Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

This anti Trump equating to Pro Hillary shtick is the biggest political facade i've ever seen

They are both crooks Oldone.

The fact is ,Prez Trump is seriously under fire , not only in REAL court, in the court of public opinion as well


With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated. So tell me how that "Russian Collusion" thing has played out? Quite frankly that was a joke from the start. I can't believe that the people who actually DID collude with foreign agents to affect our election got away with accusing the man they smeared with doing what THEY did!

Trump has been under fire because of his lying. He lied about the crowds at his inauguration and when called on that lie, he doubled down on it.

I think his Inauguration Day lie was a trial balloon to see how the media would react to this relatively innocuous lie, just as the whole “birther lie” was a trial balloon to gauge the gullibility of the Republican base. 30% of Republicans still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Not coincidentally, I think, 30% of Republicans believe Trump over Comey, and support Trump regardless of what he does.

When the media refused to get in line and parrot Trump’s “alternative facts”, he declared war on the MSM and that the media was the “enemy of the people”.

Article One of the dictator’s handbook: Discredit the media and declare them to be the “enemy of the people”. That way they’ll have no idea of what you’re really doing.

Why were main stream media outlets going with the narrative that Trump's crowds were so much smaller than Obama's and using pictures taken before the crowd assembled to underscore how bad it was? Because they wanted to push the idea that Trump was in illegitimate President hated by the majority of Americans?

Dictators take over the media and use them as their mouthpieces. Trump hasn't done that. What he HAS done is fight back against a main stream media that is presently dominated by the left and slants the news to reflect that!
Ah...wasn't the "majority" of the media outlets demonizing him? Let's be honest here, Sparky...the main stream media went after Trump like nothing I've ever seen before and they continue to do so. Turn on CNN or NBC and give yourself a whack in the head every time they say something negative about Trump. After you've beaten yourself might want to rethink your contention that it's Trump that's demonizing the media. :eusa_wall:


Article One of the dictator’s handbook: Discredit the media and declare them to be the “enemy of the people”. That way they’ll have no idea of what you’re really doing.

The only thing keeping DOJ from actually becoming a dictator IS the media , due to his sole role in this life of being one by proxy before entering public service

Yes CEO's are fascist by design, operation & execution.

Ergo by proxy, Trump IS the creator of 'fake news' ,sucking in as many twitter followers as he can muster

A teenager would employ better vernacular , maturity ,poise & presence that one would expect of a public figure

Read him, and you'll see him shoot himself in the foot every other day

We know that the Left Wingers are fanatical knuttjobs, but their attacks on Trump are actually an attack on our democracy. They are at the dangerous stage of fanatical knuttjobs.

Trump’s attacks on the FBI, the CIA, and the media are a threat to American Democracy. His tax cuts threaten to bankrupt the treasury.

He has torn up treaties with your allies and friends while cozying up to Putin, Duerte and other despots.

And he’s taking health care and food stamps away from his base.

But you keep believing he’s a good guy.
Trump’s attacks on the FBI, the CIA, and the media are a threat to American Democracy. His tax cuts threaten to bankrupt the treasury.


BTW the treasury spends money, so it would be the spending bill that threatens the treasury. Not the money coming in. if you don't have it you don't spend it. it's really simple.
We know that the Left Wingers are fanatical knuttjobs, but their attacks on Trump are actually an attack on our democracy. They are at the dangerous stage of fanatical knuttjobs.

Trump’s attacks on the FBI, the CIA, and the media are a threat to American Democracy. His tax cuts threaten to bankrupt the treasury.

He has torn up treaties with your allies and friends while cozying up to Putin, Duerte and other despots.

And he’s taking health care and food stamps away from his base.

But you keep believing he’s a good guy.
Trump’s attacks on the FBI, the CIA, and the media are a threat to American Democracy. His tax cuts threaten to bankrupt the treasury.


BTW the treasury spends money, so it would be the spending bill that threatens the treasury. Not the money coming in. if you don't have it you don't spend it. it's really simple.
Trump signed the biggest spending bill in history, biggest deficit & said he would bankrupt the country!!!
This anti Trump equating to Pro Hillary shtick is the biggest political facade i've ever seen

They are both crooks Oldone.

