CDZ Are we teaching our children the right things?

And this is what we're teaching our kids.

Stick to your tribe, ignore your own faults, it's always someone else's fault, and they must be attacked in any way possible, don't think, don't give an inch, no matter what, ever, period.

For the zillionth time, I bring up a point, and many jump right in to illustrate it for me.
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at least they come by it honestly Mac......~S~
I don't know what this means.
Imagine growing up with the world at your fingertips Mac....>>>>


at least they come by it honestly Mac......~S~
I don't know what this means.
Imagine growing up with the world at your fingertips Mac....>>>>


Okay, I still don't know, but thanks.

I'll try w/o analogy then...., if you suggest we're teaching our kids badly, all one needs do is consider their exposure to the world via this soul suckin' device Mac

Nothing is sacred here

As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?
You all sleigh me! Worried about your kids politics when that cell phone addiction in the real worry. Who gives a shit what they think politically all they know how to do is look at the cell phone. They do not have the skills to obtain their desired political out comes or the attention span to know wether they have been realized. I see people my age that should know better never lift thier head from the damn thing. You dumb fucks worried about immigrants and all these other things when the real enemy is in your hands. We can write the best laws in the world but if all any one does is fuck with that damn cell phone there is no one to protect them or accomplish a fucking thing.
You all sleigh me! Worried about your kids politics when that cell phone addiction in the real worry. Who gives a shit what they think politically all they know how to do is look at the cell phone. They do not have the skills to obtain their desired political out comes or the attention span to know wether they have been realized. I see people my age that should know better never lift thier head from the damn thing. You dumb fucks worried about immigrants and all these other things when the real enemy is in your hands. We can write the best laws in the world but if all any one does is fuck with that damn cell phone there is no one to protect them or accomplish a fucking thing.
As we can see, some aren't worried about what our behaviors are teaching our children.
You all sleigh me! Worried about your kids politics when that cell phone addiction in the real worry. Who gives a shit what they think politically all they know how to do is look at the cell phone. They do not have the skills to obtain their desired political out comes or the attention span to know wether they have been realized. I see people my age that should know better never lift thier head from the damn thing. You dumb fucks worried about immigrants and all these other things when the real enemy is in your hands. We can write the best laws in the world but if all any one does is fuck with that damn cell phone there is no one to protect them or accomplish a fucking thing.
As we can see, some aren't worried about what our behaviors are teaching our children.
I think we are flat fucked until we get people paying attention again. Not only to laws and politics but the family and friends right in front of them All other problems seem miniscule to this. I am not just worried for the children I am worried for thier parents.

PS OUr children are learning from that phone not thier parents and the parents are allowing this due to thier own addiction. I notice that my friends kids come to me when they have a question they actually need answered because thier own dad will not look up from the phone. I can not be the only one who has noticed or is alarmed by this can I?
And this is what we're teaching our kids.

Stick to your tribe, ignore your own faults, it's always someone else's fault, and they must be attacked in any way possible, don't think, don't give an inch, no matter what, ever, period.

For the zillionth time, I bring up a point, and many jump right in to illustrate it for me.

You shouldn't hang around liberals.
And this is what we're teaching our kids. Stick to your tribe, ignore your own faults, it's always someone else's fault, and they must be attacked in any way possible, don't think, don't give an inch, no matter what, ever, period. For the zillionth time, I bring up a point, and many jump right in to illustrate it for me.
You shouldn't hang around liberals.
Wingers are wingers. "Side" irrelevant. They all do as I describe.
And this is what we're teaching our kids. Stick to your tribe, ignore your own faults, it's always someone else's fault, and they must be attacked in any way possible, don't think, don't give an inch, no matter what, ever, period. For the zillionth time, I bring up a point, and many jump right in to illustrate it for me.
You shouldn't hang around liberals.
Wingers are wingers. "Side" irrelevant. They all do as I describe.

