CDZ Are we teaching our children the right things?

Whoever is murdering and thieving.

If we're going to take kids away for people teaching them horrible things, we would be obliged to remove the children of satanists, wiccans, homosexuals, and non practicing New York Jews who think it's cool to kill babies.

my point is its ok to remove children that are being taught to murder and steal because those are clear violations of rights of the person being murdered or stolen from

but you seem to take that and move the ball to beliefs that you disagree with???

or are you saying that at no time children should be removed for any reason???

I'm saying that you have no business investigating what people are teaching their children unless there is evidence of abuse.
By abuse I mean the kids are getting hurt. Not that they're going to Sunday school, which you don't approve of.

But let's take this further...are you aware of children being taught to murder and steal? Aside from progressives and muslims, I mean. ....
what do you mean by hurt??

most likely I agree with you more than not,

but the way you said that the way others raise their children is none of my business is such a broad statement it lacks in the application of reality

of course the way my neighbor raises their children is my business since I will most likely be the recipient of that teaching.
but the way someone that live hundreds of miles away has less effect

What people teach their children is none of your business. If you see evidence of physical harm being done to children, then that is a crime.

But no, it's not a crime to teach kids things you don't like or approve of.

People can teach their children to murder and steal. But if their kids, or they, ever actually do those things, then the community might be obliged to take action.

No, just because there are animals who teach their children that killing babies is cool and that they have a right to the fruits of the labors of people who work is not sufficient cause to seize those kids or otherwise interfere:

Amendment IV

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."


Nazis and commies historically told people that brutality is necessary for the *sake of the children*. They needed to kill Jews in the streets to *protect children*. They needed to drag women hiding 2nd pregnancies into the street for abortion to *protect children*.
sweetie you need to get a smaller brush,,

I never said it was a crime, and if my neighbors are teaching their children to murder and steal it sure the fuck is my business since I'm the closest target,,,

try not to let your hatred get in the way of the real problem, it clouds the mind to any real solutions,,,
No, it isn't any of your business. They can teach their kids anything they like.

Now if the kids are threatening you and saying "My parents (or my teacher, or my foster parents, whatever) told me to kill you!" that's something again..that's actually a crime. That's what antifa imbeciles do.

Tell would you know that the neighbors are teaching their kids to murder and steal?

But just to, it isn't your business. Even if they talk amongst themselves (as I'm sure they do) about what a worthless human being you are, and how the world would be better without you, and wouldn't it be nice if you were euthanised and your assets distributed amongst them...that's just socialism. That's not a crime to talk about it, or teach it. As we are told by progressives every single day. We have entire schools full of students and teachers who do nothing but talk all day about who should be allowed to live, and who should be offed for the *good of the planet*. It isn't a crime, and no, you don't get to break down the door and drag the kids out. If you could, we'd be doing it right now, and dragging our children out of schools across the nation.
I think that banning folks who don't think the same way that we do is a horrible message for our children.

Yeah, but not wanting to play basketball against them is just great.

One leads to another. you are either tolerant or not tolerant.

And tolerance is not acceptance.
As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?

Seems to me like you shouldn't be worrying about how other people raise their kids. Raise yours as you please.
I think I'll go ahead and be concerned with whatever concerns me, thanks.

You can be concerned about it.
It's just none of your business.
I'm saying that you have no business investigating what people are teaching their children unless there is evidence of abuse.
By abuse I mean the kids are getting hurt. Not that they're going to Sunday school, which you don't approve of.

But let's take this further...are you aware of children being taught to murder and steal? Aside from progressives and muslims, I mean. ....
what do you mean by hurt??

most likely I agree with you more than not,

but the way you said that the way others raise their children is none of my business is such a broad statement it lacks in the application of reality

of course the way my neighbor raises their children is my business since I will most likely be the recipient of that teaching.
but the way someone that live hundreds of miles away has less effect

What people teach their children is none of your business. If you see evidence of physical harm being done to children, then that is a crime.

But no, it's not a crime to teach kids things you don't like or approve of.

People can teach their children to murder and steal. But if their kids, or they, ever actually do those things, then the community might be obliged to take action.

No, just because there are animals who teach their children that killing babies is cool and that they have a right to the fruits of the labors of people who work is not sufficient cause to seize those kids or otherwise interfere:

Amendment IV

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."


Nazis and commies historically told people that brutality is necessary for the *sake of the children*. They needed to kill Jews in the streets to *protect children*. They needed to drag women hiding 2nd pregnancies into the street for abortion to *protect children*.
sweetie you need to get a smaller brush,,

I never said it was a crime, and if my neighbors are teaching their children to murder and steal it sure the fuck is my business since I'm the closest target,,,

try not to let your hatred get in the way of the real problem, it clouds the mind to any real solutions,,,
No, it isn't any of your business. They can teach their kids anything they like.

Now if the kids are threatening you and saying "My parents (or my teacher, or my foster parents, whatever) told me to kill you!" that's something again..that's actually a crime. That's what antifa imbeciles do.

Tell would you know that the neighbors are teaching their kids to murder and steal?