The fact is ,Prez Trump is seriously under fire , not only in REAL court, in the court of public opinion as well


With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated. So tell me how that "Russian Collusion" thing has played out? Quite frankly that was a joke from the start. I can't believe that the people who actually DID collude with foreign agents to affect our election got away with accusing the man they smeared with doing what THEY did!

Trump has been under fire because of his lying. He lied about the crowds at his inauguration and when called on that lie, he doubled down on it.

I think his Inauguration Day lie was a trial balloon to see how the media would react to this relatively innocuous lie, just as the whole “birther lie” was a trial balloon to gauge the gullibility of the Republican base. 30% of Republicans still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Not coincidentally, I think, 30% of Republicans believe Trump over Comey, and support Trump regardless of what he does.

When the media refused to get in line and parrot Trump’s “alternative facts”, he declared war on the MSM and that the media was the “enemy of the people”.

Article One of the dictator’s handbook: Discredit the media and declare them to be the “enemy of the people”. That way they’ll have no idea of what you’re really doing.

Why were main stream media outlets going with the narrative that Trump's crowds were so much smaller than Obama's and using pictures taken before the crowd assembled to underscore how bad it was? Because they wanted to push the idea that Trump was in illegitimate President hated by the majority of Americans?

Dictators take over the media and use them as their mouthpieces. Trump hasn't done that. What he HAS done is fight back against a main stream media that is presently dominated by the left and slants the news to reflect that!

Again, you’re putting the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAbles. The crowds were a LOT smaller for Trump’s Inauguration. But that’s not the point. The point is the LYING.

Trump claimed the largest crowd in the history of Inaugurations attended. That was a lie. When the media said “No they didn’t”, Trump used photographs from the Women’s March on Saturday, which was better attended than his Inauguration, to bolster his claims.

His staffers then tried to promote the idea of “alternative facts” to substantiate Trump’s false claims. There are no “alternative facts”. There are facts and there are lies. The American people need facts to make decisions about the success or lack thereof in regards to the work of government.

As for your last paragraph, Trump can’t just take over the media. The First Amendment would get in his way and he knows it. Instead, he goes with death by a thousand cuts.

Every criticism is branded as “fake news”. When that strategy wasn’t successful, Trump went to a new talking point which is the “Deep State”. His failure to push his agenda through isn’t because of incompetence and chaos in the White House, it’s because his agenda is being thwarted by the “Deep State”.

The American public aren’t fooled, at least the majority of them aren’t. More people trust the MSM than trust Donald Trump. While you may think that the polls say otherwise, when you drill down on those polls, you’ll find that the questions are written to elicit certain responses.

Does the MSM make mistakes and publish stuff which isn’t true - yes or no. Of course the answer is yes. But when they do, they publish corrections, and in the case of reporters who deliberately lie to promote a false narrative, most MSM outlets fire the reporter.

FOX would be the exception since they retained the services of Sean Hannity who deliberately broadcast a false and misleading story about Seth Rich and is still working for FOX.

Trump lies and lies and lies. As long as he does, the MSM has a moral responsibility to report that he is lying. If Trump wants better press, he simply has to stop lying.
This anti Trump equating to Pro Hillary shtick is the biggest political facade i've ever seen

They are both crooks Oldone.

The fact is ,Prez Trump is seriously under fire , not only in REAL court, in the court of public opinion as well


With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated. So tell me how that "Russian Collusion" thing has played out? Quite frankly that was a joke from the start. I can't believe that the people who actually DID collude with foreign agents to affect our election got away with accusing the man they smeared with doing what THEY did!

Trump has been under fire because of his lying. He lied about the crowds at his inauguration and when called on that lie, he doubled down on it.

I think his Inauguration Day lie was a trial balloon to see how the media would react to this relatively innocuous lie, just as the whole “birther lie” was a trial balloon to gauge the gullibility of the Republican base. 30% of Republicans still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Not coincidentally, I think, 30% of Republicans believe Trump over Comey, and support Trump regardless of what he does.

