operated their news divisions at a loss. Let the Beverley Hillbillies sell corn flakes. The news was there to inform people. So they did less news, and more entertainment.
Actually, Joey...the ironic thing is that it was your main stream media that in essence nominated Trump. They thought he was the one that Hillary could beat so they gave him coverage and starved the other GOP candidates. Then when they accomplished getting him nominated they immediately started attacking his "character".

so you are saying GOP voters were too stupid to realize they were doing this?

The American people voted for Trump because compared to Hillary...he was the better choice!

Except again, he lost by 3 million votes. The "American People" got this right.

As for Condi Rice? She was asked to run...she declined...and our country is the worse for it.

Well, good thing we didn't elect a war criminal. Be kind of embarrassing when she was indicted by the Hague for war crimes.

GOP voters decided they wanted someone from outside of the Washington "old boys club" to run the country. That was Trump.

You can't "lose" when the race isn't decided by the popular vote...but by the Electoral College vote. Trump smoked Clinton in that. The Trump campaign got THAT right!

Condi Rice will be indicted by the Hague about the same time Barack Obama wins another Nobel Peace Prize!
Rice is everything that Hillary Clinton desperately wants to be and never will be. She has talent...she has intelligence and she has class. Clinton has ambition.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
drip drip drip

that's the sound of haterade dripping out of the lefts daily dose of; We Got Him This Time!
GOP voters decided they wanted someone from outside of the Washington "old boys club" to run the country. That was Trump.

Don't backpeddle, Dogstyle. if that's what they wanted, they could have nominated Ben Carson. Or any of the Governors who ran.

Instead you had religious conservatives supporting a womanizer

Free traders supporting a protectionist

and libertarians supporting a guy who threatens to lock up people he doesn't like.

So what you said was that the Media tricked the dumb, inbred, bible-thumping GOP base into supporting Trump because he dun-der has a TV show... and we should respect their decision.

You can't "lose" when the race isn't decided by the popular vote...but by the Electoral College vote. Trump smoked Clinton in that. The Trump campaign got THAT right!

Well, his Russian handlers did... but you keep saying "the American People". the American People said no. The People got this right on a day it was impossible to get it right.
This raid is a PERFECT example of why Trump is such an idiot.
If you are being investigated by cops (whether by regular police OR the FBI/DOJ), the last, LAST thing you should do is insult them publicly. Cops are people too. And if you insult them enough, naturally, they are going to want to work just that much harder to bring you down.
So Trump has been putting down the FBI/DOJ for months and months. All that does is fuel their desire to get him back.
If Trump were street wise AT ALL - he would have known this and just shut up and let them do their work. And insult them in his memoirs after he leaves office...if he must.
But this bozo has now pissed them off and they are out to get him...guaranteed.
And forget the nonsense - 'but the FBI should be better than that'. Wise up - they are people too. And nobody likes to be insulted all the time...including police.
If the FBI/DOJ do manage to bury Trump's will be largely the latter's fault.
When trying to walk past a sleeping lion (like the FBI/DOJ), you walk on your tip-toes and don't make a don't kick the lion and start yelling at it.
Rice is everything that Hillary Clinton desperately wants to be and never will be. She has talent...she has intelligence and she has class. Clinton has ambition.

And she instigated a war that killed 6000 americans and a million Iraqis over weapons that didn't exist, and turned the Middle East over to Iran.

