Are we so Societally Evolved as to render the Constitiution (2nd Amend.) Antiquated...


VIP Member
Mar 18, 2017
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and a silly relic...? We do (currently) see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...?
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The 2nd Amendment was "antiquated" on the day it was written.

The Constitution, including Bill of Rights, is generally a masterpiece of forward-thinking that is still relevant today - but not the 2nd Amendment. The founders, mostly men of great vision, apparently couldn't see past the day they wrote it. It has become so obsolete that SCOTUS can interpret it any way it wishes - which it has and will continue to do so.

It's like an Etch A Sketch.
The 2nd Amendment was "antiquated" on the day it was written.

The Constitution, including Bill of Rights, is generally a masterpiece of forward-thinking that is still relevant today - but not the 2nd Amendment. The founders, mostly men of great vision, apparently couldn't see past the day they wrote it. It has become so obsolete that SCOTUS can interpret it any way it wishes - which it has and will continue to do so.

It's like an Etch A Sketch.

I am sure you believe that...but you are wrong.
The 2nd Amendment was "antiquated" on the day it was written.

The Constitution, including Bill of Rights, is generally a masterpiece of forward-thinking that is still relevant today - but not the 2nd Amendment. The founders, mostly men of great vision, apparently couldn't see past the day they wrote it. It has become so obsolete that SCOTUS can interpret it any way it wishes - which it has and will continue to do so.

It's like an Etch A Sketch.

I am sure you believe that...but you are wrong.

Even NaziCon Scalia knew that.
Evolved as a society? LOL
We have one of the most corrupt govts on the planet. Our society is fucking retarded.
Whats weird is, all these people that say trump is a dictator and will eventually start eating our babies, want to put their families safety in their hands?
A lot of disingenuous bullshit going on, ey?
A "societally evolved" nation wouldn't have school shootings.
Pick any 'societally evolved' civilization throughout history...Roman Empire, Aztecs, B.C Greeks / Egyptians... Haven't they all been rife with bloodshed and violence...? Are you in search of a "notion" at the end of a rainbow?... Bear in mind.. our Nation was carved out from tyranny at the muzzle of a gun, with tremendous loss of life in securing its freedoms.
The 2nd Amendment was "antiquated" on the day it was written.

The Constitution, including Bill of Rights, is generally a masterpiece of forward-thinking that is still relevant today - but not the 2nd Amendment. The founders, mostly men of great vision, apparently couldn't see past the day they wrote it. It has become so obsolete that SCOTUS can interpret it any way it wishes - which it has and will continue to do so.

It's like an Etch A Sketch.

Exactly. When the Bible first came out, it was good to say in the Ten Commandments, "Do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor thy father and mother, etc." It was novel at the time. But stoning non-virgins or disobedient children, or owning slaves has become antiquated. That is what's wrong with these gun-loving nuts quoting the Second Amendment all the time!
If the OP means "antiquated" in that the citizenry can no longer oppose successfully with weapons a totalitarian government, yes, that is so.
If the OP means "antiquated" in that the citizenry can no longer oppose successfully with weapons a totalitarian government, yes, that is so.
I think the OP was clear on "civilian authority policing them"... Not the Federal 'Gub-ment'...
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and 'an antiquated notion'? We do see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's, notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...

You got to be kidding right? The nation's Domestic Spy system is being abused and weaponized on political opponents. You have MASSIVE societal division like we've never seen. 30% of Dem partisans are STILL fighting the election results like abandoned WW2 Jap soldiers. And the Media basically destroyed itself SUPPORTING the whole charade of the Steele dossier and "Russian collusion"..

And you think things are SOOOO peaceful and pastoral that we are BEYOND protecting ourselves from instability or govt abuse??

Hang around USMB for awhile and SEE how "evolved" all this is. We're headed for the hole in the crapper right now..
If the OP means "antiquated" in that the citizenry can no longer oppose successfully with weapons a totalitarian government, yes, that is so.

Not really true. You get 25 million armed rebels and you will virtually have to destroy the country to save it. You think volunteer military is in for 10 years of armed rebellion insurrection with 25 million people?
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A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and 'an antiquated notion'? We do see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's, notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...

You got to be kidding right? The nation's Domestic Spy system is being abused and weaponized on political opponents. You have MASSIVE societal division like we've never seen. 30% of Dem partisans are STILL fighting the election results like abandoned WW2 Jap soldiers. And the Media basically destroyed itself SUPPORTING the whole charade of the Steele dossier and "Russian collusion"..

And you think things are SOOOO peaceful and pastoral that we are BEYOND protecting ourselves from instability or govt abuse??

