Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

Some of you fools are too small minded to see the big picture ! The Dems are coming, wake TF up and stop acting like whiny B*itches and criticizing everything and everyone. We MAGA or America dies. We grow our reach or America dies ! Plain and Simple.

Shut up, stupid.
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.

He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...and had 75 months of tepid job growth much of which occurred DESPITE his agenda! The man that steered us back from the "abyss" was George W. Bush who pushed TARP through. Obama gave us the ACA and was proposing to give us Cap & Trade...both of which were job killers! He oversaw the spending of nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus spending which he promised would create jobs but then had to resort to lying about how many jobs he actually created by using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they did!

You think Barry was a job creator? Name the policy of his that created the most jobs! I dare ya!

Good God you're lost.

George W. Bush, who left office on the heels of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, steered us back?

What can you say to such idiocy? There are no words.
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker

well if the CIA assassinates him as they did JFK who ALSO tried to fight the deep state that Trump is doing a good job of and there have been rumors going around that there is a plot,then yeah you are right,it will be the endof his presidency.

He learned from JFK's mistake though and is not using the traiterous secret service who stood down that day so that is WHY it has been much more difficult to off HIM.he knows not to make the fatal mistake to trust them and is using his own bodyguards.:2up:
Second term

for President Trump!

YES!!!! for sure! :2up:

Bless him!

Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

Second term for President Trump.....and


wish there was a third term too!

he owns it! :04::banana:
Niki Haley 2024!
Second term

for President Trump!

YES!!!! for sure! :2up:

Bless him!

Low information is the perfect euphemism for Trump supporters like you. They grow like corn where I live, people who barely made it out of high school and everything they know about the world is what they see on Fox News and read on Facebook. Sound like someone you know?

Second term for President Trump.....and


wish there was a third term too!

he owns it! :04::banana:
Niki Haley 2024!

Hmmm nah....sorry DarkFury, this time I won't agree....:eusa_naughty:

Niki Haley is a little warmonger, she always seems itching to start WW3..... I do not like or respect her at all.:sad:

Lets choose somebody else!:04:
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.

He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...and had 75 months of tepid job growth much of which occurred DESPITE his agenda! The man that steered us back from the "abyss" was George W. Bush who pushed TARP through. Obama gave us the ACA and was proposing to give us Cap & Trade...both of which were job killers! He oversaw the spending of nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus spending which he promised would create jobs but then had to resort to lying about how many jobs he actually created by using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they did!

You think Barry was a job creator? Name the policy of his that created the most jobs! I dare ya!

Good God you're lost.

George W. Bush, who left office on the heels of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, steered us back?

What can you say to such idiocy? There are no words.

TARP is what brought us back from the edge of the precipice. That was all Bush. You call me an "idiot" because I point out that Obama wasn't good with the economy or job creation...yet you fail to name the Obama policies that created jobs or grew the economy? Why is that, Danny?
He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...

because he was dealing with the worst downturn since the Great Depression.

HELLLLLOOOOOO, Stupid. 10 TRILLION in wealth disappeared. Vanished. Obama got it back and then some.
Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.

He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...and had 75 months of tepid job growth much of which occurred DESPITE his agenda! The man that steered us back from the "abyss" was George W. Bush who pushed TARP through. Obama gave us the ACA and was proposing to give us Cap & Trade...both of which were job killers! He oversaw the spending of nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus spending which he promised would create jobs but then had to resort to lying about how many jobs he actually created by using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they did!

You think Barry was a job creator? Name the policy of his that created the most jobs! I dare ya!

Good God you're lost.

George W. Bush, who left office on the heels of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, steered us back?

What can you say to such idiocy? There are no words.

TARP is what brought us back from the edge of the precipice. That was all Bush. You call me an "idiot" because I point out that Obama wasn't good with the economy or job creation...yet you fail to name the Obama policies that created jobs or grew the economy? Why is that, Danny?

What part of 75 straight months of job growth don't you understand? Do you want me to compare this job growth to what took place under George W. Bush?

