Are We Imploding?


Aug 13, 2019
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?
Well, things aren't going to get better until the leadership of this country figures out how to get it's shit together and start working together instead of trying to tear us apart. And, Trump is the biggest contributor to this problem.
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?

I agree with much of what you say except for China. Chins is the one who has been picking the fight and they've been doing it for years. Trump is just the first president to dismiss the interests of the corporate class and push back at them. If it weren't for the cheap labor we'd have had it out with China a long time ago.
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?
We need a more Chinese president. Doubtless Xi will agree and do his level best to get Chinese Biden elected.
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?
We need a more Chinese-freindly president. Doubtless Xi will agree and do his level best to get Chinese Biden elected.
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?
They sure got your ass brainwashed. I think you should hunker down for a few more years
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?

I agree with much of what you say except for China. Chins is the one who has been picking the fight and they've been doing it for years. Trump is just the first president to dismiss the interests of the corporate class and push back at them. If it weren't for the cheap labor we'd have had it out with China a long time ago.

The left screeches about human rights...China might be the worst offender on the planet
As soon as Biden becomes president, all of you are going to see that regardless who sits in the WH or who controls Congress, NOTHING of substance is going to change the mood or soul of America.
This country is divided, and it will remain that way until the bulk of the Baby Boomers are gone. PERIOD !

It would improve somewhat if ALL social media was shut down, but that's not going to happen unfortunately.
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?
Things are looking up...

Places are starting to reopen, and workers are being called back to work...

Unfortunately, a lot of workers are resisting because of those fat unemployment checks, but don't worry... Refusing to return to work will get their unemployment checks terminated (since that is considered to be a "voluntary quit"), and they'll be getting new jobs as soon as they get hungry, lose their homes, and get a few visits from the repo man!!!
Well, things aren't going to get better until the leadership of this country figures out how to get it's shit together and start working together instead of trying to tear us apart. And, Trump is the biggest contributor to this problem.

Trump is a cockroach.
Back in the 1990s Ivana Trump described Donald pretty much as we see him today: creating chaos, attacking people with lies and slurs, endless lawsuits, pitting his employees against each other and reveling in the fight. Perhaps if he had restrained himself a little more and paid attention to his businesses, he wouldn't have had to file bankruptcy six times.
As soon as Biden becomes president, all of you are going to see that regardless who sits in the WH or who controls Congress, NOTHING of substance is going to change the mood or soul of America.
This country is divided, and it will remain that way until the bulk of the Baby Boomers are gone. PERIOD !

It would improve somewhat if ALL social media was shut down, but that's not going to happen unfortunately.

You know, when social media first started, I thought it would be a good thing because people would be exposed to other people and new ideas. Sadly, that hasn't happened, because people have figured out how to band together with others who think exactly like them, and they then end up with some very tribal like views.

People haven't expanded their horizons with social media, they have managed to band together with others exactly like them so they could reinforce each other's bullshit.
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As soon as Biden becomes president, all of you are going to see that regardless who sits in the WH or who controls Congress, NOTHING of substance is going to change the mood or soul of America.
This country is divided, and it will remain that way until the bulk of the Baby Boomers are gone. PERIOD !

It would improve somewhat if ALL social media was shut down, but that's not going to happen unfortunately.

Once all the baby-boomers die, please enjoy your Stalinist existence with a constant boot on most necks!
As soon as Biden becomes president, all of you are going to see that regardless who sits in the WH or who controls Congress, NOTHING of substance is going to change the mood or soul of America.
This country is divided, and it will remain that way until the bulk of the Baby Boomers are gone. PERIOD !

It would improve somewhat if ALL social media was shut down, but that's not going to happen unfortunately.

Once all the baby-boomers die, please enjoy your Stalinist existence with a constant boot on most necks!

I'll be gone long before that.
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?
Things are looking up...

Places are starting to reopen, and workers are being called back to work...

Unfortunately, a lot of workers are resisting because of those fat unemployment checks, but don't worry... Refusing to return to work will get their unemployment checks terminated (since that is considered to be a "voluntary quit"), and they'll be getting new jobs as soon as they get hungry, lose their homes, and get a few visits from the repo man!!!

And some are resisting because COVID-19 is not under control. It's either leveled off in the early NE states or increasing, as is shown in the southern states.
Or did you think we had "prevailed" as the Cockroach-in-Chief has proclaimed?
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