Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

My prediction is nowhere near. Maybe after the midterms.

Maybe not.

I think three things have to happen to get rid of Trump

1) Mueller has to uncover something truly criminal.
2) the Dems have to take the House
3) The economy goes south to the point where Republicans see him as a liability in 2020.
Only a "true believer" (or deceiver?) like yourself would tout a stimulus that created jobs at a cost of $540,000 to $4.1 million per job as an Obama "success"! There is a REALLY good reason why the Obama Administration started using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their go to economic statistic, Joey! They didn't want the American people to figure out how few jobs they actually created after spending nearly a trillion dollars of our money!

Except, again- we went from 10% unemployment to 4% unemployment.

The Stimulus worked just fine, thanks.

We didn't get back to unemployment rates that low until YEARS after the recession started, Joey...long after the Stimulus was gone away. I'm amused that you think a stimulus who's main purpose was to create jobs but failed miserably at doing that..."worked just fine, thanks." How anyone can look at the cost per job figures for that stimulus and think it "worked" is either really stupid or a total partisan...or in your case...BOTH!
What part of 75 straight months of job growth don't you understand? Do you want me to compare this job growth to what took place under George W. Bush?

I'm giving you actual statistics, 75 months of job creation. How many years is that? Do you know that these 75 months were consecutive? Do you want to compare the job growth under Pres. Bush with the job growth under Pres. Obama? TARP was a 700 billion dollar giveaway to banks who STOLE freely under LAX regulations that were weakened under Bush.

In summary, let me wrap this up for you: Bush allowed banks to steal and gamble away trillions, then he took your money and mine and bailed them out when their losses caused a worldwide economic earthquake. Corruption was the name of the game under Bush, just like it is under Trump. You are either too blind, or too stupid, to see the obvious. My guess is both.

So you can't name the Obama policies that created jobs...which is why you keep repeating the "75 straight months!" thing, Danny? I ask again...what policies of Barack Obama created jobs?

TARP monies paid to banks by Bush was repaid by those banks plus a profit. We lost money on only one part of TARP and that was the bailout of the auto industry by Barack Obama with his portion of the TARP fund. How can you term something a "giveaway"...when the money "given" was repaid?

So you keep asking, like a parrot, exactly what policies created those 75 months of job creation, and I have to ask, why does it matter to me what those policies are? I care about 75 straight months of job creation, not which policies were responsible. I'm much more concerned with job losses and how many occurred under Bush. I think I'll go off topic and remind you of those in my next post, and I'll even show you why those losses occurred under his watch.

I went to help you, I really do.

You can "help me" by answering my very simple question, Danny...instead of ducking it repeatedly! Since you claim that Obama was wonderful with the economy then it SHOULD be easy for you to name the policies that he employed to improve the economy and create jobs! It should be...but you seem unable to do so. Why is that? Are you afraid that you're going to fail as badly as Joe the board dunce?

I want to help you, I really do, but you have to learn to help yourself. You have to dig for these answers on your own and not expect someone to spoon feed you. You can do it if you try, I have confidence in you!


Why do you even bother posting here? You claim Obama was great with job creation and the economy...which is your opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions...but when you're challenged on that seem to think being "cute" will suffice instead of posting something that backs up what you've claimed.

I don't think you can come up with any Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy. I think you've painted yourself into a corner when you claimed that you could and now you have to post nonsense like the above to try and save face. Do yourself a favor...the board already has idiots like Joey and R-Derp...try not to be another person who gets mocked for being an intellectual lightweight!

I think we should start seeing other people.
We didn't get back to unemployment rates that low until YEARS after the recession started, Joey...long after the Stimulus was gone away. I'm amused that you think a stimulus who's main purpose was to create jobs but failed miserably at doing that..."worked just fine, thanks."

Um, it saved the job I had, so, yeah... it did just fine.

But you keep pretending that Recessions aren't a Republican thing.
So you can't name the Obama policies that created jobs...which is why you keep repeating the "75 straight months!" thing, Danny? I ask again...what policies of Barack Obama created jobs?

