Are We Missing the Point About the Sterling Affair?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Okay, so he was a jerk! He showed his true hypocrisy. After donating millions to black charities, it appears he was/is a racist. :cuckoo:

Should that surprise anyone? Of course not! He's a Democrat for pete's sake! :eusa_whistle:

But, here a real clinker in the whole affair. His girlfriend, who's being sued by Sterling's ex-wife, ILLEGALLY recorded a private conversation between she and her lover.

Have we come to the point that private conversations can be taped and released in the public domain in order to ruin the livelihood –pursuit of happiness — of private citizens? Ms. Stiviano, or whomever, knew exactly what they wanted the end result to be as they released this tape to TMZ.

Read more at Folks, you're missing the point about Donald Sterling | Allen B. West -

And yeah – I can already see the screams from the left because of the author of this post. Another case of attack the messenger in order to obfuscate the message. :eusa_whistle:
Okay, so he was a jerk! He showed his true hypocrisy. After donating millions to black charities, it appears he was/is a racist. :cuckoo:

Should that surprise anyone? Of course not! He's a Democrat for pete's sake! :eusa_whistle:

But, here a real clinker in the whole affair. His girlfriend, who's being sued by Sterling's ex-wife, ILLEGALLY recorded a private conversation between she and her lover.

Have we come to the point that private conversations can be taped and released in the public domain in order to ruin the livelihood –pursuit of happiness — of private citizens? Ms. Stiviano, or whomever, knew exactly what they wanted the end result to be as they released this tape to TMZ.

Read more at Folks, you're missing the point about Donald Sterling | Allen B. West -

And yeah – I can already see the screams from the left because of the author of this post. Another case of attack the messenger in order to obfuscate the message. :eusa_whistle:

the illegality of her acts is, unfortunate or not, irrelevant to the fact that the statement was released. if she committed a criminal act under California law, that should be dealt with by the authorities.
Okay, so he was a jerk! He showed his true hypocrisy. After donating millions to black charities, it appears he was/is a racist. :cuckoo:

Should that surprise anyone? Of course not! He's a Democrat for pete's sake! :eusa_whistle:

But, here a real clinker in the whole affair. His girlfriend, who's being sued by Sterling's ex-wife, ILLEGALLY recorded a private conversation between she and her lover.

Have we come to the point that private conversations can be taped and released in the public domain in order to ruin the livelihood –pursuit of happiness — of private citizens? Ms. Stiviano, or whomever, knew exactly what they wanted the end result to be as they released this tape to TMZ.

Read more at Folks, you're missing the point about Donald Sterling | Allen B. West -

And yeah – I can already see the screams from the left because of the author of this post. Another case of attack the messenger in order to obfuscate the message. :eusa_whistle:

the illegality of her acts is, unfortunate or not, irrelevant to the fact that the statement was released. if she committed a criminal act under California law, that should be dealt with by the authorities.

She broke the law, that is on the books.

Show me the law he broke by speaking foolishly.

For the first time in his entire life Obama was right and said that in America ignorant morons are allowed to be ignorant morons.

The shamelessly quick and sickeningly politically correct knee jerk reaction of the NBA commissioner makes one wonder about the correlation and proportionality between crime and punishment.

Better not jay walk, better return your library books on time.

And better not think that you are free to express an opinion and better not think that you have the freedom to like or not like anyone you want.

And better not criticize a black person voicing disgusting opinions about whites, examples of which are far more frequent than the Sterling episode.
Okay, so he was a jerk! He showed his true hypocrisy. After donating millions to black charities, it appears he was/is a racist. :cuckoo:

Should that surprise anyone? Of course not! He's a Democrat for pete's sake! :eusa_whistle:

But, here a real clinker in the whole affair. His girlfriend, who's being sued by Sterling's ex-wife, ILLEGALLY recorded a private conversation between she and her lover.

Have we come to the point that private conversations can be taped and released in the public domain in order to ruin the livelihood –pursuit of happiness — of private citizens? Ms. Stiviano, or whomever, knew exactly what they wanted the end result to be as they released this tape to TMZ.