Hang around USMB for awhile and SEE how "evolved" all this is. We're headed for the hole in the crapper right now..
lol... that's kind of the whole point of my query. You forgot to mention that we have 10's of millions here illegally (many felons, some terrorists) yet we should be told how many rounds is "appropriate" for defending ourselves/families...! We have a decades long slide into Gov. expansion and erosion of individual freedoms...

Good response... very much am on board with it!
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and 'an antiquated notion'? We do see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's, notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...
Socially More like politically evolved. Modern dictatorship/autocratic rule doesn't come from the barrel of a gun. It comes from a control of all forms of media. It doesn't even require that everybody believes the same. You just create a sort of bubbles in which you control the flow of information. As long as you are capable of preventing the 2 bubbles from coming together you'll be able to create an environment were whatever the other side says will automatically dismissed as untrue/fake news.
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and 'an antiquated notion'? We do see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's, notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...
Socially More like politically evolved. Modern dictatorship/autocratic rule doesn't come from the barrel of a gun. It comes from a control of all forms of media. It doesn't even require that everybody believes the same. You just create a sort of bubbles in which you control the flow of information. As long as you are capable of preventing the 2 bubbles from coming together you'll be able to create an environment were whatever the other side says will automatically dismissed as untrue/fake news.
True...but follow the chain all the way to the end... Political - media - control / distortion of narrative --- state & federal legislators - expansion of regulations through legislation - -- etc. etc. ---- ---- tyranny.
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The 2nd Amendment was "antiquated" on the day it was written.

The Constitution, including Bill of Rights, is generally a masterpiece of forward-thinking that is still relevant today - but not the 2nd Amendment. The founders, mostly men of great vision, apparently couldn't see past the day they wrote it. It has become so obsolete that SCOTUS can interpret it any way it wishes - which it has and will continue to do so.

It's like an Etch A Sketch.

I am sure you believe that...but you are wrong.

Even NaziCon Scalia knew that.

Why do you think Scalia was a Nazi?
A hi-cap. magazine ban has been an issue for decades and it underscores the essential point of contention between the camps of the 'gun rights' & 'anti's'... Does it boil down to the fundamental point of the 2nd Amendment... a check, by 'the people', against tyranny?

Are we so evolved as a Society & Nation that this notion of a check against tyranny... is 'foolish' and 'an antiquated notion'? We do see dozens and dozens of Countries around the world where there is rampant oppression by dictatorships, quasi governments, political parties, royal families... over the freedoms and "inalienable rights" of their people... So are we 'above all that', now well into our 3rd century as a Nation?

House Democrats Push Ban on 'High Capacity' Magazines and 205 Different Firearms

Magazine capacity is perhaps the clearest tangible measure of where our Nation stands on this... After all, what use is an "assault rifle" if it can only be used with 'tiny' capacity mags... Is having an armed citizenry... 'armed commensurately' with that of the 'civilian' authority policing them, a bygone notion? Do our remaining 90's something elder's, notions of the Wiemar Republic, no longer apply here...
Socially More like politically evolved. Modern dictatorship/autocratic rule doesn't come from the barrel of a gun. It comes from a control of all forms of media. It doesn't even require that everybody believes the same. You just create a sort of bubbles in which you control the flow of information. As long as you are capable of preventing the 2 bubbles from coming together you'll be able to create an environment were whatever the other side says will automatically dismissed as untrue/fake news.
True...but follow the chain all the way to the end... Political - media - state & federal legislators - expansion of regulations through legislation - -- ---- ---- tyranny.

Many should note in the OP... It is a series of queries, not a series of assertions.... (many of which I put forward out of my diametric opposition to them)
If the OP means "antiquated" in that the citizenry can no longer oppose successfully with weapons a totalitarian government, yes, that is so.

Not really true. You get 25 million armed rebels and you will virtually have to destroy the country to save it. You think volunteer military is in for 10 years of armed rebellion resurrection with 25 million people?
If . . . come on, there will be no "25 million armed rebels" in this country. Get the "if" out of your head.
The 2nd Amendment was "antiquated" on the day it was written.

The Constitution, including Bill of Rights, is generally a masterpiece of forward-thinking that is still relevant today - but not the 2nd Amendment. The founders, mostly men of great vision, apparently couldn't see past the day they wrote it. It has become so obsolete that SCOTUS can interpret it any way it wishes - which it has and will continue to do so.

It's like an Etch A Sketch.

I am sure you believe that...but you are wrong.

Even NaziCon Scalia knew that.

Why do you think Scalia was a Nazi?

There's no point in asking him was just troll bait he put out because after he cut n' pasted someone else's words, he had nothing to say.

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