Are We Being Run By Women?

I mean, seems like the predominant thinking today is feminine. They hate Trump because of 'mean tweets' and completely discount his low gas prices and greatest economy of our lifetimes. Unfortunately, Trump represents the long suppressed male element that created our free republic.
You’d have to be man enough to know women to have any idea what you are talking about but based on your post it’s clear you have no idea.

Trump was disliked because he was retarded (airplanes in the revolutionary war?, nuke a hurricane?), had idiotic foreign policy (love letters to NK, Why would Russia interfere?, no quid pro quo!), and delivered zero meaningful policies (replace Obamacare with better, Mexico funding a wall, 3% GDP, easier taxes, balanced budget).

Plus he was an asshole. All you you guys like is that he was an asshole and got lucky Ruth died.

Stop trying to project your inadequacy on women. It’s you. Not them.
I mean, seems like the predominant thinking today is feminine. They hate Trump because of 'mean tweets' and completely discount his low gas prices and greatest economy of our lifetimes. Unfortunately, Trump represents the long suppressed male element that created our free republic.
Women and Effeminate Emasculated Men most of whom come to this forum all jacked up on Estrogen and Tears and Low Testosterone.
You’d have to be man enough to know women to have any idea what you are talking about but based on your post it’s clear you have no idea.

Trump was disliked because he was retarded (airplanes in the revolutionary war?, nuke a hurricane?), had idiotic foreign policy (love letters to NK, Why would Russia interfere?, no quid pro quo!), and delivered zero meaningful policies (replace Obamacare with better, Mexico funding a wall, 3% GDP, easier taxes, balanced budget).

Plus he was an asshole. All you you guys like is that he was an asshole and got lucky Ruth died.

Stop trying to project your inadequacy on women. It’s you. Not them.
Low Testosterone, teary eyed effeminate modern male.

Do yourself a favor and quit drinking soy milk and get off the puberty blockers, Dim Tard.
Low Testosterone, teary eyed effeminate modern male.

Do yourself a favor and quit drinking soy milk and get off the puberty blockers, Dim Tard.
You people are batshit crazy.

How any woman could vote for anyone you favor is a mystery
You people are batshit crazy.

How any woman could vote for anyone you favor is a mystery
You should go have your Estrogen checked She Male, and quit wearing Panties.
Are you on your period today, Sheila? Maybe you are confused about which bathroom to use?
Do you know the difference between the XY and XX Chromosomes?
Maybe you should quit being a Science Denier.
Low Testosterone, teary eyed effeminate modern male.

Do yourself a favor and quit drinking soy milk and get off the puberty blockers, Dim Tard.
I’m all dude. Hot wife, 2 kids, one in med school, corporate executive, outdoorsman, drive a 17mpg truck. I’m just not stupid so Republican Party is out for me and blaming women for your ills is the sign of a pussy.
I mean, seems like the predominant thinking today is feminine. They hate Trump because of 'mean tweets' and completely discount his low gas prices and greatest economy of our lifetimes. Unfortunately, Trump represents the long suppressed male element that created our free republic.
Gee I dunno. I mean the old lady would probably be mean to me if I said "grab em by the *****."
I’m all dude. Hot wife, 2 kids, one in med school, corporate executive, outdoorsman, drive a 17mpg truck. I’m just not stupid so Republican Party is out for me and blaming women for your ills is the sign of a pussy.
Right, you have a hot wife? LOL. Why bring your "partner" into this? Just like most Estrogen Charged Shemales like you, when things get tough, you hide behind a skirt. Sometimes you are wearing the skirt.

I suggest you find a way to fix your Estrogen Problem. Cross Dressing and being stupid is no way to go through life, (unspecified pronoun).
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Right, you have a hot wife? LOL. Why bring your "partner" into this? Just like most Estrogen Charge Shemales like you, when things get tough, you hide behind a skirt. Sometimes you are wearing the skirt.

I suggest you find a way to fix your Estrogen Problem. Cross Dressing and being stupid is no way to go through life.
Oh look...another crazy Trump Humper and it's side kick StupidIrishBitch
Oh look...another crazy Trump Humper and it's side kick StupidIrishBitch
Feeling a bit Emotional today are we, Lesh? Is it that time of the month for you already? Answer me this question. Why would any man support the Alphabet Pedo Lobby, like The DemNazi Party does? It's unnatural, unmanly, and disgusting. Why are you involved in that nonsense if you are a "real man" and not some Estrogen addicted bathroom confused social justice warrior?

Maybe you should run a grab a tampon to dry your tears with now.
I mean, seems like the predominant thinking today is feminine. They hate Trump because of 'mean tweets' and completely discount his low gas prices and greatest economy of our lifetimes. Unfortunately, Trump represents the long suppressed male element that created our free republic.
Where the fuck do you think his economy was so great...

He borrowed a Trillion a year and had 2-3% growth before it fell off a cliff under his watch...


Trump economy was below average for the money he was borrowing..
Just pointing out your crazy Trumper friend, CrazyIrishBitch, and the fact that you are a sycophant
Why do you worship EmperorShitzHizPantz and cry like a little effeminate bitch on here if someone dare says anything about Quid Pro Joe's Fraudulent run of Imbecile in Chief?

The most corrupt political family outside of the Clintons in American history and you are "All In on That Shit"?

Only an Estrogen charged useful idiot could go along with the crap they are trying to sell America.

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