Read more at Folks, you're missing the point about Donald Sterling | Allen B. West -

And yeah – I can already see the screams from the left because of the author of this post. Another case of attack the messenger in order to obfuscate the message. :eusa_whistle:

the illegality of her acts is, unfortunate or not, irrelevant to the fact that the statement was released. if she committed a criminal act under California law, that should be dealt with by the authorities.
I think that Donald Sterling deserves more than he got. After all what is his punishment? Forcing him to sell a team worth 600 million that he bought for 12 back in the 80's? Not going to NBA games any longer? Some punishment.

The asshole is probably laughing his butt off now. We all know when you're as wealthy as he is, people will flock to you like fleas, they don't care. It's the way of the world.

Regardless, we have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water. There will be other people that say stupid racist things in the privacy of their home to people they trust. Do we punish them too? Their home their four walls.

What I'm saying is, do we want an atmosphere where you have to constantly look over your shoulder in case somebody you trust is recording you? I don't.
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The fact that the conversation was illegally recorded is not the "point", at all.

It's a footnote.

If this was in a court of law, an illegally recorded private conversation would be tossed out as it should be.

But since it is in the court of public opinion, and it is tantalizingly politically correct for the permanently injured, victimized and conspired against cry babies, it is OK.

Would it be just a "footnote" if, let's say, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, or Barack Obama said something equally offensive about people who have the audacity to be white or Jewish or Korean or conservative, and it was recorded LEGALLY as it has happened countless times?
The fact that the conversation was illegally recorded is not the "point", at all.

It's a footnote.

If this was in a court of law, an illegally recorded private conversation would be tossed out as it should be.

But since it is in the court of public opinion, and it is tantalizingly politically correct for the permanently injured, victimized and conspired against cry babies, it is OK.

Would it be just a "footnote" if, let's say, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, or Barack Obama said something equally offensive about people who have the audacity to be white or Jewish or Korean or conservative, and it was recorded LEGALLY as it has happened countless times?
Sharpton got caught on video agreeing to buy 10 kilos of cocaine, yet that has not stopped NBC from hiring him.

Would be easy to decry the double standard, but that would require progressives to have any standards in the first place.
The fact that the conversation was illegally recorded is not the "point", at all.

It's a footnote.

If this was in a court of law, an illegally recorded private conversation would be tossed out as it should be.

But since it is in the court of public opinion, and it is tantalizingly politically correct for the permanently injured, victimized and conspired against cry babies, it is OK.

Would it be just a "footnote" if, let's say, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, or Barack Obama said something equally offensive about people who have the audacity to be white or Jewish or Korean or conservative, and it was recorded LEGALLY as it has happened countless times?

The fact that you don't think it's fair doesn't really have anything to do with the recording being illegal.

Remember, an illegally recorded phone call led to Clinton's impeachment.
The fact that the conversation was illegally recorded is not the "point", at all.

It's a footnote.

If this was in a court of law, an illegally recorded private conversation would be tossed out as it should be.

But since it is in the court of public opinion, and it is tantalizingly politically correct for the permanently injured, victimized and conspired against cry babies, it is OK.

Would it be just a "footnote" if, let's say, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, or Barack Obama said something equally offensive about people who have the audacity to be white or Jewish or Korean or conservative, and it was recorded LEGALLY as it has happened countless times?

The fact that you don't think it's fair doesn't really have anything to do with the recording being illegal.

Remember, an illegally recorded phone call led to Clinton's impeachment.

Remember, lying under oath led to Clinton's impeachment.

But luckily for him, the slavish and despicable double standard champions leaders in the Senate - you know, the KKK grand wizard Robert K. Byrd and swimming instructor Ted Kennedy - prevented a well deserved conviction.
If this was in a court of law, an illegally recorded private conversation would be tossed out as it should be.

But since it is in the court of public opinion, and it is tantalizingly politically correct for the permanently injured, victimized and conspired against cry babies, it is OK.

Would it be just a "footnote" if, let's say, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, or Barack Obama said something equally offensive about people who have the audacity to be white or Jewish or Korean or conservative, and it was recorded LEGALLY as it has happened countless times?

The fact that you don't think it's fair doesn't really have anything to do with the recording being illegal.

Remember, an illegally recorded phone call led to Clinton's impeachment.

Remember, lying under oath led to Clinton's impeachment.

But luckily for him, the slavish and despicable double standard champions leaders in the Senate - you know, the KKK grand wizard Robert K. Byrd and swimming instructor Ted Kennedy - prevented a well deserved conviction.