When the media refused to get in line and parrot Trump’s “alternative facts”, he declared war on the MSM and that the media was the “enemy of the people”.

Article One of the dictator’s handbook: Discredit the media and declare them to be the “enemy of the people”. That way they’ll have no idea of what you’re really doing.

Why were main stream media outlets going with the narrative that Trump's crowds were so much smaller than Obama's and using pictures taken before the crowd assembled to underscore how bad it was? Because they wanted to push the idea that Trump was in illegitimate President hated by the majority of Americans?

Dictators take over the media and use them as their mouthpieces. Trump hasn't done that. What he HAS done is fight back against a main stream media that is presently dominated by the left and slants the news to reflect that!

Again, you’re putting the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAbles. The crowds were a LOT smaller for Trump’s Inauguration. But that’s not the point. The point is the LYING.

Trump claimed the largest crowd in the history of Inaugurations attended. That was a lie. When the media said “No they didn’t”, Trump used photographs from the Women’s March on Saturday, which was better attended than his Inauguration, to bolster his claims.

His staffers then tried to promote the idea of “alternative facts” to substantiate Trump’s false claims. There are no “alternative facts”. There are facts and there are lies. The American people need facts to make decisions about the success or lack thereof in regards to the work of government.

As for your last paragraph, Trump can’t just take over the media. The First Amendment would get in his way and he knows it. Instead, he goes with death by a thousand cuts.

Every criticism is branded as “fake news”. When that strategy wasn’t successful, Trump went to a new talking point which is the “Deep State”. His failure to push his agenda through isn’t because of incompetence and chaos in the White House, it’s because his agenda is being thwarted by the “Deep State”.

The American public aren’t fooled, at least the majority of them aren’t. More people trust the MSM than trust Donald Trump. While you may think that the polls say otherwise, when you drill down on those polls, you’ll find that the questions are written to elicit certain responses.

Does the MSM make mistakes and publish stuff which isn’t true - yes or no. Of course the answer is yes. But when they do, they publish corrections, and in the case of reporters who deliberately lie to promote a false narrative, most MSM outlets fire the reporter.

FOX would be the exception since they retained the services of Sean Hannity who deliberately broadcast a false and misleading story about Seth Rich and is still working for FOX.

Trump lies and lies and lies. As long as he does, the MSM has a moral responsibility to report that he is lying. If Trump wants better press, he simply has to stop lying.
You think Trump is EVER going to get "better press" from CNN and MSNBC? Really? Just how naive are you? The fact is the liberal media and Donald Trump are at war. They attacked him...he attacks them back. It has ZERO to do with "lies"'s all about the liberal media trying to elect Hillary Clinton...failing...and deciding that THEY know better than the voters!
This anti Trump equating to Pro Hillary shtick is the biggest political facade i've ever seen

They are both crooks Oldone.

The fact is ,Prez Trump is seriously under fire , not only in REAL court, in the court of public opinion as well


With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated. So tell me how that "Russian Collusion" thing has played out? Quite frankly that was a joke from the start. I can't believe that the people who actually DID collude with foreign agents to affect our election got away with accusing the man they smeared with doing what THEY did!

Trump has been under fire because of his lying. He lied about the crowds at his inauguration and when called on that lie, he doubled down on it.

I think his Inauguration Day lie was a trial balloon to see how the media would react to this relatively innocuous lie, just as the whole “birther lie” was a trial balloon to gauge the gullibility of the Republican base. 30% of Republicans still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Not coincidentally, I think, 30% of Republicans believe Trump over Comey, and support Trump regardless of what he does.

When the media refused to get in line and parrot Trump’s “alternative facts”, he declared war on the MSM and that the media was the “enemy of the people”.

Article One of the dictator’s handbook: Discredit the media and declare them to be the “enemy of the people”. That way they’ll have no idea of what you’re really doing.

