Are We Missing the Point About the Sterling Affair?

Exactly!!! No one here had a problem with him either. That is until the media told them to.
The fact that the conversation was illegally recorded is not the "point", at all.

It's a footnote.

It shows us that nobody is safe from this sort of thing now.

You can't think the way you want anymore.

I wouldn't support Sterling one iota if it wasn't for the simple fact that he's reacting to the way a lot of blacks are like these days.

I'm a landlord. I can tell you stories. Whites can be just as bad, but blacks are usually terrible tenants. In some cases, you wouldn't want your kids hanging around them because of the drugs and the gang violence.

I've known gang members. Some of them felt they had to join gangs.......and they were forced to commit crimes or get killed themselves. They only joined them out of self-preservation. Then there are the thugs that enjoy making life miserable for everyone around them. The negativity that prevails in the black community is hard to escape.

Some black families are really great. Then some are not so great. Guess white families can be the same.

The point is, I can see where he's coming from. It's a shame he made the mistake of saying it out loud so somebody could record him. It's not a shame that he's losing his team, because he never was a very good owner.

I don't follow the NBA but aren't the Clippers in the playoffs? Does the owner get any credit for that? Just asking.
Better not think of your employees as 2nd class human beings, your property, like a slave master and his slaves. Donating to charities is one thing; thinking of and treating your employees as something beneath you because their skin is a different color is another.

I wouldn't mind be treated as someone who is beneath my employer if he pays me several million dollars annually to play basketball.
I'm sure many of these players were aware that this guy was an old school white racist but weren't about to say anything because of the gravy train. Their disgust is more than a little hypocritical.

The fact they never said anything does not make them hypocritical. They may not have known what he was like. According to the tape, he did not spend social time with 'minorities,' so the players may have had very limited contact with him. And they could well have said something if they did know about him because they would not lose anything. They would just work for millions for someone else. I think they didn't know what he was, what a racist he was, what he thought about the men who played on his team.
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the illegality of her acts is, unfortunate or not, irrelevant to the fact that the statement was released. if she committed a criminal act under California law, that should be dealt with by the authorities.

I disagree because I don't want police breaking the law in order to get people.
The reason we have rights is because people have to follow the rule of law.
This also goes against the liberal idea that you can do what you want in your own house and if it doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't matter.
Who are the hypocrites here?
Funny part is Sterling is a big time Democrat liberal who has donated tons of $$ to Democrat causes. I guess if you want to be a successful business entrepreneur in LA, there is only one party you can be for.

He's rich......

He can't be a real Democrat.......

Democrats try to help the poor. Republicans help the rich.

Repeat, repeat, repeat......
Better not think of your employees as 2nd class human beings, your property, like a slave master and his slaves. Donating to charities is one thing; thinking of and treating your employees as something beneath you because their skin is a different color is another.

I wouldn't mind be treated as someone who is beneath my employer if he pays me several million dollars annually to play basketball.
I'm sure many of these players were aware that this guy was an old school white racist but weren't about to say anything because of the gravy train. Their disgust is more than a little hypocritical.

The fact they never said anything does not make them hypocritical. They may not have known what he was like. According to the tape, he did not spend social time with 'minorities,' so the players may have had very limited contact with him. And they could well have said something if they did know about him because they would not lose anything. They would just work for millions for someone else. I think they didn't know what he was, what a racist he was, what he thought about the men who played on his team.

Funny thing is, Larry Johnson said we should have an all black league but that's not racist. I can't see the difference. No difference at all.

Is it racist to have BET(Black Entertainment Television)?

Is it racist to make FUBU(For Us By Us) products?

Is it racist to have a Miss Black America Pageant?

Is it racist to allow the NAACP to be a nonprofit tax-exempt organization funded by Obamacare but not the KKK?

Is Affirmative-Action racist?

Uncle Ferd says, "Yea...

... where's all dem lib'rals anna ACLU...

... defendin' his right to free speech??"
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Right to free speech? Why do you defend racism?

I just gave you several examples of racism that are defended by the left.

Do you agree with them or is it wrong to give one race and advantage over another, one race has the right to have their own TV stations, clothing lines, and tax-free organizations paid for by the government, but the other race isn't allowed?

And why is it one race gets preferential treatment in our colleges and universities?

Do you defend these racist policies?
The point is that people are using the illegal recording to blackmail a man into selling his team and forcing him out of the NBA. The race card is powerful and valuable. Racism will never end in America.

The problem is nobody can stop them from doing it now or again in the future because the law doesn't protect us from the right of the media to freely report.

The law is usually a secondary consideration in cases like these. Preserving your livelihood, or the lifestyle you've grown accustomed to, is nearly always the primary consideration.
The can of worms is now open.

Whatever I thought of the woman who released the tapes last week--I think much less of her now.
Right to free speech? Why do you defend racism?

Defending racism? Again why didn't any of you whackos have a problem with this guy until CNN told you to? He has been this way for 83 years. Yet none of you has said anything. Why are you not asking why the players are continuing to cash their checks? Because you are hypocrites that's why.

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