TARP monies paid to banks by Bush was repaid by those banks plus a profit. We lost money on only one part of TARP and that was the bailout of the auto industry by Barack Obama with his portion of the TARP fund. How can you term something a "giveaway"...when the money "given" was repaid?

So you keep asking, like a parrot, exactly what policies created those 75 months of job creation, and I have to ask, why does it matter to me what those policies are? I care about 75 straight months of job creation, not which policies were responsible. I'm much more concerned with job losses and how many occurred under Bush. I think I'll go off topic and remind you of those in my next post, and I'll even show you why those losses occurred under his watch.

I went to help you, I really do.

You can "help me" by answering my very simple question, Danny...instead of ducking it repeatedly! Since you claim that Obama was wonderful with the economy then it SHOULD be easy for you to name the policies that he employed to improve the economy and create jobs! It should be...but you seem unable to do so. Why is that? Are you afraid that you're going to fail as badly as Joe the board dunce?

I want to help you, I really do, but you have to learn to help yourself. You have to dig for these answers on your own and not expect someone to spoon feed you. You can do it if you try, I have confidence in you!


Why do you even bother posting here? You claim Obama was great with job creation and the economy...which is your opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions...but when you're challenged on that seem to think being "cute" will suffice instead of posting something that backs up what you've claimed.

I don't think you can come up with any Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy. I think you've painted yourself into a corner when you claimed that you could and now you have to post nonsense like the above to try and save face. Do yourself a favor...the board already has idiots like Joey and R-Derp...try not to be another person who gets mocked for being an intellectual lightweight!

I think we should start seeing other people.

I think you should start backing up your claims with something other than this nonsense! Otherwise...why waste the board space? :2cents:
We didn't get back to unemployment rates that low until YEARS after the recession started, Joey...long after the Stimulus was gone away. I'm amused that you think a stimulus who's main purpose was to create jobs but failed miserably at doing that..."worked just fine, thanks."

Um, it saved the job I had, so, yeah... it did just fine.

But you keep pretending that Recessions aren't a Republican thing.

I'm sure that will make the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs and had to burn through their savings feel a whole lot better because "you" didn't lose your job! The two worst recoveries from recessions were both led by Democratic are awful recoveries a "Democratic thing"?
So you keep asking, like a parrot, exactly what policies created those 75 months of job creation, and I have to ask, why does it matter to me what those policies are? I care about 75 straight months of job creation, not which policies were responsible. I'm much more concerned with job losses and how many occurred under Bush. I think I'll go off topic and remind you of those in my next post, and I'll even show you why those losses occurred under his watch.

I went to help you, I really do.

You can "help me" by answering my very simple question, Danny...instead of ducking it repeatedly! Since you claim that Obama was wonderful with the economy then it SHOULD be easy for you to name the policies that he employed to improve the economy and create jobs! It should be...but you seem unable to do so. Why is that? Are you afraid that you're going to fail as badly as Joe the board dunce?

I want to help you, I really do, but you have to learn to help yourself. You have to dig for these answers on your own and not expect someone to spoon feed you. You can do it if you try, I have confidence in you!


Why do you even bother posting here? You claim Obama was great with job creation and the economy...which is your opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions...but when you're challenged on that seem to think being "cute" will suffice instead of posting something that backs up what you've claimed.

I don't think you can come up with any Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy. I think you've painted yourself into a corner when you claimed that you could and now you have to post nonsense like the above to try and save face. Do yourself a favor...the board already has idiots like Joey and R-Derp...try not to be another person who gets mocked for being an intellectual lightweight!

I think we should start seeing other people.

I think you should start backing up your claims with something other than this nonsense! Otherwise...why waste the board space? :2cents:

I've given you more than you deserve. You are looking for specifics when I'm giving you the aggregate. I could provide you specifics, but when you said George W. Bush was responsible for rescuing the economy from a recession that was the worst since the Great Depression, and happened on his watch, I think I'll pass on going into further detail.

