Are We Being Run By Women?

You're a Trumper and you'll vote for any Republican put in front of you though
Why do you think Feminizing Men and telling little boys and girls that the fairy tale of Gender Fluidity is a fact is good for America?
I'll wait until you finish your Soy Latte to answer.
I mean, seems like the predominant thinking today is feminine. They hate Trump because of 'mean tweets' and completely discount his low gas prices and greatest economy of our lifetimes. Unfortunately, Trump represents the long suppressed male element that created our free republic.

What are you, a biologist?
Indeed....look at all the Republicans who can't find any backbone to walk away from the orange cult.
Walking away from Conservatism for you means reject God, and The Laws of Nature & come join us and The Gender Fluidity - Feminized Men - Soy Latte - Women's Swim Club Team.

In that case, Cowardice is being part of your Alphabet Pedo Emasculated Men's Club, right pin head?
Indeed....look at all the Republicans who can't find any backbone to walk away from the orange cult.
Thank God he's such an evil man. My wife's chicken and rice is so much better than mine, so I'm just grateful to not be forced to disagree with her and possibly have her deny me food. (-:
kudos on allusion.

I'm no Republican, Bentover. You're welcome to try and prove I am but since we both know you can't why don't you sit the fck down and stfu? It's not like you ever bring anything worthwhile to any topic anyway. Putz
Men, collectively speaking, aren't seen as dangerous any more.

I'm not talking about being a violent, irresponsible prick or anything like that.

I'm talking about being seen as a threatening being by those who would threaten them.

Marxists are winning in that regard. Again, collectively speaking...
Right, you have a hot wife? LOL. Why bring your "partner" into this? Just like most Estrogen Charged Shemales like you, when things get tough, you hide behind a skirt. Sometimes you are wearing the skirt.

I suggest you find a way to fix your Estrogen Problem. Cross Dressing and being stupid is no way to go through life, (unspecified pronoun).
I feel for you man. I suggest getting your job situation adequate then simply do something to help people out without trying too hard to get something out of it yourself. Eventually you’ll be in a place that women will want to be around. It’s that roadmap and some patience. Good luck.
I feel for you man. I suggest getting your job situation adequate then simply do something to help people out without trying too hard to get something out of it yourself. Eventually you’ll be in a place that women will want to be around. It’s that roadmap and some patience. Good luck.
Why do you think it is a good idea for the DemNazi Party to embrace the Alphabet Pedo Child Grooming Lobby and to Feminize Men, and to tell Children that the lie of Gender Fluidity is The Truth?

You seem grumpy. Did you have your Transgender Rainbow Soy Latte yet?
I’m all dude. Hot wife, 2 kids, one in med school, corporate executive, outdoorsman, drive a 17mpg truck. I’m just not stupid so Republican Party is out for me and blaming women for your ills is the sign of a pussy.

You bet, sugar!
I'm sure there's a lot about women that's a mystery to you.
Women are a mystery to All Emasculated Feminized DemNazi men, and so is it a mystery for them to figure out exactly what is a woman on a Women's Swim Team and which bathroom they should use, or if Cross Dressing is a sport for Estrogen Overloaded DemNazi Lefty Men.

Real men don't admire another hairy man's bunghole. The DemNazi Party and their religious zealots and followers think this is perfectly normal male behavior.

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