I'm giving you actual statistics, 75 months of job creation. How many years is that? Do you know that these 75 months were consecutive? Do you want to compare the job growth under Pres. Bush with the job growth under Pres. Obama? TARP was a 700 billion dollar giveaway to banks who STOLE freely under LAX regulations that were weakened under Bush.

In summary, let me wrap this up for you: Bush allowed banks to steal and gamble away trillions, then he took your money and mine and bailed them out when their losses caused a worldwide economic earthquake. Corruption was the name of the game under Bush, just like it is under Trump. You are either too blind, or too stupid, to see the obvious. My guess is both.
Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.

He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...and had 75 months of tepid job growth much of which occurred DESPITE his agenda! The man that steered us back from the "abyss" was George W. Bush who pushed TARP through. Obama gave us the ACA and was proposing to give us Cap & Trade...both of which were job killers! He oversaw the spending of nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus spending which he promised would create jobs but then had to resort to lying about how many jobs he actually created by using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they did!

You think Barry was a job creator? Name the policy of his that created the most jobs! I dare ya!

Good God you're lost.

George W. Bush, who left office on the heels of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, steered us back?

What can you say to such idiocy? There are no words.

TARP is what brought us back from the edge of the precipice. That was all Bush. You call me an "idiot" because I point out that Obama wasn't good with the economy or job creation...yet you fail to name the Obama policies that created jobs or grew the economy? Why is that, Danny?

What part of 75 straight months of job growth don't you understand? Do you want me to compare this job growth to what took place under George W. Bush?

I'm giving you actual statistics, 75 months of job creation. How many years is that? Do you know that these 75 months were consecutive? Do you want to compare the job growth under Pres. Bush with the job growth under Pres. Obama? TARP was a 700 billion dollar giveaway to banks who STOLE freely under LAX regulations that were weakened under Bush.

In summary, let me wrap this up for you: Bush allowed banks to steal and gamble away trillions, then he took your money and mine and bailed them out when their losses caused a worldwide economic earthquake. Corruption was the name of the game under Bush, just like it is under Trump. You are either too blind, or too stupid, to see the obvious. My guess is both.

So you can't name the Obama policies that created jobs...which is why you keep repeating the "75 straight months!" thing, Danny? I ask again...what policies of Barack Obama created jobs?

TARP monies paid to banks by Bush was repaid by those banks plus a profit. We lost money on only one part of TARP and that was the bailout of the auto industry by Barack Obama with his portion of the TARP fund. How can you term something a "giveaway"...when the money "given" was repaid?
He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...

because he was dealing with the worst downturn since the Great Depression.

HELLLLLOOOOOO, Stupid. 10 TRILLION in wealth disappeared. Vanished. Obama got it back and then some.

You say that, Joey...yet you can't tell us what Obama policy it was that created wealth. Why is that?
You say that, Joey...yet you can't tell us what Obama policy it was that created wealth. Why is that?

The Stimulus
The Auto Bailout

I've said this a bunch of times, but you were too busy hating on the black guy.
You're a fucking idiot, 75 straight months of job growth and bringing us back from the WORST recession since the Great Depression, and you are critical of that man steering us back from the abyss?

You're a Trump voter, and really, what else does someone need to know? That pretty much sums it up these days, and no further explanation is even necessary.

He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...and had 75 months of tepid job growth much of which occurred DESPITE his agenda! The man that steered us back from the "abyss" was George W. Bush who pushed TARP through. Obama gave us the ACA and was proposing to give us Cap & Trade...both of which were job killers! He oversaw the spending of nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus spending which he promised would create jobs but then had to resort to lying about how many jobs he actually created by using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they did!

You think Barry was a job creator? Name the policy of his that created the most jobs! I dare ya!

Good God you're lost.

George W. Bush, who left office on the heels of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, steered us back?

What can you say to such idiocy? There are no words.

TARP is what brought us back from the edge of the precipice. That was all Bush. You call me an "idiot" because I point out that Obama wasn't good with the economy or job creation...yet you fail to name the Obama policies that created jobs or grew the economy? Why is that, Danny?

What part of 75 straight months of job growth don't you understand? Do you want me to compare this job growth to what took place under George W. Bush?

