Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

You're as clueless about shale oil as you are about most other things, Joey. Fracking is what made it practical. Fracking is what increased our production of oil and natural gas to where we had surpluses and didn't need to rely on oil and natural gas from trouble spots like the Middle East and Venezuela.
You're as clueless about shale oil as you are about most other things, Joey. Fracking is what made it practical. Fracking is what increased our production of oil and natural gas to where we had surpluses and didn't need to rely on oil and natural gas from trouble spots like the Middle East and Venezuela.
You should be thanking Mitchell Energy & former President Jimmy Carter for fracking!!! Big oil is always to busy stuffing their pockets rather than spending big on R&D!
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You're as clueless about shale oil as you are about most other things, Joey. Fracking is what made it practical. Fracking is what increased our production of oil and natural gas to where we had surpluses and didn't need to rely on oil and natural gas from trouble spots like the Middle East and Venezuela.
You should be thanking Mitchell Energy & former President Jimmy Carter for fracking!!! Big oil is always to busy stuffing their pockets rather than spending big on R&D!

Big Oil spends billions on R&D, Kiss...the advantage of fracking is that the cost to develop a shale oil field or to reap natural gas from the ground using fracking is a fraction of the cost of finding and developing oil deposits under the ocean. You should be grateful that Big Oil has made the US less dependent on OPEC.
Simple question for a simple person, Joey! If Obama's economies were so great...then why was the Fed unable to raise interest rates during his Presidency? The economy has been doing so well under Trump that the Fed has raised rates five times since he was elected. They were only able to raise them once from the time that Barry was elected until Trump was chosen as his successor. Answer me that...

Um, who cares?

Hey, guy, Obama brought us out of the worst recession in 80 years and left us with full employment...

and the Fed knew not to screw that up because of fighting inflation that was never going to show up.
You're as clueless about shale oil as you are about most other things, Joey. Fracking is what made it practical. Fracking is what increased our production of oil and natural gas to where we had surpluses and didn't need to rely on oil and natural gas from trouble spots like the Middle East and Venezuela.

uh, guy, that is horrible for the enviornment, which is why they do it out in the Dakotas where no one would want to live to start with.

When the oil runs out, the place will be nothing again.
Simple question for a simple person, Joey! If Obama's economies were so great...then why was the Fed unable to raise interest rates during his Presidency? The economy has been doing so well under Trump that the Fed has raised rates five times since he was elected. They were only able to raise them once from the time that Barry was elected until Trump was chosen as his successor. Answer me that...

Um, who cares?

Hey, guy, Obama brought us out of the worst recession in 80 years and left us with full employment...

and the Fed knew not to screw that up because of fighting inflation that was never going to show up.

What the Fed "knew" was that the economy under Obama was so weak that every time they even began to talk about a rate increase the markets went into free fall. What they "know" now is that the economy is strong enough to support five rate increases in the short time since Trump was elected!

All of which makes your claim that Barry was great for the economy...LAUGHABLE, Joey!
You're as clueless about shale oil as you are about most other things, Joey. Fracking is what made it practical. Fracking is what increased our production of oil and natural gas to where we had surpluses and didn't need to rely on oil and natural gas from trouble spots like the Middle East and Venezuela.

uh, guy, that is horrible for the enviornment, which is why they do it out in the Dakotas where no one would want to live to start with.

When the oil runs out, the place will be nothing again.

They do it in the Dakotas because that's where the largest shale oil fields are, oh Clueless One!
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
I would feel better when he does the same with the Clinton Foundation, Geo Soros Foundation s and the NAACP, ACLU, Planned Parent Hood
What the Fed "knew" was that the economy under Obama was so weak that every time they even began to talk about a rate increase the markets went into free fall. What they "know" now is that the economy is strong enough to support five rate increases in the short time since Trump was elected!

All of which makes your claim that Barry was great for the economy...LAUGHABLE, Joey!

Okay, so when the Trump recession breaks out, you'll tell us how great he is, and it's part of his master plan.

The Fed didn't raise rates because inflation was non-existant in the Obama years. The fact they are raising them now means they are worried about it and are actually trying to trigger a recession, which they shouldn't be.

They do it in the Dakotas because that's where the largest shale oil fields are, oh Clueless One!

And again- places where people actually live wouldn't tolerate it.
What the Fed "knew" was that the economy under Obama was so weak that every time they even began to talk about a rate increase the markets went into free fall. What they "know" now is that the economy is strong enough to support five rate increases in the short time since Trump was elected!

All of which makes your claim that Barry was great for the economy...LAUGHABLE, Joey!

Okay, so when the Trump recession breaks out, you'll tell us how great he is, and it's part of his master plan.

The Fed didn't raise rates because inflation was non-existant in the Obama years. The fact they are raising them now means they are worried about it and are actually trying to trigger a recession, which they shouldn't be.

They do it in the Dakotas because that's where the largest shale oil fields are, oh Clueless One!

And again- places where people actually live wouldn't tolerate it.

