Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Trump is the infected boil on America, swollen, red, and painful. The boil needs to be lanced, the pus drained, and the healing to begin. Once moderate Americans see how infectious the disease of ignorance, corruption, pathological dishonesty and veiled racism is to the health and well being of our democracy (and many already have) I have to wonder what will fill the ideological vacuum that Trumpism will leave in its wake.

Democrats are by no means blameless, but they do believe in a government run by educated professionals who aspire to be the best in their respective fields. The previous two Republican administrations have been notoriously staffed by cronies, many woefully unqualified, and as bad as the Bush administration was, it covered up its cronyism like establishment Republicans have perfected the process. The Trump Administration is blatant and uninterested in appearances, with his family immediately occupying key posts, and his appointments to his inner circle being the people he watches on Fox News.

We still have three more years to feel the pain of this boil, and it likely will not be lanced until 2020. What platform will Republicans adopt after the religious absolutism of the war mongering neoconservatives under Bush, and now the blatant corruption and endless cycle of polarizing attacks on democracy under Trump?

I predict a rebirth of the Republican party, one that understands that a theocratic approach to governing appeals to a shrinking number of Americans, and a dog whistle "Make America Great Again" platform of not so veiled racism won't work either, because America becomes less white every day. We have seen how cowardly Republicans are to stand up to Trump. but some have shown backbone. One knows his days are numbered on this earth and has stood up, while two others have abandoned their seats, and are content to stand up as they are walking away from the fight.

I look forward to the rebadged Republican Party, one that is more inclusive and less ideological.
I look forward to the rebadged Republican Party, one that is more inclusive and less ideological.

I disagree. The hallmark of the Trump fiasco is a determined lack of ideology.

It's true from the perspective of Trump only. The party itself is still largely theocratic, that's why a deeply unpopular former Indiana Governor was named Vice President, to appeal to the fundamentalist strain.
I look forward to the rebadged Republican Party, one that is more inclusive and less ideological.

I disagree. The hallmark of the Trump fiasco is a determined lack of ideology.

It's true from the perspective of Trump only. The party itself is still largely theocratic, that's why a deeply unpopular former Indiana Governor was named Vice President, to appeal to the fundamentalist strain.

Trump's veep pick was always about creating an insurance policy.
As long as the New Yorker's Adam Davidson's editorials keep the crazy left off the streets it's fine but you almost gotta laugh that certain words tend to make lefties shell out dinero for junk that doesn't make sense but makes corporate New Yorker richer for another couple of weeks.
Second term

for President Trump!

YES!!!! for sure! :2up:

Bless him!

Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

And just what the fuck do you know ?

Please tell us.


You got a hamster up your ass?

Answer: You got nothing.
What you just said makes no sense.....

You said Putin put a lot of money into Trumps election....but thought we'd never elect him.......

And you're implying WE were dumb ????

Putin still would have reaped a benefit of Trump losing. Remember, the goal here is to weaken America by sowing distrust, which is why they have Troll Farms outside St. Petersburg telling you wingnuts the darkies are out to get you.
What consequences did Putin face from Barack Obama for killing people? Take off your blinders,

We slapped a shitload of sanctions on him when he invaded Ukraine... you know this.

And what did those sanctions DO, Joey? Did they change Putin's behavior in even the slightest way? The fact of the matter is that every single time Barry was confronted by aggression...he talked tough (red line in the sand?) and then did diddly! You think Putin had anything but contempt for a sissy like Obama? Don't make me laugh...
Trump is the infected boil on America, swollen, red, and painful. The boil needs to be lanced, the pus drained, and the healing to begin. Once moderate Americans see how infectious the disease of ignorance, corruption, pathological dishonesty and veiled racism is to the health and well being of our democracy (and many already have) I have to wonder what will fill the ideological vacuum that Trumpism will leave in its wake.

