Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Russia attacked American forces and their allies at U.S. base in Deir Ezzor, Syria, suffering heavy casualties.

Trump rewards Russia by canceling sanctions on Russia!
the trump-russia tale is rooted in the larger post-Cold War geopolitical clash between the US and Russia, a conflict that Moscow in 2016 shifted into the cyber shadows to gain a strategic advantage.
Second term

for President Trump!

YES!!!! for sure! :2up:

Bless him!

Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

And just what the fuck do you know ?

Please tell us.


You got a hamster up your ass?
Saddam was starting to reconstitute his armed forces using money gained from black market sales of oil to countries like France and Russia.

Oh, please, guy. He barely had military control of the whole country, much less was a threat to anyone else. The fact we rolled him up in three weeks with less than a force than we had in 1991 shows he wasn't doing anything we said he was.

We said he had WMD's. He didn't.

Bush lied, People died.

The sanctions imposed by the UN were all but meaningless!

400,000 Iraqis died between 1991 and 2003 of malnutrition and treatable diseases. I'd hardly call them meaningless.

Bush lied. People died.

Let me still don't think Saddam was attempting to buy yellow cake uranium in Africa?

It's been proven he wasn't. He already had massive stores of Uranium (which were not prohibited under the 1991 cease-fire) that he couldn't use. Why would he want more yummy yellow-cake he couldn't use?

For about the thousandth time...the popular vote isn't how we elect a President here in the US. We do it with electoral votes and the Electoral College. That was the ONLY vote that counted and Trump kicked Hillary's fat white ass in that vote! You may not like it but it's deal with it!

I realize we use a backward ass, stupid, racist system developed by slave rapists who didn't trust the people. That wasn't the point.

The point is you keep saying the people picked Trump.

No. The people REJECTED Trump. By large numbers.

The people got this right, God Bless them. The people spoke, but the system didn't listen to them, and now we have a crazy person in the White House.

As for Putin killing people? Are you so fucking clueless you don't know he's been doing that pretty much since he took power? Through the Obama Administration? During the Bush Administration? So how does THAT prove that Putin "controls" Trump? One more UTTERLY stupid post by you, Joey...par for the course!

Except now he does it with impunity with no consequences, because, hey, those pictures of hookers peeing on Trump might show up any day now.

"Vlady, sweety, can I put a meaningless sanction on you for show? Come on Vladdy, all the other guys are watching!"


What consequences did Putin face from Barack Obama for killing people? Take off your blinders,
Interesting , but the fact is Trump didn't demonize one media outlet , he went after the majority of them

I could understand if it was one lame broadcaster, journalist, or even whole media outlet

Nope, he 'fake news'd' the bulk of mainstream media , and now he's busy defunding public radio

That isn't about any given candidate, that's about using a candidate as an excuse to confront the 1st Amendment

Everything Trump has called "FAKE NEWS"

And he was spot on
Interesting , but the fact is Trump didn't demonize one media outlet , he went after the majority of them

I could understand if it was one lame broadcaster, journalist, or even whole media outlet

Nope, he 'fake news'd' the bulk of mainstream media , and now he's busy defunding public radio

That isn't about any given candidate, that's about using a candidate as an excuse to confront the 1st Amendment

Everything Trump has called "FAKE NEWS"

And he was spot on
'Fake News' , or 'Lying Politician' ?

seriously , who in their right mind gives any political figure a pass ALL the time

everything they say can be fact checked, and @ multiple sources

are we supposed to consider them ALL fake news too?

One of many on President Trumps remarks

The devil is ALWAYS in the details , but one needs to possess the horsepower to digest information provided

Or ,grant them all a pass

That choice is yours.

What consequences did Putin face from Barack Obama for killing people? Take off your blinders,

We put massive sanctions on him when he invaded the Ukraine. That's why he spent all this money getting back at Obama and Hillary by supporting Trump.

He probably just n ever thought we'd be dumb enough to elect him.
Not sure if it's the end of the Trump Presidency......I doubt it.

But what we ARE seeing in America is not really about Trump at all.
ALL this Anti-Trump nonsense is actually a much bigger, More sinister movement......