The war against Iraq was "instigated" by a sadistic despot named Saddam Hussein who refused to abide by the sanctions imposed upon him following his failed attempt to seize Kuwait. Saddam may not have had nuclear weapons when he was removed from power but he was sure trying hard to obtain them and with money pouring in from black market sales of oil it would have just been a matter of time before he did.
This raid is a PERFECT example of why Trump is such an idiot.
If you are being investigated by cops (whether by regular police OR the FBI/DOJ), the last, LAST thing you should do is insult them publicly. Cops are people too. And if you insult them enough, naturally, they are going to want to work just that much harder to bring you down.
So Trump has been putting down the FBI/DOJ for months and months. All that does is fuel their desire to get him back.
If Trump were street wise AT ALL - he would have known this and just shut up and let them do their work. And insult them in his memoirs after he leaves office...if he must.
But this bozo has now pissed them off and they are out to get him...guaranteed.
And forget the nonsense - 'but the FBI should be better than that'. Wise up - they are people too. And nobody likes to be insulted all the time...including police.
If the FBI/DOJ do manage to bury Trump's will be largely the latter's fault.
When trying to walk past a sleeping lion (like the FBI/DOJ), you walk on your tip-toes and don't make a don't kick the lion and start yelling at it.

Trump has never insulted the rank and file of the FBI! He has called into question the motives of the people who were running the FBI. People like James Comey. All along Trump has been very careful to let the rank and file FBI agents know that he respects them and the work they do.
GOP voters decided they wanted someone from outside of the Washington "old boys club" to run the country. That was Trump.

Don't backpeddle, Dogstyle. if that's what they wanted, they could have nominated Ben Carson. Or any of the Governors who ran.

Instead you had religious conservatives supporting a womanizer

Free traders supporting a protectionist

and libertarians supporting a guy who threatens to lock up people he doesn't like.

So what you said was that the Media tricked the dumb, inbred, bible-thumping GOP base into supporting Trump because he dun-der has a TV show... and we should respect their decision.

You can't "lose" when the race isn't decided by the popular vote...but by the Electoral College vote. Trump smoked Clinton in that. The Trump campaign got THAT right!

Well, his Russian handlers did... but you keep saying "the American People". the American People said no. The People got this right on a day it was impossible to get it right.

The American people did not say "no"! The American people turned out to vote for Trump in places that Hillary Clinton was so convinced she would win handily that she didn't even campaign there!

As for your drivel about "Russian handlers"? Hillary Clinton had just as much contact with "Russians" as Donald Trump did and she was the one who used Russians to smear her political opponent! Spare me the nonsense about Trump being controlled by Putin. It's's always been crap...and it always will be crap!
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker

As bad as trump is, we should be careful what we wish for.

As it is now, such weeners as Stephen Miller and John Bolton are the defacto prez, think about Mike sharia law Pence in the oval office.

At least we're rid of LyinRyan but Pence would be a disaster simply because he's not as scattered and lazy as trump. As bad as trump's horrendous exec orders used to attack our vets, our military, our children, our poor, our elderly, our handicapped and on and on, I really do believe Pence would be worse AND his attacks on the constitution would be even worse than trump's.

Hopefully, he'll be impeached but that's a political move, not legal. IOW, it doesn't mean he would be out of office. We're stuck with him stealing us blind till the next election.
Would it not be wonderful to see the looks on the faces of these libs if they somehow manage to impeach Trump and remove him from office and Pence takes the oath of office right before Vice President Ryan?

Many LIB college students firmly believe if Trump is kicked out of office then Hillary will become President.
The LIBs are so fuckin stupidd they do not grasp if Pence becomes President he'll have the school kids saying the Lord's Prayer twice a day.

Afraid so.

The fundie nutters love trump's almost daily attacks on the constitution and they would wet their pants in glee at Mike sharia Pence finally forcing a state religion on the country.

And no one believes Hillary would become prez if trump was out. Its the RWNJs who keep her in power.
This raid is a PERFECT example of why Trump is such an idiot.
If you are being investigated by cops (whether by regular police OR the FBI/DOJ), the last, LAST thing you should do is insult them publicly. Cops are people too. And if you insult them enough, naturally, they are going to want to work just that much harder to bring you down.
So Trump has been putting down the FBI/DOJ for months and months. All that does is fuel their desire to get him back.
If Trump were street wise AT ALL - he would have known this and just shut up and let them do their work. And insult them in his memoirs after he leaves office...if he must.
But this bozo has now pissed them off and they are out to get him...guaranteed.
And forget the nonsense - 'but the FBI should be better than that'. Wise up - they are people too. And nobody likes to be insulted all the time...including police.
If the FBI/DOJ do manage to bury Trump's will be largely the latter's fault.
When trying to walk past a sleeping lion (like the FBI/DOJ), you walk on your tip-toes and don't make a don't kick the lion and start yelling at it.