But remember this: 75 straight months.
We didn't get back to unemployment rates that low until YEARS after the recession started, Joey...long after the Stimulus was gone away. I'm amused that you think a stimulus who's main purpose was to create jobs but failed miserably at doing that..."worked just fine, thanks."

Um, it saved the job I had, so, yeah... it did just fine.

But you keep pretending that Recessions aren't a Republican thing.

I'm sure that will make the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs and had to burn through their savings feel a whole lot better because "you" didn't lose your job! The two worst recoveries from recessions were both led by Democratic are awful recoveries a "Democratic thing"?

No, but economic recessions are a Republican thing. Republicans have not been fiscally responsible since before Reagan was elected, and the two worst in modern history are George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump, both of whom will saddle future generations with a debt that will likely never be repaid.

Where is William Jefferson Clinton when we desperately need him?
We are at the end of the first stage of a Really Great part of it
Much more to come
I think it's time to say MADE AGA
We didn't get back to unemployment rates that low until YEARS after the recession started, Joey...long after the Stimulus was gone away. I'm amused that you think a stimulus who's main purpose was to create jobs but failed miserably at doing that..."worked just fine, thanks."

Um, it saved the job I had, so, yeah... it did just fine.

But you keep pretending that Recessions aren't a Republican thing.

I'm sure that will make the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs and had to burn through their savings feel a whole lot better because "you" didn't lose your job! The two worst recoveries from recessions were both led by Democratic are awful recoveries a "Democratic thing"?

No, but economic recessions are a Republican thing. Republicans have not been fiscally responsible since before Reagan was elected, and the two worst in modern history are George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump, both of whom will saddle future generations with a debt that will likely never be repaid.

Where is William Jefferson Clinton when we desperately need him?
You mean where is Newt Gingrich? His "contract with America" and the Dot Com Boom are what kept Slick Willie from running up a deficit fully as large as any other President! The liberal myth that Clinton was some kind of economic "whiz kid" is as laughable as your claims that Obama was a "job creator"!
You can "help me" by answering my very simple question, Danny...instead of ducking it repeatedly! Since you claim that Obama was wonderful with the economy then it SHOULD be easy for you to name the policies that he employed to improve the economy and create jobs! It should be...but you seem unable to do so. Why is that? Are you afraid that you're going to fail as badly as Joe the board dunce?

I want to help you, I really do, but you have to learn to help yourself. You have to dig for these answers on your own and not expect someone to spoon feed you. You can do it if you try, I have confidence in you!


Why do you even bother posting here? You claim Obama was great with job creation and the economy...which is your opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions...but when you're challenged on that seem to think being "cute" will suffice instead of posting something that backs up what you've claimed.

I don't think you can come up with any Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy. I think you've painted yourself into a corner when you claimed that you could and now you have to post nonsense like the above to try and save face. Do yourself a favor...the board already has idiots like Joey and R-Derp...try not to be another person who gets mocked for being an intellectual lightweight!

I think we should start seeing other people.

I think you should start backing up your claims with something other than this nonsense! Otherwise...why waste the board space? :2cents:

I've given you more than you deserve. You are looking for specifics when I'm giving you the aggregate. I could provide you specifics, but when you said George W. Bush was responsible for rescuing the economy from a recession that was the worst since the Great Depression, and happened on his watch, I think I'll pass on going into further detail.

But remember this: 75 straight months.

What have you really given? A misleading statistic designed to obscure how bad Barack Obama was when it came to job creation specifically and the economy in general? Oh my...I asked for "specifics"? The HORROR!!! (eye roll) I asked about as simple a question as one could possibly ask...what were the Obama policies that created jobs...and you're totally unable to answer that question. That's telling, Danny! I think you'll "pass" on going into further detail because you CAN'T go into detail without revealing that you're full of shit!
I'm sure that will make the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs and had to burn through their savings feel a whole lot better because "you" didn't lose your job! The two worst recoveries from recessions were both led by Democratic are awful recoveries a "Democratic thing"?

Guy, the thing is,

The RECESSIONS themselves happen when Republicans are in charge.

9 of the last 10 recessions- Republicans were in charge.