Follow history and what is ACTUALLY OCCURRING is the beginnings of the silencing of OPPOSITION Caret Blanc.

I would say what we're seeing is the first CLEAR WARNING SHOTS that the Left does not intend to allow opposition going forward, regardless of who the Right offers up. They will not tolerate ANYONE not along with their agendas. They will not tolerate ANY laws that support Constitutional rights that help the opposition (ie, the 2nd....or the 1st at liberal Universities)

They are going after Right wing politicians even the President.

That the Right is still uncertain about this and still arguing back and forth over it proves the Right has been caught like a deer in the headlights.
Truly unsettling times.

The Left is hysterically giddy and loving every moment of watching this tragic transformation
We put massive sanctions on him when he invaded the Ukraine. That's why he spent all this money getting back at Obama and Hillary by supporting Trump.
He probably just n ever thought we'd be dumb enough to elect him.

What you just said makes no sense.....

You said Putin put a lot of money into Trumps election....but thought we'd never elect him.......

And you're implying WE were dumb ????
We'd still be better off with a religious whack job like Pence then we would be with an incompetent fool like Trump.

Is that a case of "takes one to know one" or do you have any examples for us to consider?

Read the story I so kindly provided you. It lists many examples of the Trump crime family, and here are a few to ponder:

However, I am unaware of anybody who has taken a serious look at Trump’s business who doesn’t believe that there is a high likelihood of rampant criminality. In Azerbaijan, he did business with a likely money launderer for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. In the Republic of Georgia, he partnered with a group that was being investigated for a possible role in the largest known bank-fraud and money-laundering case in history. In Indonesia, his development partner is “knee-deep in dirty politics”; there are criminal investigations of his deals in Brazil; the F.B.I. is reportedly looking into his daughter Ivanka’s role in the Trump hotel in Vancouver, for which she worked with a Malaysian family that has admitted to financial fraud. Back home, Donald, Jr., and Ivanka were investigated for financial crimes associated with the Trump hotel in SoHo—an investigation that was halted suspiciously. His Taj Mahal casino received what was then the largest fine in history for money-laundering violations.

Listing all the financial misconduct can be overwhelming and tedious.
Guess what morons, you had a chance to make your case BEFORE the elections. And, it does not go un noticed that ewe completely ignore the crimes and corruption of Hillary Clinton so go pound sand!
'Fake News' , or 'Lying Politician' ?

seriously , who in their right mind gives any political figure a pass ALL the time

everything they say can be fact checked, and @ multiple sources

are we supposed to consider them ALL fake news too?

One of many on President Trumps remarks

The devil is ALWAYS in the details , but one needs to possess the horsepower to digest information provided

Or ,grant them all a pass

That choice is yours.

It’s not clear your point.
We'd still be better off with a religious whack job like Pence then we would be with an incompetent fool like Trump.

Is that a case of "takes one to know one" or do you have any examples for us to consider?

Read the story I so kindly provided you. It lists many examples of the Trump crime family, and here are a few to ponder:

However, I am unaware of anybody who has taken a serious look at Trump’s business who doesn’t believe that there is a high likelihood of rampant criminality. In Azerbaijan, he did business with a likely money launderer for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. In the Republic of Georgia, he partnered with a group that was being investigated for a possible role in the largest known bank-fraud and money-laundering case in history. In Indonesia, his development partner is “knee-deep in dirty politics”; there are criminal investigations of his deals in Brazil; the F.B.I. is reportedly looking into his daughter Ivanka’s role in the Trump hotel in Vancouver, for which she worked with a Malaysian family that has admitted to financial fraud. Back home, Donald, Jr., and Ivanka were investigated for financial crimes associated with the Trump hotel in SoHo—an investigation that was halted suspiciously. His Taj Mahal casino received what was then the largest fine in history for money-laundering violations.