Prosecutorial malpractice by the House Managers brought about the acquittal. Neither Lewinsky nor Tripp were called to testify.
The fact that the conversation was illegally recorded is not the "point", at all.

It's a footnote.

It shows us that nobody is safe from this sort of thing now.

You can't think the way you want anymore.

I wouldn't support Sterling one iota if it wasn't for the simple fact that he's reacting to the way a lot of blacks are like these days.

I'm a landlord. I can tell you stories. Whites can be just as bad, but blacks are usually terrible tenants. In some cases, you wouldn't want your kids hanging around them because of the drugs and the gang violence.

I've known gang members. Some of them felt they had to join gangs.......and they were forced to commit crimes or get killed themselves. They only joined them out of self-preservation. Then there are the thugs that enjoy making life miserable for everyone around them. The negativity that prevails in the black community is hard to escape.

Some black families are really great. Then some are not so great. Guess white families can be the same.

The point is, I can see where he's coming from. It's a shame he made the mistake of saying it out loud so somebody could record him. It's not a shame that he's losing his team, because he never was a very good owner.
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The point is that people are using the illegal recording to blackmail a man into selling his team and forcing him out of the NBA. The race card is powerful and valuable. Racism will never end in America.
The point is that people are using the illegal recording to blackmail a man into selling his team and forcing him out of the NBA. The race card is powerful and valuable. Racism will never end in America.

The problem is nobody can stop them from doing it now or again in the future because the law doesn't protect us from the right of the media to freely report.
The point is that people are using the illegal recording to blackmail a man into selling his team and forcing him out of the NBA. The race card is powerful and valuable. Racism will never end in America.

The problem is nobody can stop them from doing it now or again in the future because the law doesn't protect us from the right of the media to freely report.

Well, that is the point of "freedom of the press".
The fact that the conversation was illegally recorded is not the "point", at all.

It's a footnote.

If this was in a court of law, an illegally recorded private conversation would be tossed out as it should be.

But since it is in the court of public opinion, and it is tantalizingly politically correct for the permanently injured, victimized and conspired against cry babies, it is OK.

Would it be just a "footnote" if, let's say, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, or Barack Obama said something equally offensive about people who have the audacity to be white or Jewish or Korean or conservative, and it was recorded LEGALLY as it has happened countless times?
Sharpton got caught on video agreeing to buy 10 kilos of cocaine, yet that has not stopped NBC from hiring him.

Would be easy to decry the double standard, but that would require progressives to have any standards in the first place.

A big Hymietown ^5 from a typical white person
The point is that people are using the illegal recording to blackmail a man into selling his team and forcing him out of the NBA. The race card is powerful and valuable. Racism will never end in America.

The problem is nobody can stop them from doing it now or again in the future because the law doesn't protect us from the right of the media to freely report.

Well, that is the point of "freedom of the press".

And of course like any law, a person of low character can take advantage of it if in a position of power.
The point is that people are using the illegal recording to blackmail a man into selling his team and forcing him out of the NBA. The race card is powerful and valuable. Racism will never end in America.
Of course not.

There is too much money in it for the race hustlers for them to let it die.

Kind of psycho, when you really think about it.
Okay, so he was a jerk! He showed his true hypocrisy. After donating millions to black charities, it appears he was/is a racist. :cuckoo:

Should that surprise anyone? Of course not! He's a Democrat for pete's sake! :eusa_whistle:

But, here a real clinker in the whole affair. His girlfriend, who's being sued by Sterling's ex-wife, ILLEGALLY recorded a private conversation between she and her lover.

Have we come to the point that private conversations can be taped and released in the public domain in order to ruin the livelihood –pursuit of happiness — of private citizens? Ms. Stiviano, or whomever, knew exactly what they wanted the end result to be as they released this tape to TMZ.

Read more at Folks, you're missing the point about Donald Sterling | Allen B. West -

And yeah – I can already see the screams from the left because of the author of this post. Another case of attack the messenger in order to obfuscate the message. :eusa_whistle:

Kareem Abdual Jabber said basically the same thing.,d.b2U
the illegality of her acts is, unfortunate or not, irrelevant to the fact that the statement was released. if she committed a criminal act under California law, that should be dealt with by the authorities.

I disagree because I don't want police breaking the law in order to get people.
The reason we have rights is because people have to follow the rule of law.
This also goes against the liberal idea that you can do what you want in your own house and if it doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't matter.
Who are the hypocrites here?

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