Why were main stream media outlets going with the narrative that Trump's crowds were so much smaller than Obama's and using pictures taken before the crowd assembled to underscore how bad it was? Because they wanted to push the idea that Trump was in illegitimate President hated by the majority of Americans?

Dictators take over the media and use them as their mouthpieces. Trump hasn't done that. What he HAS done is fight back against a main stream media that is presently dominated by the left and slants the news to reflect that!

Again, you’re putting the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAbles. The crowds were a LOT smaller for Trump’s Inauguration. But that’s not the point. The point is the LYING.

Trump claimed the largest crowd in the history of Inaugurations attended. That was a lie. When the media said “No they didn’t”, Trump used photographs from the Women’s March on Saturday, which was better attended than his Inauguration, to bolster his claims.

His staffers then tried to promote the idea of “alternative facts” to substantiate Trump’s false claims. There are no “alternative facts”. There are facts and there are lies. The American people need facts to make decisions about the success or lack thereof in regards to the work of government.

As for your last paragraph, Trump can’t just take over the media. The First Amendment would get in his way and he knows it. Instead, he goes with death by a thousand cuts.

Every criticism is branded as “fake news”. When that strategy wasn’t successful, Trump went to a new talking point which is the “Deep State”. His failure to push his agenda through isn’t because of incompetence and chaos in the White House, it’s because his agenda is being thwarted by the “Deep State”.

The American public aren’t fooled, at least the majority of them aren’t. More people trust the MSM than trust Donald Trump. While you may think that the polls say otherwise, when you drill down on those polls, you’ll find that the questions are written to elicit certain responses.

Does the MSM make mistakes and publish stuff which isn’t true - yes or no. Of course the answer is yes. But when they do, they publish corrections, and in the case of reporters who deliberately lie to promote a false narrative, most MSM outlets fire the reporter.

FOX would be the exception since they retained the services of Sean Hannity who deliberately broadcast a false and misleading story about Seth Rich and is still working for FOX.

Trump lies and lies and lies. As long as he does, the MSM has a moral responsibility to report that he is lying. If Trump wants better press, he simply has to stop lying.
You think Trump is EVER going to get "better press" from CNN and MSNBC? Really? Just how naive are you? The fact is the liberal media and Donald Trump are at war. They attacked him...he attacks them back. It has ZERO to do with "lies"'s all about the liberal media trying to elect Hillary Clinton...failing...and deciding that THEY know better than the voters!

It is not he job of the media to act as cheerleaders for the President. It’s their job to publish facts and to provide information about the President’s programs and actions, both positive and negative. MSNBC and CNN were frequently critical of Obama and his policies too.

But this notion that criticism of Trump is because the left wing media is butthurt because Clinton lost is a false narrative. Utterly.

Trump attacked the media because they keep talking about Russian interference in the election which is a valid story. Trump views this as an effort to delegitimize his Presidency. The press views Russian interference as a fundamental attack on American democracy, which it is.

Trump wants the “Russia thing” to go away. But as long as Trump keeps lying down for Putin, that’s not going to happen. Today Trump refused to add to the sanctions he’s already imposed on Russia, even though Nikki Haley said economic sanction would be imposed. Why won’t Trump criticize Putin? Why won’t he impose the sanctions requested by the House and Congress? These are legitimate questions.

I do agree with dblack that the MSM bears some responsibility for Trump winning the nomination because they gave him so much free publicity during the primary season, although I disagree that they did so because they thought Clinton could beat him. I think they did it because his candidacy was such a joke that they never thought he’d win the nomination. He was very entertaining and they got great ratings.

Cynically speaking, they did it to make money. By the time they realized their mistake and started taking his candidacy seriously, it was too late.

Trump won the nomination with the fewest primary votes in history. He won the Presidency with fewer votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Obama in 2012. He lost the popular vote. These are facts which Trump can’t accept or acknowledge.

The larger question is, why are you so willing to overlook his lies, his inconsistencies, his lack of integrity in both his business dealings and his personal life?
Let's hope so!

Of course you hope so.

You lost over a year ago and are still major butt-hurt.

