Are We At The End Stage Of The Trump Presidency?

With all due respect, Danny...liberals believe in "educated professionals" with zero real world experience as the cure for the world's ills...and that belief is why you get naive waifs like Barack Obama blundering his way through two terms as President!

With all due respect, Pres. Obama did a great job. Look at the NUMBERS instead of listening to the BULLSHIT.

Look at the JOB GROWTH when he was President, and it has continued into Trump's first year, as well.

We know what happened under 8 years of Bush, and now we have more of the same, only worse, under Trump. In case you didn't know, experience and education MATTER.

What numbers are you looking at? He had tepid job growth numbers for his entire Presidency and to be quite blunt most of the jobs that were being created were DESPITE his agenda!

Experience and education DO matter! What experience creating jobs did Barack Obama have prior to becoming President? For that matter name something exceptional that he did from the time he left Harvard as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! Was he a great lawyer? I've seen zero evidence of that. Was he a great college professor? The mantra in higher education is "publish or perish" tell me what scholarly works Barack Obama produced during his time teaching at the University of Chicago? Was he a great legislator? The truth is that until Emile Jones took him under his wing and started feeding him other people's legislation to sign his name to...Barack Obama hadn't managed to pass a SINGLE piece of legislation in the Illinois State Senate...not one!

So I'm baffled quite frankly at what "experience" you thought Barry brought to the party...

You are of a reality television show mentality. You honestly attribute any job growth to Donald Trump? Seriously? What has he done? And who has he elected to key positions that are both experienced and knowledgable in their respective fields?

Betsy DeVos? Scott Pruitt? Ben Carson? Ryan Zinke? Rick Perry?

You see, here is what Presidents do: They surround themselves with the "best people", and most of these people are not very well known, if they are even known at all. They are not famous, they are not loudmouths, they are not media whores, they are skilled professionals. And that is who President Obama surrounded himself with, and that is why he had 75 straight months of job growth.

What Kind Of 'Jobs President' Has Obama Been — In 8 Charts

Considering he had a HOSTILE opposition who worked TIRELESSLY to defeat him (at the cost of this nation) and considering the huge pile of shit that the idiot frat boy from Texas and his merry band of swindlers left waiting for him on his arrival to the White House, he did a stellar job for 8 years.

But Trump dropping one liners and insults gets you hooting and hollering like you are watching a Dukes of Hazard marathon, and you think in his one year of constant administration turnover, playing golf every weekend and shrieking and wailing about Hillary Clinton and the FBI that he has Made America Great Again.
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The biggest jobs creator during the Obama Administration was the energy boom created by fracking technology...something that Obama was against...yet he was more than willing to take credit for the energy boom when it took place.

Guy, it didn't create that many jobs... I know you guys masturbate at the thought of polluting water to get a few barrels of oil, though.
The biggest jobs creator during the Obama Administration was the energy boom created by fracking technology...something that Obama was against...yet he was more than willing to take credit for the energy boom when it took place.

Guy, it didn't create that many jobs... I know you guys masturbate at the thought of polluting water to get a few barrels of oil, though.

Look around you, everywhere there is oil...
You totally missed the point.

no, I didn't... but never mind...

So we get this-


And we are STILL paying $3.00 a gallon?
Here is a little set-up, but the crux of the article is the raid on Cohen's emails and other troves of evidence that will ultimately start to crumble the wall of secrecy surrounding the Trump crime family. So glad that Mueller is doing such a thorough investigation, and as an added bonus, Trump's attack on the FBI adds some extra incentive on the part of this law enforcement agency.

