Are We Being Run By Women?

greatest economy of our lifetimes.

Average of less than 3% GDP growth and more than doubling of the deficit....and you call it the greatest economy of our lifetimes.

Holy shit you people are funny as hell.
I don't know about women. But I can definitely tell you they are some soft and weak pussy ass bitches with no backbone.
Well …we are talking about the weak minded generation of twits that are currently whining that there were no “ trigger” warnings listed before the new Thor movie warning watchers of upsetting scenes.
Part of "Wokeism" is an attack on so-called toxic masculinity. Never mind that without it we wouldn't have a country. But now that things are well established after hundreds of years of blood and sweat by toxic masculinity types, it's time for the tweedledees and tweedledums to take over. Yes it is the beginning of the end.
It's about 10:30...
I mean, seems like the predominant thinking today is feminine. They hate Trump because of 'mean tweets' and completely discount his low gas prices and greatest economy of our lifetimes. Unfortunately, Trump represents the long suppressed male element that created our free republic.

If you were being "run by women", your country wouldn't be in this mess. Nations which have female leaders are healthier, happier, and better off financially than the USA.
If you were being "run by women", your country wouldn't be in this mess. Nations which have female leaders are healthier, happier, and better off financially than the USA.
The First Lady is running America and it's a mess. Joe doesn't even know what he's doing or where he is. Now, get back in the kitchen will ya? :cool:
Trump is an alpha male, complete with both the good and bad traits that come along with it. Biden is a beta.

Trump is no "alpha male". Alpha males don't rule by fear or coercion, they don't demand loyalty and give none, nor do they lie or cheat their followers. They lead! Trump is a bullying beta. No beta male would ever have behaved like Trump did with Putin in Helsinki.

That was an embarassment.
Trump is no "alpha male". Alpha males don't rule by fear or coercion, they don't demand loyalty and give none, nor do they lie or cheat their followers. They lead! Trump is a bullying beta. No beta male would ever have behaved like Trump did with Putin in Helsinki.

That was an embarassment.
Trump is an Alpha Male which is probably why you dislike him and lie about him. Typical female feminist-androphobe mindset.
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If you were being "run by women", your country wouldn't be in this mess. Nations which have female leaders are healthier, happier, and better off financially than the USA.
Under Democracy, the leader is elected to enforce The Will of the Majority. Women make up about 56% of Electorate, thus the Female Majority has much more influence and power then Male Minority.

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