Sorry! The hypocrisy of the left is what you seem to embrace at every opportunity. We read your posts and see it every day.
And this is what we're teaching our kids. Stick to your tribe, ignore your own faults, it's always someone else's fault, and they must be attacked in any way possible, don't think, don't give an inch, no matter what, ever, period. For the zillionth time, I bring up a point, and many jump right in to illustrate it for me.
You shouldn't hang around liberals.
Wingers are wingers. "Side" irrelevant. They all do as I describe.

Sorry! The hypocrisy of the left is what you seem to embrace at every opportunity. We read your posts and see it every day.
Whatever you'd like.
Wow, reading what has been posted, All blame the other party, when its clear both party's have gone bat poop crazy. winning is everything, don't like what you hear must be fake news. hope that extreme views has not contaminated the whole population.
Wow, reading what has been posted, All blame the other party, when its clear both party's have gone bat poop crazy. winning is everything, don't like what you hear must be fake news. hope that extreme views has not contaminated the whole population.
Sure it has. These behaviors are metastasizing throughout our culture, from sports to entertainment to business. That's my concern.

If these behaviors were limited to a few nuts & crazies on the ends of the spectrum, I'd just watch and point and laugh.

But this is clearly spreading, and our children (as they always do) are watching. Do we allow such behaviors from them?
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Wingers are wingers. "Side" irrelevant. They all do as I describe.

Disagree with you? This seems to be your major complaint, really.

Sure it has. These behaviors are metastasizing throughout our culture, from sports to entertainment to business. That's my concern.

If these behaviors were limited to a few nuts & crazies on the ends of the spectrum, I'd just watch and point and laugh.

But this is clearly spreading, and our children (as they always do) are watching. Do we allow such behaviors from them?

Yawn, guy, when I grew up, we had race riots and domestic terrorism. My parents looked at the Manson family and the SLA and completely freaked out. Today folks are freaking out because someone was mean to them on the internet.

the only anomaly in our politics right now compared to any other time period is Trump, a man who doesn't recognize the decorum that comes with the office. All the Vichy Liberals said he would "grow" and "Mature" when he took the office, but he really hasn't.

Beyond that, nothing new under the sun, really.
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Wow, reading what has been posted, All blame the other party, when its clear both party's have gone bat poop crazy. winning is everything, don't like what you hear must be fake news. hope that extreme views has not contaminated the whole population.

That's because I would say "both sides do it" is a cop out for people who don't want to take a stand. I'm sure that there were people in 1930's Germany who thought Hitler was nuts, but man, at least he wasn't the KPD or the the SPD! Those commies!

The thing is, if you shot up your average Republican with some sodium pentathal or some Southern Comfort, they'd tell you they know Trump is crazy, too. But they are getting what the want out of him.
As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?

Being open and curious to new ideas, is how we have an opioid epidemic going on.

Maybe you missed it, but it is exactly those self-proclaimed "open-minded people", that are spewing the most hate.
As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?

Being open and curious to new ideas, is how we have an opioid epidemic going on.

Maybe you missed it, but it is exactly those self-proclaimed "open-minded people", that are spewing the most hate.
I'm far less concerned with what people claim to be than what their actions are.

And are you saying that being open and curious is a bad thing?
As this country becomes more and more polarized, is this infecting our children too?

Should we be teaching them to shun and avoid people who don't think like we do?

Seems to me that young people should always be curious and open to new ideas. The only way to do that is by communicating with people face to face, in real life.

Is that what we're doing, or would this now be considered a bad idea?

Being open and curious to new ideas, is how we have an opioid epidemic going on.

Maybe you missed it, but it is exactly those self-proclaimed "open-minded people", that are spewing the most hate.
I'm far less concerned with what people claim to be than what their actions are.

And are you saying that being open and curious is a bad thing?

Is being open to trying cocaine, and curious about what is like to be on it, a bad thing or good thing? You tell me.

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