Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

So you disagree with your own link. And your fellow conservatives in Florida also disagree with you.
The link I provided you did not show any evidence that raising the age to 21 will have any effect. Neither did the FL legislature, they simply caved to political pressure.
The link I provided you did not show any evidence that raising the age to 21 will have any effect. Neither did the FL legislature, they simply caved to political pressure.
You can give all the excuses you want. Republicans in Florida still found it sensible and your own link says so as well.
Fact: Republicans in Florida found it reasonable to raise the minimum age limit.

Fact: Your own link disagrees with you on your opinion about minimum age limits.
No, republicans caved to political pressure which simply proves they are politicians.

The article presents no evidence to show that raising the age will have any effect.
That's rich. You spew endless opinion with no basis in fact yet declare it to be factual.
I didn’t claim it was factual that raising the age for guns would decrease gun murders.

I’ve specifically stated this numerous times yet you insist on lying about this over and over because you lack integrity.

You people waste an awful lot of bandwidth.

Tell ya what - look around the world, at other countries that have to deal with violence.

Israel - what about them? They get attacked all the time. How do they handle security, in their schools, for their children?

One thing I can tell you for sure, is every single teacher in Israel has a plan, for what to do if the shit hits the fan
No that isn't even close to accurate, even modest middle class homes are behind walls and usually walls that are electrified across the top.
That conservatives’ ‘solution’ to mass shootings is armed teachers and ‘hardened’ schools is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
That conservatives’ ‘solution’ to mass shootings is armed teachers and ‘hardened’ schools is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
This retarded partisan hack is truly an idiot. ^^^

Hey bozo, go play with someone your own age. The adults are having a discussion here.

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