Listing all the financial misconduct can be overwhelming and tedious.
Guess what morons, you had a chance to make your case BEFORE the elections. And, it does not go un noticed that ewe completely ignore the crimes and corruption of Hillary Clinton so go pound sand!
Had a chance before the elections?
You guys are only watching right wing media sources, who arent presenting the truth to you people.
There were plenty of warning signs before the election.
Just a small sample:
Trump's ties to Russia in Aug 2016.
Trump University is a fraud in June 2016.
Even Ted Cruz was talking of Trump's ties to the mob in early 2016.

Hillary aint president, get over it.
We'd still be better off with a religious whack job like Pence then we would be with an incompetent fool like Trump.

Is that a case of "takes one to know one" or do you have any examples for us to consider?

Read the story I so kindly provided you. It lists many examples of the Trump crime family, and here are a few to ponder:

However, I am unaware of anybody who has taken a serious look at Trump’s business who doesn’t believe that there is a high likelihood of rampant criminality. In Azerbaijan, he did business with a likely money launderer for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. In the Republic of Georgia, he partnered with a group that was being investigated for a possible role in the largest known bank-fraud and money-laundering case in history. In Indonesia, his development partner is “knee-deep in dirty politics”; there are criminal investigations of his deals in Brazil; the F.B.I. is reportedly looking into his daughter Ivanka’s role in the Trump hotel in Vancouver, for which she worked with a Malaysian family that has admitted to financial fraud. Back home, Donald, Jr., and Ivanka were investigated for financial crimes associated with the Trump hotel in SoHo—an investigation that was halted suspiciously. His Taj Mahal casino received what was then the largest fine in history for money-laundering violations.

Listing all the financial misconduct can be overwhelming and tedious.
Guess what morons, you had a chance to make your case BEFORE the elections. And, it does not go un noticed that ewe completely ignore the crimes and corruption of Hillary Clinton so go pound sand!
Had a chance before the elections?
You guys are only watching right wing media sources, who arent presenting the truth to you people.
There were plenty of warning signs before the election.
Just a small sample:
Trump's ties to Russia in Aug 2016.
Trump University is a fraud in June 2016.
Even Ted Cruz was talking of Trump's ties to the mob in early 2016.

Hillary aint president, get over it.
Hillary ain’t President. I fucking rejoice knowing that! Yay!
We'd still be better off with a religious whack job like Pence then we would be with an incompetent fool like Trump.

Is that a case of "takes one to know one" or do you have any examples for us to consider?

Read the story I so kindly provided you. It lists many examples of the Trump crime family, and here are a few to ponder:

However, I am unaware of anybody who has taken a serious look at Trump’s business who doesn’t believe that there is a high likelihood of rampant criminality. In Azerbaijan, he did business with a likely money launderer for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. In the Republic of Georgia, he partnered with a group that was being investigated for a possible role in the largest known bank-fraud and money-laundering case in history. In Indonesia, his development partner is “knee-deep in dirty politics”; there are criminal investigations of his deals in Brazil; the F.B.I. is reportedly looking into his daughter Ivanka’s role in the Trump hotel in Vancouver, for which she worked with a Malaysian family that has admitted to financial fraud. Back home, Donald, Jr., and Ivanka were investigated for financial crimes associated with the Trump hotel in SoHo—an investigation that was halted suspiciously. His Taj Mahal casino received what was then the largest fine in history for money-laundering violations.

Listing all the financial misconduct can be overwhelming and tedious.
Guess what morons, you had a chance to make your case BEFORE the elections. And, it does not go un noticed that ewe completely ignore the crimes and corruption of Hillary Clinton so go pound sand!
Had a chance before the elections?
You guys are only watching right wing media sources, who arent presenting the truth to you people.
There were plenty of warning signs before the election.
Just a small sample:
Trump's ties to Russia in Aug 2016.
Trump University is a fraud in June 2016.
Even Ted Cruz was talking of Trump's ties to the mob in early 2016.

Hillary aint president, get over it.
Hillary ain’t President. I fucking rejoice knowing that! Yay!
But the Trumptards cant seem to stop thinking about her.
Go ahead Moon Bat and believe that Trump is kaput.

Your delusion is always so satisfying when it is shattered.

You can't help yourself can you?


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