"Oh, you didn't clean up my fuckup fast enough" is hardly an argument, buddy.
I'm sure that will make the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs and had to burn through their savings feel a whole lot better because "you" didn't lose your job! The two worst recoveries from recessions were both led by Democratic are awful recoveries a "Democratic thing"?

Guy, the thing is,

The RECESSIONS themselves happen when Republicans are in charge.

9 of the last 10 recessions- Republicans were in charge.

"Oh, you didn't clean up my fuckup fast enough" is hardly an argument, buddy.

You mean the two worst "clean ups" in American economic history? The Great Depression and The Great Recession...both recessions overseen by liberals and prolonged by a total lack of understanding of basic economics? Yeah, you're right, Joey...LOL
I want to help you, I really do, but you have to learn to help yourself. You have to dig for these answers on your own and not expect someone to spoon feed you. You can do it if you try, I have confidence in you!


Why do you even bother posting here? You claim Obama was great with job creation and the economy...which is your opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions...but when you're challenged on that seem to think being "cute" will suffice instead of posting something that backs up what you've claimed.

I don't think you can come up with any Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy. I think you've painted yourself into a corner when you claimed that you could and now you have to post nonsense like the above to try and save face. Do yourself a favor...the board already has idiots like Joey and R-Derp...try not to be another person who gets mocked for being an intellectual lightweight!

I think we should start seeing other people.

I think you should start backing up your claims with something other than this nonsense! Otherwise...why waste the board space? :2cents:

I've given you more than you deserve. You are looking for specifics when I'm giving you the aggregate. I could provide you specifics, but when you said George W. Bush was responsible for rescuing the economy from a recession that was the worst since the Great Depression, and happened on his watch, I think I'll pass on going into further detail.

But remember this: 75 straight months.

What have you really given? A misleading statistic designed to obscure how bad Barack Obama was when it came to job creation specifically and the economy in general? Oh my...I asked for "specifics"? The HORROR!!! (eye roll) I asked about as simple a question as one could possibly ask...what were the Obama policies that created jobs...and you're totally unable to answer that question. That's telling, Danny! I think you'll "pass" on going into further detail because you CAN'T go into detail without revealing that you're full of shit!
I thought it was those shovel ready jobs!
You mean the two worst "clean ups" in American economic history? The Great Depression and The Great Recession...both recessions overseen by liberals and prolonged by a total lack of understanding of basic economics? Yeah, you're right, Joey...LOL

Yeah, guy, the two biggest fuckups by Republicans....

The Great Recession happened because the Republicans spent two decades dismantling all the safeguards that were put into place after the Great Depression, and we got exactly the result you should have expected.
You mean the two worst "clean ups" in American economic history? The Great Depression and The Great Recession...both recessions overseen by liberals and prolonged by a total lack of understanding of basic economics? Yeah, you're right, Joey...LOL

Yeah, guy, the two biggest fuckups by Republicans....

The Great Recession happened because the Republicans spent two decades dismantling all the safeguards that were put into place after the Great Depression, and we got exactly the result you should have expected.

Funny how you ignore the contributions that Democrats made to the housing collapse, Joey...and the warnings from George W. Bush to Congress about that happening which were pooh poohed by people like Barney Frank.

The Great Recession BECAME the great recession because Barack Obama didn't have a clue about how economics worked and spent the early part of his Presidency pushing a liberal agenda that actually hurt job production! The only thing that saved his bony ass from being labeled the worst President EVER on the economy was that Republicans took back control of Congress so he couldn't pass Cap & Trade legislation that would have well and truly screwed us! The biggest economic boom to occur in Barry's two terms took place in the energy sector and it took place DESPITE his opposition to fracking!
I'm sure that will make the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs and had to burn through their savings feel a whole lot better because "you" didn't lose your job! The two worst recoveries from recessions were both led by Democratic are awful recoveries a "Democratic thing"?

Guy, the thing is,

The RECESSIONS themselves happen when Republicans are in charge.

9 of the last 10 recessions- Republicans were in charge.

"Oh, you didn't clean up my fuckup fast enough" is hardly an argument, buddy.


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