I'm giving you actual statistics, 75 months of job creation. How many years is that? Do you know that these 75 months were consecutive? Do you want to compare the job growth under Pres. Bush with the job growth under Pres. Obama? TARP was a 700 billion dollar giveaway to banks who STOLE freely under LAX regulations that were weakened under Bush.

In summary, let me wrap this up for you: Bush allowed banks to steal and gamble away trillions, then he took your money and mine and bailed them out when their losses caused a worldwide economic earthquake. Corruption was the name of the game under Bush, just like it is under Trump. You are either too blind, or too stupid, to see the obvious. My guess is both.

So you can't name the Obama policies that created jobs...which is why you keep repeating the "75 straight months!" thing, Danny? I ask again...what policies of Barack Obama created jobs?

TARP monies paid to banks by Bush was repaid by those banks plus a profit. We lost money on only one part of TARP and that was the bailout of the auto industry by Barack Obama with his portion of the TARP fund. How can you term something a "giveaway"...when the money "given" was repaid?

So you keep asking, like a parrot, exactly what policies created those 75 months of job creation, and I have to ask, why does it matter to me what those policies are? I care about 75 straight months of job creation, not which policies were responsible. I'm much more concerned with job losses and how many occurred under Bush. I think I'll go off topic and remind you of those in my next post, and I'll even show you why those losses occurred under his watch.

I went to help you, I really do.
You say that, Joey...yet you can't tell us what Obama policy it was that created wealth. Why is that?

The Stimulus
The Auto Bailout

I've said this a bunch of times, but you were too busy hating on the black guy.

The stimulus? LOL Really? Do the math, Joey!

"When [the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act] was being considered, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that it would increase budget deficits by $787 billion between fiscal years 2009 and 2019. CBO now estimates that the total impact over the 2009–2019 period will amount to about $831 billion.

By CBO’s estimate, close to half of that impact occurred in fiscal year 2010, and more than 90 percent of ARRA’s budgetary impact was realized by the end of March 2012. CBO has estimated the law’s impact on employment and economic output using evidence about the effects of previous similar policies and drawing on various mathematical models that represent the workings of the economy. …

On that basis CBO estimates that ARRA’s policies had the following effects in the first quarter of calendar year 2012 compared with what would have occurred otherwise:

— They raised real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) by between 0.1 percent and 1.0 percent,

— They lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.1 percentage points and 0.8 percentage points,

— They increased the number of people employed by between 0.2 million and 1.5 million,

— They increased the number of full-time-equivalent jobs by 0.3 million to 1.9 million. (Increases in FTE jobs include shifts from part-time to full-time work or overtime and are thus generally larger than increases in the number of employed workers.)

OK, so without the stimulus, there would be anywhere from 200,000 to 1.5 million fewer people employed right now? That means the current cost-per-job created is somewhere between $4.1 million and $540,000"
CBO: Obama stimulus may have cost as much as $4.1 million a job - AEI

Only a "true believer" (or deceiver?) like yourself would tout a stimulus that created jobs at a cost of $540,000 to $4.1 million per job as an Obama "success"! There is a REALLY good reason why the Obama Administration started using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their go to economic statistic, Joey! They didn't want the American people to figure out how few jobs they actually created after spending nearly a trillion dollars of our money!
You say that, Joey...yet you can't tell us what Obama policy it was that created wealth. Why is that?

The Stimulus
The Auto Bailout

I've said this a bunch of times, but you were too busy hating on the black guy.

Quantitative Easing? God, you're an idiot when it comes to economics! First of all QE is done by the Fed...not by the White House! Secondly, QE is done when a central bank wants to employ expansionary monetary policy but can no longer do so because they have already lowered interest rates to zero or near zero. QE wasn't an Obama "policy" but it was definitely an indicator that Obama economic policies were not working and that extraordinary measures had to be taken to stimulate an economy that is weak.
He led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...and had 75 months of tepid job growth much of which occurred DESPITE his agenda! The man that steered us back from the "abyss" was George W. Bush who pushed TARP through. Obama gave us the ACA and was proposing to give us Cap & Trade...both of which were job killers! He oversaw the spending of nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus spending which he promised would create jobs but then had to resort to lying about how many jobs he actually created by using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they did!