But just to, it isn't your business. Even if they talk amongst themselves (as I'm sure they do) about what a worthless human being you are, and how the world would be better without you, and wouldn't it be nice if you were euthanised and your assets distributed amongst them...that's just socialism. That's not a crime to talk about it, or teach it. As we are told by progressives every single day. We have entire schools full of students and teachers who do nothing but talk all day about who should be allowed to live, and who should be offed for the *good of the planet*. It isn't a crime, and no, you don't get to break down the door and drag the kids out. If you could, we'd be doing it right now, and dragging our children out of schools across the nation.

just who the fuck are you to tell me what is or is not my business??? ,,

you fucking fascist are getting on my nerves,,,

or maybe we are getting to close to what you baby killers are really doing???

is that why you want us to mind our own business??
Fascists are the totalitarian scum who think they have a right to tell parents what they may teach their children.

Fascists are the scum who break down the doors of family homes, march in with batons, and remove children because the parents have been accused of teaching them non-approved things..whatever those things might be.
Communists in NK and China still get their homes broken into on the say so of neighbors who *report* that the families are not applying *approved* child rearing methods to their kids.
This is the CDZ forum, if you're not familiar with the rules, bone up on it.
There will be tickets and thread bans if the tone of this thread doesn't change going forward
I wish our system would take more kids from parents who shouldn't even be allowed to raise a goldfish, and I really don't care if that makes me a fascist or not.
I wish our system would take more kids from parents who shouldn't even be allowed to raise a goldfish, and I really don't care if that makes me a fascist or not.
It does.

Not nearly enough. Of course I'm also a rare conservative who doesn't think we have enough liberals aborting their babies before they can grow up to be idiots like their parents.
A society that kills it's own infants and treats its women like chattel is not a good society to be a part of.
The Democrats used to be the conservatives.
They were responsible for a lot of (not all of) the Jim Crow laws, the opposition to integration, and opposition to busing.

Today, if we had the same codes and laws on the books, conservatives would still be opposed to them only the conservatives identify as Republicans more often than Democrats.

Really, do you have any historical literacy at all?

OK Princess...

Democrooks did not suddenly embrace free markets, reject unions, high taxes, big government and racial bigotry.

Democrooks have always been the party of regressive marxist policy from one degree or another. The only thing that changed is the strategy of keeping minorities contained and oppressed in ghettos and prisons. It was liberal democrooks in Boston as recently as the 1980's that RIOTED when blacks were bused into their schools.

I'm not sure I why I waste my time, as soon as I turn off the thread you'll have been captured by Gannon once again and regurgitating insipid agitprop. I've recovered that Tri-Force too many times, but the NES version is still more cognizant than you appear to be.


Are you expecting me to argue with you?

Neither liberalism or conservatism is pure.
For example...You’re supposedly a conservative, right? Yet you, daily, sing the praises of Trump who has spent a trillion more than he has taken in for 2 straight years now.
Most kids today have no idea about forced bussing, Jim Crow laws, or even the term segregation. All courtesy of conservatives

Well, probably because Democrats were responsible for slavery and keep blacks in the inner cities for a 'slave' voting block. Conservatives don't do that shit.

Democrats were once conservatives and did most of the stuff I discussed above
Now the Republicans are.
You're simply ignorant.

Forced Busing was a Left Wing thing.


Republicans have never wanted Jim Crow Laws.
That’s true as far as it goes historically.
However, if segregation were still the norm today, I seriously doubt you’d be marching in Selma to get Jim Crow overturned along with other civil rights issues.

Liberals divide Americans by race, gender, class, region and religion every freaking day.

As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?

Are you opposed to homeschooling?
If so, then you don't like people who have different ideas than you.

If not, then I agree. Public school is totalitarian and hateful.
As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?

Are you opposed to homeschooling?
If so, then you don't like people who have different ideas than you.

If not, then I agree. Public school is totalitarian and hateful.

Public school is a crap shot that is, one doesn't know much about exact curriculum, teacher experience, play yard enforcement and the general attitude of the staff. The only argument I have heard in favor of public schools is that your child will be able to socialize. To me that is not a strong enough argument for putting my kid in public school....One can home school and have their kid in activities even in the school district without subjecting them to the militant rigors of going to an internment facility for 6 to 8 hours a day.
Good gawd.

When I say "teaching", I'm not talking about....

Oh, never mind.
As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?

again, 57 years old, this is nothing new.

When I was little, there was one of the neighbor's kids who was one of my friends, but my parents didn't want me playing with him because his parents were dirty stinking hippies. I was too young to understand, but my parents weren't.

Why do you always act like things we see today are something new and novel?
Schools should teach the things our kids need to get skills for a better job and future in this country.

Teaching them MORALITY...........or POLITICAL BS.............

That should be up to the kids and the parents that raise them.......NOT the schools...........
Schools should teach the things our kids need to get skills for a better job and future in this country.

Teaching them MORALITY...........or POLITICAL BS.............

That should be up to the kids and the parents that raise them.......NOT the schools...........

And if their parents have the social skills of feral wolves?

Here's the thing. Teachers are spending as much quality time with kids as their parents are these days, with everyone working two jobs to keep the One Percent flush in dressage horses.
What is important does not appear to be what is being taught. What is being taught doesn't appear to be what is important.
Filling the mind with facts is less important than informing about the facts of how the mind works.
Teaching about the apparent physical state of things is less important than teaching about the state of physics.
Learning what language can and cannot be used is unimportant compared to learning about how language is and can be used.
Political division and cultural multiplication are poor substitutes for math.
Individual rights must be taught along with responsibility on the part of the individual.

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