You'd love to see Trump's presidency fail....because you really don't give a fuck about America.

It's just what you want.

You pathetic weasel.

Go ahead and go after him. If it gets serious, lots of people are going to die.

You'd love to see Trump's presidency fail....because you really don't give a fuck about America.

No little guy, we want to see Trump's presidency fail, because we do give a fuck about the rule of law. Donald Trump is not a king, we did away with that in 1776. The rule of law will be his with it!
Lawyers Laid Low

The rule of law is the law of the rulers. They are overwhelmingly outnumbered and outgunned. Snowflakes have no hope for help from that quarter, only hype.
Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

Here's one of them........(lots of posters on here can relate to this guy)

View attachment 188088

Is posting funny to my answers the best you can do? is it?

Aren't you better than that? :dunno:


ok no then

You'd be better off debating a pile of dogshit.

It has more brains that nattie.
PRESIDENT TRUMP IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE LIBS...we have been hearing this ever since he won and he is still there...the Russian story fizzled...Stormy and her attorney are proven nut jobs...she could be in deep trouble with the IRS and now they go and break the law and raid Cohen's office....this is getting real bad...but not for Trump....
PRESIDENT TRUMP IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE LIBS...we have been hearing this ever since he won and he is still there...the Russian story fizzled...Stormy and her attorney are proven nut jobs...she could be in deep trouble with the IRS and now they go and break the law and raid Cohen's office....this is getting real bad...but not for Trump....
We have to get used to the Trump haters throwing shit against the wall hoping it sticks daily. Impeach Deez Nuts.
PRESIDENT TRUMP IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE LIBS...we have been hearing this ever since he won and he is still there...the Russian story fizzled...Stormy and her attorney are proven nut jobs...she could be in deep trouble with the IRS and now they go and break the law and raid Cohen's office....this is getting real bad...but not for Trump....
yea right, every day Trump show's he's compromised.
You've been spotted:
With all due respect, Sparky...Trump has been "under fire" from the main stream media since he was nominated. So tell me how that "Russian Collusion" thing has played out? Quite frankly that was a joke from the start. I can't believe that the people who actually DID collude with foreign agents to affect our election got away with accusing the man they smeared with doing what THEY did!

Trump has been under fire because of his lying. He lied about the crowds at his inauguration and when called on that lie, he doubled down on it.

I think his Inauguration Day lie was a trial balloon to see how the media would react to this relatively innocuous lie, just as the whole “birther lie” was a trial balloon to gauge the gullibility of the Republican base. 30% of Republicans still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Not coincidentally, I think, 30% of Republicans believe Trump over Comey, and support Trump regardless of what he does.

When the media refused to get in line and parrot Trump’s “alternative facts”, he declared war on the MSM and that the media was the “enemy of the people”.

Article One of the dictator’s handbook: Discredit the media and declare them to be the “enemy of the people”. That way they’ll have no idea of what you’re really doing.

Why were main stream media outlets going with the narrative that Trump's crowds were so much smaller than Obama's and using pictures taken before the crowd assembled to underscore how bad it was? Because they wanted to push the idea that Trump was in illegitimate President hated by the majority of Americans?

Dictators take over the media and use them as their mouthpieces. Trump hasn't done that. What he HAS done is fight back against a main stream media that is presently dominated by the left and slants the news to reflect that!

Again, you’re putting the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAbles. The crowds were a LOT smaller for Trump’s Inauguration. But that’s not the point. The point is the LYING.

Trump claimed the largest crowd in the history of Inaugurations attended. That was a lie. When the media said “No they didn’t”, Trump used photographs from the Women’s March on Saturday, which was better attended than his Inauguration, to bolster his claims.

His staffers then tried to promote the idea of “alternative facts” to substantiate Trump’s false claims. There are no “alternative facts”. There are facts and there are lies. The American people need facts to make decisions about the success or lack thereof in regards to the work of government.

As for your last paragraph, Trump can’t just take over the media. The First Amendment would get in his way and he knows it. Instead, he goes with death by a thousand cuts.