Trump has never insulted the rank and file of the FBI! He has called into question the motives of the people who were running the FBI. People like James Comey. All along Trump has been very careful to let the rank and file FBI agents know that he respects them and the work they do.


He has consistently insulted a LOT more then just the top of the FBI/DOJ.

When you insult the entire organization, by definition, you ARE insulting everyone within that organization...including the 'rank and file'.

And the rank and file are pissed:

If you think the 'rank and file' of the FBI and the DOJ are not MAJORLY pissed at Trump - you are dreaming.

'The head of FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) fired back at President Trump’s comments against the bureau on Sunday, saying any suggestion that agents aren’t dedicated to their jobs “is simply false.”
“Every day, FBI Special Agents put their lives on the line to protect the American public from national security and criminal threats. Agents perform these duties with unwavering integrity and professionalism and a focus on complying with the law and the Constitution,” FBIAA head Thomas O’Connor said in a statement.
”This is why the FBI continues to be the premier law enforcement agency in the world. FBI Agents are dedicated to their mission; suggesting otherwise is simply false.”

Trump tweeted earlier Sunday that the FBI’s reputation was in “tatters” after being lead by former FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired in May.'

The News Talkers


'President Donald Trump and his allies’ continued attacks on the FBI’s top officials also hurt agents across the country, who may find it harder to do their jobs as a result, the president of the FBI Agents Association said.

“It clearly trickles down to the agent on the street, and it trickles down to their kids in school,” according to Tom O’Connor, who runs the professional organization of more than 14,000 current and former special agents. “I’ve gotten calls from people where their little kids are asking their parents if they’re in the FBI and just questioning it.”

Trump and his allies have long alleged that the bureau treated Hillary Clinton too favorably in its probe of her use of a personal email server. But those claims have grown since early December, following the revelation that former special counsel team investigator Peter Strzok exchanged anti-Trump text messages. At least two of Trump’s lawyers have called for an additional special counsel to investigate bias at the FBI, and the president has said the bureau’s reputation “is in tatters” and called out its officials.'

Criticism of FBI is taking a toll on the rank and file, agents rep says

Are you saying that you know more about the rank and file of the FBI than the head of FBI Agents Association?

Yes or no, please?
Would it not be wonderful to see the looks on the faces of these libs if they somehow manage to impeach Trump and remove him from office and Pence takes the oath of office right before Vice President Ryan?

If Pence acts like Trump, then we impeach Pence. America does not have to put up with presidents like Trump.
But it is sad that an American political party has to threaten America that if they remove the president they now have in office, America will have a new president that is worse than the president they have removed. That doesn't sound like good politics.
The war against Iraq was "instigated" by a sadistic despot named Saddam Hussein who refused to abide by the sanctions imposed upon him following his failed attempt to seize Kuwait.

Dude, going after someone for something he did 12 years earlier is kind of stupid.

Saddam had no WMD's. He abided by the sanctions.

Bush lied. People died.

Saddam may not have had nuclear weapons when he was removed from power but he was sure trying hard to obtain them and with money pouring in from black market sales of oil it would have just been a matter of time before he did.

Except there was no evidence that he was trying to restart his nuclear program. None. We searched the country high and low.

Bush Lied. People died.

The American people did not say "no"!

3 million more people voted for Hillary... um, yeah, they did.

Spare me the nonsense about Trump being controlled by Putin. It's's always been crap...and it always will be crap!

