Are We Looking At Another Civil War?

There is enough of a break in our society to allow outside influence. If the US is doing it in other countries then rest assured that it is being whipped up here. The issues are being led by the political parties and the media. Yes, we are looking at one IF people can't remember how to think for themselves and pull back from this bullshit.

People are currently addicted to anger. It shows in their ability to think rationally or lack thereof.
You can't even talk about it without them reeeeeeein and screaming you're calling for violence.....while they actually call for and encourage violence


It’s understood conservatives hate America and want to see it destroyed, but rightists need to stop with this ridiculous lie.
This post demonstrates the total disconnect with reality. And shows the blatant stupid and out right ignorance of the left. We have the guns push us and the left will be killed outright.
Consider the logic of the left and it’s no wonder that many people are considering the unspeakable – whether America will devolve into actual violent conflict. But I dare speak about it at length in my brand-new book We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America, which confronts this issue of systematic political violence head-on. The most important question related to the long decline of America at the hands of a corrupt, incompetent, and terminally foolish ruling caste that controls our major institutions is whether we can pull out of this tailspin without bloodshed.

I sure hope so, but the risk is real and we need to confront it.

The logic of the left accepts political violence. A few years ago, one of its acolytes tried to wipe out the congressional Republican caucus on a softball field; last month, another member of the MSNBCNN target demo tried to off Justice Kavanaugh for somewhat limiting the ability of progressives to conveniently kill babies. Even the reaction to the recent molestation of the famously beer-ophilic jurist as he nibbled on a rib-eye at Morton’s in DC was indicative – this personal confrontation was celebrated by the left instead of decried. What’s the logical limit when you sign onto the idea that one can legitimately influence politics via the personal intimidation of officials placed in office by our agreed constitutional procedures? If you can get in his face, why can’t you slap it? Or put a bullet in it? If there is a boundary, the left is not setting it.

End snip​

I'll answer for the first prog democratic socialist ...

Town hall reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
J6 j6 j6 drumph

In the article He makes a good point about the purple burbs .....I've been saying the same exact thing since I've become a member...and even long before

Don't lose mofos

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I'm looking forward to it because let's get it done. We remove just 25 of these advanced idiots and the rest will be hiding under rocks like all cockroaches do. I'm not saying not to hunt them down, we owe them at least that much and even a small bounty is still better than nothing and those ears do start adding up. We will start out small dishing out a few good bitch slapping to tyrant mailmen and only stop when we use a rifle butt on Joe's ugly face will we be free 'Give me liberty or I'll kill ya till you're dead!'
This post demonstrates the total disconnect with reality. And shows the blatant stupid and out right ignorance of the left. We have the guns push us and the left will be killed outright.
I disagree. To be ignorant one needs some type of logic But when all they have is stupid they don't even have the basic tools to walk and chew gum without soiling them self. They don't have to worry of ever becoming ignorant.
Ten years ago I was the same way. Now not just myself but other people that were 100 % against it are reconsidering where we are at. People have to make a choice here.
The white progs of the board won't even touch it cause they know the first snip is 100 % accurate

The dumb ******* even had the nerve to cry about name calling .....but look who started slinging the name calling first

They just love to project on just about everything
From the topic to the name calling

I've always said to beat them the right along with the normies will have to roll up thier sleeves and get in the gutter and trash em there.....thier own tactics work extremely well against em
The white progs of the board won't even touch it cause they know the first snip is 100 % accurate

The dumb ******* even had the nerve to cry about name calling .....but look who started slinging the name calling first

They just love to project on just about everything
From the topic to the name calling

I've always said to beat them the right along with the normies will have to roll up thier sleeves and get in the gutter and trash em there.....thier own tactics work extremely well against em

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