Every criticism is branded as “fake news”. When that strategy wasn’t successful, Trump went to a new talking point which is the “Deep State”. His failure to push his agenda through isn’t because of incompetence and chaos in the White House, it’s because his agenda is being thwarted by the “Deep State”.

The American public aren’t fooled, at least the majority of them aren’t. More people trust the MSM than trust Donald Trump. While you may think that the polls say otherwise, when you drill down on those polls, you’ll find that the questions are written to elicit certain responses.

Does the MSM make mistakes and publish stuff which isn’t true - yes or no. Of course the answer is yes. But when they do, they publish corrections, and in the case of reporters who deliberately lie to promote a false narrative, most MSM outlets fire the reporter.

FOX would be the exception since they retained the services of Sean Hannity who deliberately broadcast a false and misleading story about Seth Rich and is still working for FOX.

Trump lies and lies and lies. As long as he does, the MSM has a moral responsibility to report that he is lying. If Trump wants better press, he simply has to stop lying.
You think Trump is EVER going to get "better press" from CNN and MSNBC? Really? Just how naive are you? The fact is the liberal media and Donald Trump are at war. They attacked him...he attacks them back. It has ZERO to do with "lies"'s all about the liberal media trying to elect Hillary Clinton...failing...and deciding that THEY know better than the voters!

It is not he job of the media to act as cheerleaders for the President. It’s their job to publish facts and to provide information about the President’s programs and actions, both positive and negative. MSNBC and CNN were frequently critical of Obama and his policies too.

But this notion that criticism of Trump is because the left wing media is butthurt because Clinton lost is a false narrative. Utterly.

Trump attacked the media because they keep talking about Russian interference in the election which is a valid story. Trump views this as an effort to delegitimize his Presidency. The press views Russian interference as a fundamental attack on American democracy, which it is.

Trump wants the “Russia thing” to go away. But as long as Trump keeps lying down for Putin, that’s not going to happen. Today Trump refused to add to the sanctions he’s already imposed on Russia, even though Nikki Haley said economic sanction would be imposed. Why won’t Trump criticize Putin? Why won’t he impose the sanctions requested by the House and Congress? These are legitimate questions.

I do agree with dblack that the MSM bears some responsibility for Trump winning the nomination because they gave him so much free publicity during the primary season, although I disagree that they did so because they thought Clinton could beat him. I think they did it because his candidacy was such a joke that they never thought he’d win the nomination. He was very entertaining and they got great ratings.

Cynically speaking, they did it to make money. By the time they realized their mistake and started taking his candidacy seriously, it was too late.

Trump won the nomination with the fewest primary votes in history. He won the Presidency with fewer votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Obama in 2012. He lost the popular vote. These are facts which Trump can’t accept or acknowledge.

The larger question is, why are you so willing to overlook his lies, his inconsistencies, his lack of integrity in both his business dealings and his personal life?

Trump wants the "Russian collusion" thing to go away because the Russian collusion thing is and has always been...COMPLETE BULLSHIT! There was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Mueller has been looking for that unicorn for over a year and a half now and has come up with nothing. At the same investigation has been launched into the Clinton campaign's paying millions of dollars to foreign agents to smear her opponent in an American election! You have the NERVE to come here and pontificate about an attack on democracy? There WAS an attack...but it wasn't by was by Clinton!
Actually, Joey...the ironic thing is that it was your main stream media that in essence nominated Trump. They thought he was the one that Hillary could beat so they gave him coverage and starved the other GOP candidates. Then when they accomplished getting him nominated they immediately started attacking his "character".

so you are saying GOP voters were too stupid to realize they were doing this?

The American people voted for Trump because compared to Hillary...he was the better choice!

Except again, he lost by 3 million votes. The "American People" got this right.

As for Condi Rice? She was asked to run...she declined...and our country is the worse for it.

Well, good thing we didn't elect a war criminal. Be kind of embarrassing when she was indicted by the Hague for war crimes.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker

Y’all have been asking that question since 2016 and still nothing. We are getting tired of every week y’all saying “Teumps done! Yet nothing happens. Yawn.

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