Really? Putin is getting a free hand in Syria, he's getting a free hand in the Ukraine, he's sending out agents to murder people he doesn't like.
The war against Iraq was "instigated" by a sadistic despot named Saddam Hussein who refused to abide by the sanctions imposed upon him following his failed attempt to seize Kuwait.

Dude, going after someone for something he did 12 years earlier is kind of stupid.

Saddam had no WMD's. He abided by the sanctions.

Bush lied. People died.

Saddam may not have had nuclear weapons when he was removed from power but he was sure trying hard to obtain them and with money pouring in from black market sales of oil it would have just been a matter of time before he did.

Except there was no evidence that he was trying to restart his nuclear program. None. We searched the country high and low.

Bush Lied. People died.

The American people did not say "no"!

3 million more people voted for Hillary... um, yeah, they did.

Spare me the nonsense about Trump being controlled by Putin. It's's always been crap...and it always will be crap!

Really? Putin is getting a free hand in Syria, he's getting a free hand in the Ukraine, he's sending out agents to murder people he doesn't like.

Saddam was starting to reconstitute his armed forces using money gained from black market sales of oil to countries like France and Russia. The sanctions imposed by the UN were all but meaningless! It was so bad that the son of the Secretary General of the United Nations was brokering some of the oil for arms deals! It wasn't something that was happening 12 years in the was something that was happening THEN!

Let me still don't think Saddam was attempting to buy yellow cake uranium in Africa?

For about the thousandth time...the popular vote isn't how we elect a President here in the US. We do it with electoral votes and the Electoral College. That was the ONLY vote that counted and Trump kicked Hillary's fat white ass in that vote! You may not like it but it's deal with it!

As for Putin killing people? Are you so fucking clueless you don't know he's been doing that pretty much since he took power? Through the Obama Administration? During the Bush Administration? So how does THAT prove that Putin "controls" Trump? One more UTTERLY stupid post by you, Joey...par for the course!
Second term

for President Trump!

YES!!!! for sure! :2up:

Bless him!

Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

And just what the fuck do you know ?

Please tell us.
Saddam was starting to reconstitute his armed forces using money gained from black market sales of oil to countries like France and Russia.

Oh, please, guy. He barely had military control of the whole country, much less was a threat to anyone else. The fact we rolled him up in three weeks with less than a force than we had in 1991 shows he wasn't doing anything we said he was.

We said he had WMD's. He didn't.

Bush lied, People died.

The sanctions imposed by the UN were all but meaningless!

400,000 Iraqis died between 1991 and 2003 of malnutrition and treatable diseases. I'd hardly call them meaningless.

Bush lied. People died.

Let me still don't think Saddam was attempting to buy yellow cake uranium in Africa?

It's been proven he wasn't. He already had massive stores of Uranium (which were not prohibited under the 1991 cease-fire) that he couldn't use. Why would he want more yummy yellow-cake he couldn't use?

For about the thousandth time...the popular vote isn't how we elect a President here in the US. We do it with electoral votes and the Electoral College. That was the ONLY vote that counted and Trump kicked Hillary's fat white ass in that vote! You may not like it but it's deal with it!

I realize we use a backward ass, stupid, racist system developed by slave rapists who didn't trust the people. That wasn't the point.

The point is you keep saying the people picked Trump.

No. The people REJECTED Trump. By large numbers.

The people got this right, God Bless them. The people spoke, but the system didn't listen to them, and now we have a crazy person in the White House.

As for Putin killing people? Are you so fucking clueless you don't know he's been doing that pretty much since he took power? Through the Obama Administration? During the Bush Administration? So how does THAT prove that Putin "controls" Trump? One more UTTERLY stupid post by you, Joey...par for the course!

Except now he does it with impunity with no consequences, because, hey, those pictures of hookers peeing on Trump might show up any day now.

"Vlady, sweety, can I put a meaningless sanction on you for show? Come on Vladdy, all the other guys are watching!"


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