Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

That conservatives’ ‘solution’ to mass shootings is armed teachers and ‘hardened’ schools is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
If there's a rash of home invasion robberies in a community what are the logical steps to take as a home owner?

Secure your premises, add surveillance and be prepared to defend yourself.

Explain how that won't work for schools?

You people waste an awful lot of bandwidth.

Tell ya what - look around the world, at other countries that have to deal with violence.

Israel - what about them? They get attacked all the time. How do they handle security, in their schools, for their children?

One thing I can tell you for sure, is every single teacher in Israel has a plan, for what to do if the shit hits the fan
They also relaxed their firearm laws to make it easier for Israelis to own and carry legally.

The combination of the two seems to be having a significant deterrent effect.
Or maybe you just suck at reasoning. That would explain a lot.
Reasoning is not the problem.

Fundamental assumptions are the problem.

Your fundamental assumption is that if you regulate weapons a little better, the number of random shootings will decline.

My fundamental assumption is, you can NOT regulate weapons any better. You have proven yourselves incapable of doing so FOR TWO HUNDRED FIFTY YEARS!

And since you don't believe me and you think you can somehow magically make it work this time, I say, "ask the experts". Ask the people who've been there done that. Ask the Israelis. They agree with me. You can't make the bad guys go away. There is NOTHING you can do, to make the bad guys go away. Ask the experts. They'll tell you.

The BEST you can do, is keep them out. Keep them at a distance. At arms length.

That can be done, at a reasonable cost and in a reasonable time frame There is plenty of precedent, and many existing real world examples
Reasoning is not the problem.

Fundamental assumptions are the problem.

Your fundamental assumption is that if you regulate weapons a little better, the number of random shootings will decline.

My fundamental assumption is, you can NOT regulate weapons any better. You have proven yourselves incapable of doing so FOR TWO HUNDRED FIFTY YEARS!

And since you don't believe me and you think you can somehow magically make it work this time, I say, "ask the experts". Ask the people who've been there done that. Ask the Israelis. They agree with me. You can't make the bad guys go away. There is NOTHING you can do, to make the bad guys go away. Ask the experts. They'll tell you.

The BEST you can do, is keep them out. Keep them at a distance. At arms length.

That can be done, at a reasonable cost and in a reasonable time frame There is plenty of precedent, and many existing real world examples
Slight correction. Mass shootings are almost never random, their locations and often the victims themselves are specifically targeted.
Ask the Israelis. They agree with me. You can't make the bad guys go away. There is NOTHING you can do, to make the bad guys go away. Ask the experts. They'll tell you.
That’s nice. Your fellow Republicans in Florida agree with me.
This retarded partisan hack is truly an idiot. ^^^

Hey bozo, go play with someone your own age. The adults are having a discussion here.
Conservatives are not only incapable of sound, responsible governance, they have contempt for it.
Conservatives are not only incapable of sound, responsible governance, they have contempt for it.

The problem is not that people are using guns to commit mass murder/suicide.
The problem is that schools seem to be so detrimental that they are causing people to want to commit mass murder/suicide.
The weapons they choose is irrelevant.
The schools have to be doing something wrong, or society is doing something wrong.
No one should want to commit mass muder/sucide.
That’s accurate. What about it?

You haven’t made a retarded assumption from that yet so I’m guessing you’re not done with the point you’re trying to make.

It's not an assumption, it's record. An assumption is guessing at what you think is true. Record is what actually happened.
As I already pointed out, only six states have a 21 year minimum age requirement, therefore a lot of your Democrat states agree with us.
Already addressed. New York and Florida only recently joined that list after encountering their most recent mass shootings, respectively.

Seems like we need to stumble over the issue before addressing it. But it’s making progress.
It's not an assumption, it's record. An assumption is guessing at what you think is true. Record is what actually happened.
Ok so your point is that most school shootings involved a person that was under 18.

No disagreement there. That’s a fact. We agree.

It’s also a fact that 18 to 20-year-olds are disproportionately more likely to be perpetrators in homicides and school shootings.
That’s nice. Your fellow Republicans in Florida agree with me.
See? ^^^

These lefties are terminally stupid.

They keep trying to turn my childrens' security into some kind of partisan fuckery.

These lefties are too stupid, they need to stay out of the discussion. I'm very sorry, but anyone who tries to turn my children into partisan pawns is NOT INTERESTED IN THEIR WELL BEING
See? ^^^

These lefties are terminally stupid.

They keep trying to turn my childrens' security into some kind of partisan fuckery.

These lefties are too stupid, they need to stay out of the discussion. I'm very sorry, but anyone who tries to turn my children into partisan pawns is NOT INTERESTED IN THEIR WELL BEING
You’re far too angry and emotional to discuss this rationally.

Thankfully some of your fellow Republicans law makers aren’t so irrational.
Ok so your point is that most school shootings involved a person that was under 18.

No disagreement there. That’s a fact. We agree.

It’s also a fact that 18 to 20-year-olds are disproportionately more likely to be perpetrators in homicides and school shootings.

We can agree there too. But my point is that age restrictions do not work and never have when it comes to obtaining a firearm, even one of choice. Making it slightly more difficult to obtain one, perhaps, but it doesn't make it impossible.

The problem is not the guns, it's the change in our culture the last few generations. Taking God out of our schools and society, single parent homes, raising our children to be fragile egg shells instead of preparing them for the adult world. What we've done is open a Pandora's box that can't be reversed. So now we have to decide on how to deal with the problems we made or allowed to be created.

In this particular case, this kid went out to kill as many people as possible because other kids made fun of his speech impediment. That happened all the time when I went to school many years ago, but those kids who were picked on never dreamed of killing as many people as they could over words. Words were harmless.

But this is where our evolution has taken us, and now we must act to protect these victims in our school systems. Since we can't undo what we have done, the best recourse is to have armed security, armed teachers in consideration, locking doors and have drills so kids know what to do in the event of an attack. These initiatives are no guarantee, but I'm willing to bet they would be much more effective than simply raising the age to buy a rifle.
You’re far too angry and emotional to discuss this rationally.

Thankfully some of your fellow Republicans law makers aren’t so irrational.
You're the one who doesn't get it, idiot.

Yeah, you'd be angry too if you got nonsensical drivel blasted into your ears 24/7.

Tell ya what - why don't you shut up and let the pros handle it. We'll take care of fucktards like that police chief in Uvalde. Trust me, we will. He'll never work in this town again
You're the one who doesn't get it, idiot.

Yeah, you'd be angry too if you got nonsensical drivel blasted into your ears 24/7.

Tell ya what - why don't you shut up and let the pros handle it. We'll take care of fucktards like that police chief in Uvalde. Trust me, we will. He'll never work in this town again
If you would listen to yourself you would see that you’re only confirming what I said.

You’re just angry and emotional. Luckily there are Republicans out there who aren’t as irrational as you are.


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