I thought of those earlier experiences this week as I began to feel a familiar clarity about what will unfold next in the Trump Presidency. There are lots of details and surprises to come, but the endgame of this Presidency seems as clear now as those of Iraq and the financial crisis did months before they unfolded. Last week, federal investigators raided the offices of Michael Cohen, the man who has been closer than anybody to Trump’s most problematic business and personal relationships. This week, we learned that Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months—his e-mails have been read, presumably his phones have been tapped, and his meetings have been monitored. Trump has long declared a red line: Robert Mueller must not investigate his businesses, and must only look at any possible collusion with Russia. That red line is now crossed and, for Trump, in the most troubling of ways. Even if he were to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then had Mueller and his investigation put on ice, and even if—as is disturbingly possible—Congress did nothing, the Cohen prosecution would continue. Even if Trump pardons Cohen, the information the Feds have on him can become the basis for charges against others in the Trump Organization.

Michael Cohen and the End Stage of the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
Good Allah it's gonna be a long 8 years
With all due respect, Danny...liberals believe in "educated professionals" with zero real world experience as the cure for the world's ills...and that belief is why you get naive waifs like Barack Obama blundering his way through two terms as President!

With all due respect, Pres. Obama did a great job. Look at the NUMBERS instead of listening to the BULLSHIT.

Look at the JOB GROWTH when he was President, and it has continued into Trump's first year, as well.

We know what happened under 8 years of Bush, and now we have more of the same, only worse, under Trump. In case you didn't know, experience and education MATTER.

What numbers are you looking at? He had tepid job growth numbers for his entire Presidency and to be quite blunt most of the jobs that were being created were DESPITE his agenda!

Experience and education DO matter! What experience creating jobs did Barack Obama have prior to becoming President? For that matter name something exceptional that he did from the time he left Harvard as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! Was he a great lawyer? I've seen zero evidence of that. Was he a great college professor? The mantra in higher education is "publish or perish" tell me what scholarly works Barack Obama produced during his time teaching at the University of Chicago? Was he a great legislator? The truth is that until Emile Jones took him under his wing and started feeding him other people's legislation to sign his name to...Barack Obama hadn't managed to pass a SINGLE piece of legislation in the Illinois State Senate...not one!

So I'm baffled quite frankly at what "experience" you thought Barry brought to the party...

You are of a reality television show mentality. You honestly attribute any job growth to Donald Trump? Seriously? What has he done? And who has he elected to key positions that are both experienced and knowledgable in their respective fields?

Betsy DeVos? Scott Pruitt? Ben Carson? Ryan Zinke? Rick Perry?

You see, here is what Presidents do: They surround themselves with the "best people", and most of these people are not very well known, if they are even known at all. They are not famous, they are not loudmouths, they are not media whores, they are skilled professionals. And that is who President Obama surrounded himself with, and that is why he had 75 straight months of job growth.

What Kind Of 'Jobs President' Has Obama Been — In 8 Charts

Considering he had a HOSTILE opposition who worked TIRELESSLY to defeat him (at the cost of this nation) and considering the huge pile of shit that the idiot frat boy from Texas and his merry band of swindlers left waiting for him on his arrival to the White House, he did a stellar job for 8 years.

But Trump dropping one liners and insults gets you hooting and hollering like you are watching a Dukes of Hazard marathon, and you think in his one year of constant administration turnover, playing golf every weekend and shrieking and wailing about Hillary Clinton and the FBI that he has Made America Great Again.

Simple question for you then, the policies that Barack Obama employed that created jobs?

You claim he was "Jobs President"? What part of his agenda was designed to create jobs? He had 75 straight months of tepid job growth. Liberals that trot that statistic out repeatedly make me laugh. The fact of the matter is that despite spending massive amounts of stimulus monies Barack Obama and your progressive leadership in Congress created so few jobs that they had to start using the term "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually DID create! Just to remind you...they did so with HUGE majorities in the House and Senate so your claim that "HOSTILE opposition" is a reason for lack of success is also amusing! The GOP was helpless to prevent Obama from passing the ACA. They didn't regain the power to halt his agenda until the 2010 midterms and that took place because the American people had seen how awful you liberals are at creating jobs and fixing an economy! I might also remind you that the next thing up on Barry's agenda after getting ObamaCare passed was to pass Cap & Trade legislation which would have killed job growth even more than the ACA did!