You think Barry was a job creator? Name the policy of his that created the most jobs! I dare ya!

Good God you're lost.

George W. Bush, who left office on the heels of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, steered us back?

What can you say to such idiocy? There are no words.

TARP is what brought us back from the edge of the precipice. That was all Bush. You call me an "idiot" because I point out that Obama wasn't good with the economy or job creation...yet you fail to name the Obama policies that created jobs or grew the economy? Why is that, Danny?

What part of 75 straight months of job growth don't you understand? Do you want me to compare this job growth to what took place under George W. Bush?

I'm giving you actual statistics, 75 months of job creation. How many years is that? Do you know that these 75 months were consecutive? Do you want to compare the job growth under Pres. Bush with the job growth under Pres. Obama? TARP was a 700 billion dollar giveaway to banks who STOLE freely under LAX regulations that were weakened under Bush.

In summary, let me wrap this up for you: Bush allowed banks to steal and gamble away trillions, then he took your money and mine and bailed them out when their losses caused a worldwide economic earthquake. Corruption was the name of the game under Bush, just like it is under Trump. You are either too blind, or too stupid, to see the obvious. My guess is both.

So you can't name the Obama policies that created jobs...which is why you keep repeating the "75 straight months!" thing, Danny? I ask again...what policies of Barack Obama created jobs?

TARP monies paid to banks by Bush was repaid by those banks plus a profit. We lost money on only one part of TARP and that was the bailout of the auto industry by Barack Obama with his portion of the TARP fund. How can you term something a "giveaway"...when the money "given" was repaid?

So you keep asking, like a parrot, exactly what policies created those 75 months of job creation, and I have to ask, why does it matter to me what those policies are? I care about 75 straight months of job creation, not which policies were responsible. I'm much more concerned with job losses and how many occurred under Bush. I think I'll go off topic and remind you of those in my next post, and I'll even show you why those losses occurred under his watch.

I went to help you, I really do.

You can "help me" by answering my very simple question, Danny...instead of ducking it repeatedly! Since you claim that Obama was wonderful with the economy then it SHOULD be easy for you to name the policies that he employed to improve the economy and create jobs! It should be...but you seem unable to do so. Why is that? Are you afraid that you're going to fail as badly as Joe the board dunce?
Would it not be wonderful to see the looks on the faces of these libs if they somehow manage to impeach Trump and remove him from office and Pence takes the oath of office right before Vice President Ryan?

The LIBs are so fucking stupid many of them actually believe if Trump is impeached then Hillary will become president.
President Pence will have the school kids saying the Lord's Prayer twice a day. LOL!
Good God you're lost.

George W. Bush, who left office on the heels of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, steered us back?

What can you say to such idiocy? There are no words.

TARP is what brought us back from the edge of the precipice. That was all Bush. You call me an "idiot" because I point out that Obama wasn't good with the economy or job creation...yet you fail to name the Obama policies that created jobs or grew the economy? Why is that, Danny?

What part of 75 straight months of job growth don't you understand? Do you want me to compare this job growth to what took place under George W. Bush?

I'm giving you actual statistics, 75 months of job creation. How many years is that? Do you know that these 75 months were consecutive? Do you want to compare the job growth under Pres. Bush with the job growth under Pres. Obama? TARP was a 700 billion dollar giveaway to banks who STOLE freely under LAX regulations that were weakened under Bush.

In summary, let me wrap this up for you: Bush allowed banks to steal and gamble away trillions, then he took your money and mine and bailed them out when their losses caused a worldwide economic earthquake. Corruption was the name of the game under Bush, just like it is under Trump. You are either too blind, or too stupid, to see the obvious. My guess is both.

So you can't name the Obama policies that created jobs...which is why you keep repeating the "75 straight months!" thing, Danny? I ask again...what policies of Barack Obama created jobs?

TARP monies paid to banks by Bush was repaid by those banks plus a profit. We lost money on only one part of TARP and that was the bailout of the auto industry by Barack Obama with his portion of the TARP fund. How can you term something a "giveaway"...when the money "given" was repaid?