Democrats are by no means blameless, but they do believe in a government run by educated professionals who aspire to be the best in their respective fields. The previous two Republican administrations have been notoriously staffed by cronies, many woefully unqualified, and as bad as the Bush administration was, it covered up its cronyism like establishment Republicans have perfected the process. The Trump Administration is blatant and uninterested in appearances, with his family immediately occupying key posts, and his appointments to his inner circle being the people he watches on Fox News.

We still have three more years to feel the pain of this boil, and it likely will not be lanced until 2020. What platform will Republicans adopt after the religious absolutism of the war mongering neoconservatives under Bush, and now the blatant corruption and endless cycle of polarizing attacks on democracy under Trump?

I predict a rebirth of the Republican party, one that understands that a theocratic approach to governing appeals to a shrinking number of Americans, and a dog whistle "Make America Great Again" platform of not so veiled racism won't work either, because America becomes less white every day. We have seen how cowardly Republicans are to stand up to Trump. but some have shown backbone. One knows his days are numbered on this earth and has stood up, while two others have abandoned their seats, and are content to stand up as they are walking away from the fight.

I look forward to the rebadged Republican Party, one that is more inclusive and less ideological.

With all due respect, Danny...liberals believe in "educated professionals" with zero real world experience as the cure for the world's ills...and that belief is why you get naive waifs like Barack Obama blundering his way through two terms as President!
And what did those sanctions DO, Joey? Did they change Putin's behavior in even the slightest way? The fact of the matter is that every single time Barry was confronted by aggression...he talked tough (red line in the sand?) and then did diddly! You think Putin had anything but contempt for a sissy like Obama? Don't make me laugh...

I think he had enough of a concern to bankroll Trump... so yeah.

Now he's dictating policy.

"Oh, Vlady, we are going to bomb your ally's stuff in a couple of days, so can you get all your boys and assets out of there, it's just for show"

"Da, little Donaldsky, we do!"
And what did those sanctions DO, Joey? Did they change Putin's behavior in even the slightest way? The fact of the matter is that every single time Barry was confronted by aggression...he talked tough (red line in the sand?) and then did diddly! You think Putin had anything but contempt for a sissy like Obama? Don't make me laugh...

I think he had enough of a concern to bankroll Trump... so yeah.

Now he's dictating policy.

"Oh, Vlady, we are going to bomb your ally's stuff in a couple of days, so can you get all your boys and assets out of there, it's just for show"

"Da, little Donaldsky, we do!"

Yeah, I'm sure that Vladimir Putin was REALLY concerned about Barack Obama! What policy do you think Putin has "dictated" so far?
And what did those sanctions DO, Joey? Did they change Putin's behavior in even the slightest way? The fact of the matter is that every single time Barry was confronted by aggression...he talked tough (red line in the sand?) and then did diddly! You think Putin had anything but contempt for a sissy like Obama? Don't make me laugh...

I think he had enough of a concern to bankroll Trump... so yeah.

Now he's dictating policy.

"Oh, Vlady, we are going to bomb your ally's stuff in a couple of days, so can you get all your boys and assets out of there, it's just for show"

"Da, little Donaldsky, we do!"

What policy might that be?
With all due respect, Danny...liberals believe in "educated professionals" with zero real world experience as the cure for the world's ills...and that belief is why you get naive waifs like Barack Obama blundering his way through two terms as President!

With all due respect, Pres. Obama did a great job. Look at the NUMBERS instead of listening to the BULLSHIT.

Look at the JOB GROWTH when he was President, and it has continued into Trump's first year, as well.

We know what happened under 8 years of Bush, and now we have more of the same, only worse, under Trump. In case you didn't know, experience and education MATTER.
With all due respect, Danny...liberals believe in "educated professionals" with zero real world experience as the cure for the world's ills...and that belief is why you get naive waifs like Barack Obama blundering his way through two terms as President!

With all due respect, Pres. Obama did a great job. Look at the NUMBERS instead of listening to the BULLSHIT.