Blaming Bush for the economic crash? Might I remind you that he was one of the few in Washington that was warning of the dangers of an economic crash fueled by the policies being implemented by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? I'm sorry but liberal politicians in Washington own just as much of that economic recession as the conservative ones...if not more!
Yeah, I'm sure that Vladimir Putin was REALLY concerned about Barack Obama! What policy do you think Putin has "dictated" so far?

We aren't enforcing sanctions that Congress bipartisanly voted for in response to Russian interference...

We've given Russia a free hand in Syria.
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL
The biggest jobs creator during the Obama Administration was the energy boom created by fracking technology...something that Obama was against...yet he was more than willing to take credit for the energy boom when it took place.

Guy, it didn't create that many jobs... I know you guys masturbate at the thought of polluting water to get a few barrels of oil, though.

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? It did create jobs...and Barack Obama was quick to claim both those jobs and the lower cost of energy resulting from fracking as "successes" of his administration even though he opposed fracking.
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.
The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Bush's fuckups? Please elaborate.
Bush's fuckups? Please elaborate.

deregulating the banking industry... Not keeping an eye on questionable lending practices.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.
this real life, really bad spy movie, is accelerating... & it is not going to end well for the dotard.

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The reason that Russia is in Syria in the first place is that Barry opened the door for them. Oh...let me probably think that the "red line in the sand" deterred Russia? Sure you do, Joey! LOL

Red line in the sand had nothing to do with Russia...

The oil boom didn't create many jobs? Really, Joey? Gee I guess it was just "coincidence" that the economy in the Dakotas was booming and had nothing to do with fracking? I

Uh, guy, the Dakotas are shit. They could be wiped off the map tomorrow and nobody would notice they were gone for weeks. That's how little the Dakotas matter.

Obama saved the economy from Bush's fuckups... and Trump is doing the same fuckups.

Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas! I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.
Bush's fuckups? Please elaborate.

deregulating the banking industry... Not keeping an eye on questionable lending practices.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.

Citing TIME? Amusing stuff, Joey...
Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas!

so what? Shale Oil is only really practical to bring up when oil prices are high.

and it still involves polluting the water.

If we are doing shale oil and tar sand oil, it's when we need to start looking at other sources of energy.

I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Um, no. ALl the good stuff that saved the economy was put into motion before 2010. All the congresses after then were "do-nothing" congresses that passed few bills and did very little.

Then again, they can't get stuff done with an orange shitgibbon willing to sign all their crazy. Except tax cuts for rich people, it seems to be the ony thing they can get done.

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

Yet he created more in each of his last five years than Trump did.
Ah, of the largest shale oil deposits in the world are in the Dakotas!

so what? Shale Oil is only really practical to bring up when oil prices are high.

and it still involves polluting the water.

If we are doing shale oil and tar sand oil, it's when we need to start looking at other sources of energy.

I know you're trying desperately to make Barry look good on the economy but the only thing that saved HIS ass from really screwing things up (with his proposed Cap & Trade legislation on fossil fuels) was the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterm elections!

Um, no. ALl the good stuff that saved the economy was put into motion before 2010. All the congresses after then were "do-nothing" congresses that passed few bills and did very little.

Then again, they can't get stuff done with an orange shitgibbon willing to sign all their crazy. Except tax cuts for rich people, it seems to be the ony thing they can get done.

Bottom line is this...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He was never good at creating jobs.

Yet he created more in each of his last five years than Trump did.

Simple question for a simple person, Joey! If Obama's economies were so great...then why was the Fed unable to raise interest rates during his Presidency? The economy has been doing so well under Trump that the Fed has raised rates five times since he was elected. They were only able to raise them once from the time that Barry was elected until Trump was chosen as his successor. Answer me that...

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