So you keep asking, like a parrot, exactly what policies created those 75 months of job creation, and I have to ask, why does it matter to me what those policies are? I care about 75 straight months of job creation, not which policies were responsible. I'm much more concerned with job losses and how many occurred under Bush. I think I'll go off topic and remind you of those in my next post, and I'll even show you why those losses occurred under his watch.

I went to help you, I really do.

You can "help me" by answering my very simple question, Danny...instead of ducking it repeatedly! Since you claim that Obama was wonderful with the economy then it SHOULD be easy for you to name the policies that he employed to improve the economy and create jobs! It should be...but you seem unable to do so. Why is that? Are you afraid that you're going to fail as badly as Joe the board dunce?

I want to help you, I really do, but you have to learn to help yourself. You have to dig for these answers on your own and not expect someone to spoon feed you. You can do it if you try, I have confidence in you!

Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

Another butt hurt Hillary loser ,go light a candle ,he is not going anywhere
TARP is what brought us back from the edge of the precipice. That was all Bush. You call me an "idiot" because I point out that Obama wasn't good with the economy or job creation...yet you fail to name the Obama policies that created jobs or grew the economy? Why is that, Danny?

What part of 75 straight months of job growth don't you understand? Do you want me to compare this job growth to what took place under George W. Bush?

I'm giving you actual statistics, 75 months of job creation. How many years is that? Do you know that these 75 months were consecutive? Do you want to compare the job growth under Pres. Bush with the job growth under Pres. Obama? TARP was a 700 billion dollar giveaway to banks who STOLE freely under LAX regulations that were weakened under Bush.

In summary, let me wrap this up for you: Bush allowed banks to steal and gamble away trillions, then he took your money and mine and bailed them out when their losses caused a worldwide economic earthquake. Corruption was the name of the game under Bush, just like it is under Trump. You are either too blind, or too stupid, to see the obvious. My guess is both.

So you can't name the Obama policies that created jobs...which is why you keep repeating the "75 straight months!" thing, Danny? I ask again...what policies of Barack Obama created jobs?

TARP monies paid to banks by Bush was repaid by those banks plus a profit. We lost money on only one part of TARP and that was the bailout of the auto industry by Barack Obama with his portion of the TARP fund. How can you term something a "giveaway"...when the money "given" was repaid?

So you keep asking, like a parrot, exactly what policies created those 75 months of job creation, and I have to ask, why does it matter to me what those policies are? I care about 75 straight months of job creation, not which policies were responsible. I'm much more concerned with job losses and how many occurred under Bush. I think I'll go off topic and remind you of those in my next post, and I'll even show you why those losses occurred under his watch.

I went to help you, I really do.

You can "help me" by answering my very simple question, Danny...instead of ducking it repeatedly! Since you claim that Obama was wonderful with the economy then it SHOULD be easy for you to name the policies that he employed to improve the economy and create jobs! It should be...but you seem unable to do so. Why is that? Are you afraid that you're going to fail as badly as Joe the board dunce?

I want to help you, I really do, but you have to learn to help yourself. You have to dig for these answers on your own and not expect someone to spoon feed you. You can do it if you try, I have confidence in you!


Why do you even bother posting here? You claim Obama was great with job creation and the economy...which is your opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions...but when you're challenged on that seem to think being "cute" will suffice instead of posting something that backs up what you've claimed.

I don't think you can come up with any Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy. I think you've painted yourself into a corner when you claimed that you could and now you have to post nonsense like the above to try and save face. Do yourself a favor...the board already has idiots like Joey and R-Derp...try not to be another person who gets mocked for being an intellectual lightweight!
Only a "true believer" (or deceiver?) like yourself would tout a stimulus that created jobs at a cost of $540,000 to $4.1 million per job as an Obama "success"! There is a REALLY good reason why the Obama Administration started using "Jobs Created or Saved" as their go to economic statistic, Joey! They didn't want the American people to figure out how few jobs they actually created after spending nearly a trillion dollars of our money!

Except, again- we went from 10% unemployment to 4% unemployment.

The Stimulus worked just fine, thanks.

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