You get more ignorant by the day, Joey! Inflation typically happens when the cost of production increases due to shortages of raw materials or a shortage of labor due to low unemployment which raises wages. That's called "Cost Push" something that happens when either an event has triggered a shortage (like the oil shortages caused by OPEC in the 1970's) or when an economy is booming and employment is near full capacity.

The other type of inflation is caused by "Demand Pull"...something that typically occurs when tax cuts are given or when a central bank increases the money supply or when a nation devalues it's currency.

The reason that the Fed wasn't worried about inflation in the Obama years is that the economy was so stagnant that none of the above were taking place. They were increasing the money supply but the economy was so weak that it didn't create any "Demand Pull" inflation! That's an indication of how bad the economy was during Barry's two terms!

Contrast THAT with the Fed having five rate increases since Trump was elected. That's a central bank reacting to a growing economy.
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.

Well, I am afraid you are the fucking idiot. 75 months of the slowest most agonizing progress out of the ditch the world has ever known.
What the Fed "knew" was that the economy under Obama was so weak that every time they even began to talk about a rate increase the markets went into free fall. What they "know" now is that the economy is strong enough to support five rate increases in the short time since Trump was elected!

All of which makes your claim that Barry was great for the economy...LAUGHABLE, Joey!

Okay, so when the Trump recession breaks out, you'll tell us how great he is, and it's part of his master plan.

The Fed didn't raise rates because inflation was non-existant in the Obama years. The fact they are raising them now means they are worried about it and are actually trying to trigger a recession, which they shouldn't be.

They do it in the Dakotas because that's where the largest shale oil fields are, oh Clueless One!

And again- places where people actually live wouldn't tolerate it.

Once again we have the unprincipled (former conservative wild ass) dick of the board speaking for other people.
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.

He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...and had 75 months of tepid job growth much of which occurred DESPITE his agenda! The man that steered us back from the "abyss" was George W. Bush who pushed TARP through. Obama gave us the ACA and was proposing to give us Cap & Trade...both of which were job killers! He oversaw the spending of nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus spending which he promised would create jobs but then had to resort to lying about how many jobs he actually created by using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they did!

You think Barry was a job creator? Name the policy of his that created the most jobs! I dare ya!
The reason that the Fed wasn't worried about inflation in the Obama years is that the economy was so stagnant that none of the above were taking place. They were increasing the money supply but the economy was so weak that it didn't create any "Demand Pull" inflation! That's an indication of how bad the economy was during Barry's two terms!

Again, guy, we went from 10% unemployment to 4%, we went from a 6000 Dow to 20,000.

Don't worry, Trump will fuck these things up soon enough, and you guys will find a way to blame Democrats for it.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
/——/ Saul Alynski would be proud of you. Calling your political foes a crime family with zero evidence while ignoring proven crimes by your party members.
The reason that the Fed wasn't worried about inflation in the Obama years is that the economy was so stagnant that none of the above were taking place. They were increasing the money supply but the economy was so weak that it didn't create any "Demand Pull" inflation! That's an indication of how bad the economy was during Barry's two terms!

Again, guy, we went from 10% unemployment to 4%, we went from a 6000 Dow to 20,000.

Don't worry, Trump will fuck these things up soon enough, and you guys will find a way to blame Democrats for it.[/QUO

You mean the way that you Democrats blamed Bush for YEARS as Barry struggled with the economy? Like it was W. who passed the ACA? Like it was W. that proposed Cap & Trade legislation? Like it was W. who misspent nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus money and only created a fraction of the jobs that he promised? Like it was W who had his Chief Economic Advisors all jump ship and run back to academia after they struggled with the economy?

You progressives keep trotting out those numbers on unemployment and the Dow because you can't cite anything that Obama ever did that improved the economy so you hide behind misleading statistics that show a US economy that was strong enough that it improved DESPITE his awful leadership! The people that suffered through the Great Recession losing most of their savings remembered how inept Democrats were at leading the's why they voted out you clowns in the biggest swing from one party to another in modern political history...and why they didn't vote for a continuation of Obama's policies with Hillary at the helm.
The reason that the Fed wasn't worried about inflation in the Obama years is that the economy was so stagnant that none of the above were taking place. They were increasing the money supply but the economy was so weak that it didn't create any "Demand Pull" inflation! That's an indication of how bad the economy was during Barry's two terms!

Again, guy, we went from 10% unemployment to 4%, we went from a 6000 Dow to 20,000.

Don't worry, Trump will fuck these things up soon enough, and you guys will find a way to blame Democrats for it.

The Dow was baselined at 14,000. Bush had it there. It was going to recover on it's own....regardless of your wet dream blathering.

So he gets credit for 5,000 or 20%...pretty crappy for eight years.
Some of you fools are too small minded to see the big picture ! The Dems are coming, wake TF up and stop acting like whiny B*itches and criticizing everything and everyone. We MAGA or America dies. We grow our reach or America dies ! Plain and Simple.

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