Look at the JOB GROWTH when he was President, and it has continued into Trump's first year, as well.

We know what happened under 8 years of Bush, and now we have more of the same, only worse, under Trump. In case you didn't know, experience and education MATTER.

What numbers are you looking at? He had tepid job growth numbers for his entire Presidency and to be quite blunt most of the jobs that were being created were DESPITE his agenda!

Experience and education DO matter! What experience creating jobs did Barack Obama have prior to becoming President? For that matter name something exceptional that he did from the time he left Harvard as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! Was he a great lawyer? I've seen zero evidence of that. Was he a great college professor? The mantra in higher education is "publish or perish" tell me what scholarly works Barack Obama produced during his time teaching at the University of Chicago? Was he a great legislator? The truth is that until Emile Jones took him under his wing and started feeding him other people's legislation to sign his name to...Barack Obama hadn't managed to pass a SINGLE piece of legislation in the Illinois State Senate...not one!

So I'm baffled quite frankly at what "experience" you thought Barry brought to the party...
With all due respect, Danny...liberals believe in "educated professionals" with zero real world experience as the cure for the world's ills...and that belief is why you get naive waifs like Barack Obama blundering his way through two terms as President!

With all due respect, Pres. Obama did a great job. Look at the NUMBERS instead of listening to the BULLSHIT.

Look at the JOB GROWTH when he was President, and it has continued into Trump's first year, as well.

We know what happened under 8 years of Bush, and now we have more of the same, only worse, under Trump. In case you didn't know, experience and education MATTER.

What numbers are you looking at? He had tepid job growth numbers for his entire Presidency and to be quite blunt most of the jobs that were being created were DESPITE his agenda!

Experience and education DO matter! What experience creating jobs did Barack Obama have prior to becoming President? For that matter name something exceptional that he did from the time he left Harvard as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! Was he a great lawyer? I've seen zero evidence of that. Was he a great college professor? The mantra in higher education is "publish or perish" tell me what scholarly works Barack Obama produced during his time teaching at the University of Chicago? Was he a great legislator? The truth is that until Emile Jones took him under his wing and started feeding him other people's legislation to sign his name to...Barack Obama hadn't managed to pass a SINGLE piece of legislation in the Illinois State Senate...not one!

So I'm baffled quite frankly at what "experience" you thought Barry brought to the party...

Must of been all those shove ready jobs that threw the numbers way off.
With all due respect, Danny...liberals believe in "educated professionals" with zero real world experience as the cure for the world's ills...and that belief is why you get naive waifs like Barack Obama blundering his way through two terms as President!

With all due respect, Pres. Obama did a great job. Look at the NUMBERS instead of listening to the BULLSHIT.

Look at the JOB GROWTH when he was President, and it has continued into Trump's first year, as well.

We know what happened under 8 years of Bush, and now we have more of the same, only worse, under Trump. In case you didn't know, experience and education MATTER.

What numbers are you looking at? He had tepid job growth numbers for his entire Presidency and to be quite blunt most of the jobs that were being created were DESPITE his agenda!

Experience and education DO matter! What experience creating jobs did Barack Obama have prior to becoming President? For that matter name something exceptional that he did from the time he left Harvard as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! Was he a great lawyer? I've seen zero evidence of that. Was he a great college professor? The mantra in higher education is "publish or perish" tell me what scholarly works Barack Obama produced during his time teaching at the University of Chicago? Was he a great legislator? The truth is that until Emile Jones took him under his wing and started feeding him other people's legislation to sign his name to...Barack Obama hadn't managed to pass a SINGLE piece of legislation in the Illinois State Senate...not one!

So I'm baffled quite frankly at what "experience" you thought Barry brought to the party...

Must of been all those shove ready jobs that threw the numbers way off.

The biggest jobs creator during the Obama Administration was the energy boom created by fracking technology...something that Obama was against...yet he was more than willing to take credit for the energy boom when it took place.

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