Zone1 Are White Actors and Actresses Not Allowed to Act Anymore?

Everyone doing remakes and copying everyone else.
Hollywood has no writers anymore. They just change the ethnicity, gender or political leanings of the roles as they were written in the attempt to make everything woke. I haven't watched a new movie in over 20 years. Entertainment quality suffered so badly in the 90s, I gave up on it.
Why? A lot of roles can be fairly generic, why should they be limited? I mean I totally get why a black dude wouldn’t work so well playing the lead character in Kung Fu and why a white dude would have trouble playing the main character in A Patch of Blue or why an Asian actor might not be able to pull off a Viking, but the little mermaid? It’s generic.
and yet we have movies on British nobles of the earlier centuries with black men and women as them.
Hollywood has no writers anymore. They just change the ethnicity, gender or political leanings of the roles as they were written in the attempt to make everything woke. I haven't watched a new movie in over 20 years. Entertainment quality suffered so badly in the 90s, I gave up on it.
I'm done with all media. They have all become such pandering whores that I'm done. I have my favorite old movies on DVD and can pick up the others that I want.

Hollywood is dead. It has committed SJW suicide. It's deliciously funny!
Furthermore, why are all the emoticons so yellow? 😮

Even the Simpsons are yellow.

Is this some kind of snark against Asian people?
Asians are Yellow?
I personally have not seen a yellow person.

Well, Don juniors eyes get discolored and glossy when he does his COKE.

Hunter's maybe too, we just don't have much video of Hunter talking while COKED up like we do with Junior.
I see your point with everything but your last sentence. Yes, this situation isn't that big of a deal, but how many white actors and actresses do you see in new movies (or shows I don't really watch TV all that much so I don't really know about that) these days?
Statistically white actors and actresses make up over 70% of the top paying roles, so clearly they are not scarce or being discriminated against.

I don’t watch TV much unless I am visiting my mother, and then I watch a lot of Brit Box. In the British stuff I see tons of ethnic and racial diversity, mixed race couples, handicapped people, (and ordinary looking people) in a very natural and unselfish conscious way. And I haven’t heard any griping about the casting. For some reason, it is different in the US, much more controversial in the US.
Asians are Yellow?
I personally have not seen a yellow person.

Well, Don juniors eyes get discolored and glossy when he does his COKE.

Hunter's maybe too, we just don't have much video of Hunter talking while COKED up like we do with Junior.
Show us.

And what is it in your own history that makes you an expert on what a cokehead looks and acts like? Hmmmmmmmmmm????????????????
Would you say the same if Kunte Kinte and the cast of Roots all had reversed roles?

If they were all black (I never seen them or heard of them) she along everybody else would throw a fit. I'm not speaking for her, but that's usually how it goes which was my original point in my OP.
Asians are Yellow?
I personally have not seen a yellow person.

Well, Don juniors eyes get discolored and glossy when he does his COKE.

Hunter's maybe too, we just don't have much video of Hunter talking while COKED up like we do with Junior.
Black people aren’t actually black. White people aren’t actually white. American Indians aren’t actually red.

Happy to clarify this for you.
Would you say the same if Kunte Kinte and the cast of Roots all had reversed roles?
Well, if you read my earlier posts I made a comment that there are exceptions, some roles demand a particular ethnicity unless you totally reset the story, but the Mermaid is not one of those.
Why would that insult fans more than any other changes they do when remaking a movie (there are always a lot of changes), I don’t understand why race is the one that matters.

Changes that are unavoidable, (new actors) or for real creative reasons are valid and can be done with respect for cannon and the fans.

Race flips, like I said, at this point, as a concept have been abused to the point that no reasonable person can give them the benefit of a doubt. They have to be assumed to be done for bad reasons with ill intent.
Well, if you read my earlier posts I made a comment that there are exceptions, some roles demand a particular ethnicity unless you totally reset the story, but the Mermaid is not one of those.

The fact that she looks how she does with just a tad bit of darker skin and bright red hair no. If they were to pull an Annie and she was black all over I'd have much bigger issues with it.
Well, if you read my earlier posts I made a comment that there are exceptions, some roles demand a particular ethnicity unless you totally reset the story, but the Mermaid is not one of those.
But you never addressed mine there are several 1800 and 1700 period shows of US and British uppercrust where many roles are played by blacks, ya so very fitting.
Now let me also just say movies like The Wiz are completely different because it's a parody movie. I also love the Cinderella movie with Brandy in it because Cinderella doesn't really have one specific look.
Well, if you read my earlier posts I made a comment that there are exceptions, some roles demand a particular ethnicity unless you totally reset the story, but the Mermaid is not one of those.
So you don't agree with changing Hamilton's ethnicity?

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