Zone1 Are White People Wrong to Judge Fani Willis by Our Standards of Marital Fidelity and Ethics?

Race has nothing to do with the infidelity. He had a plausible story - "Marriage ended years ago, just stayed legal for the kids."

Maybe I slept through this in law school, but I don't see how this impacts the case against Trump, other than a potential very long delay, while another prosecutor comes up to speed.
The question is whether another prosecutor, one with some judgement and without partisan ambitions would have brought these novel and frankly ridiculous charges.
The question is whether another prosecutor, one with some judgement and without partisan ambitions would have brought these novel and frankly ridiculous charges.
Who assigns the prosecutor? Maybe it should go back to the state attorney general to decide whether to proceed or not.
The question is whether another prosecutor, one with some judgement and without partisan ambitions would have brought these novel and frankly ridiculous charges.
Hilarious considering that the prosecution has 4 guilty pleas so far.
It’s not about the affair, and you know it. It’s that she hired lover boy, paid him the top dollar allowed - when he never had even tried a felony case before! - and then enjoyed lavish vacations with taxpayer funds she used to overpay her affair partner.

He's well qualified. Did you go to law school?
Ah, I see your point. And I agree with you that public corruption is the bigger issue.

There's no corruption. People can go on vacation and pay for it with money they earn.

District attorney of Fulton County
In 2020, Willis was elected district attorney for Fulton County, defeating Paul Howard Jr., a six-term incumbent and her former boss.

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(For what its worth)I've read his wife cheated on him by having an affair with his best friend in 2015 and he has been estranged(not sexually involved) from his wife since 2021 or 2022? he filed for divorce against his wife...(in 2020 he was fighting cancer and under cancer treatment...I'm presuming prostate cancer, considering his age and survival??)
I thought the story was that he was only keeping the marriage together for legal reasons due to the kids?

Either way, this “the marriage wasn’t a real marriage anyway” excuse for adultery always seems very convenient to me.
Wade and his wife have been separated since 2015.

What does this have to do with color? You certainly sound like a racist.
As I never tired of repeating, it was Miss Willis herself, who brought up the racial issue.
I thought the story was that he was only keeping the marriage together for legal reasons due to the kids?

Either way, this “the marriage wasn’t a real marriage anyway” excuse for adultery always seems very convenient to me.

They have been estranged since 2015.

District attorney of Fulton County
In 2020, Willis was elected district attorney for Fulton County, defeating Paul Howard Jr., a six-term incumbent and her former boss.

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Fani Willis - Wikipedia
Who assigns the prosecutor? Maybe it should go back to the state attorney general to decide whether to proceed or not.

The "Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of the State of Georgia" appoints the new prosecutor

If Judge Scott McAfee does remove Willis from the case, Georgia state law states it would then be up to the executive director of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of the State of Georgia to determine a replacement.
The director, Pete Skandalakis, told CNN he would likely only assign the case to a prosecutor who actually wanted to take it up, though he also told the New York Times he could appoint someone—or even take up the case himself—if no one volunteered.
The "Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of the State of Georgia" appoints the new prosecutor

“Pete Skandalakas?” Sounds like an SNL character.

Interesting to see what he does.

I’m a bit surprised at the Democrats lack of understanding of strategy in this whole matter. From a standpoint of wanting to actually get a conviction on Trump, replacing this Willis, with a clean prosecutor, would be the wisest move.
As I never tired of repeating, it was Miss Willis herself, who brought up the racial issue.

Some of our Georgia hillbillies are racist.. she's a successful, educated black woman.. it's the same crowd that couldn't stand Obama.

District attorney of Fulton County
In 2020, Willis was elected district attorney for Fulton County, defeating Paul Howard Jr., a six-term incumbent and her former boss.

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Fani Willis - Wikipedia
As I never tired of repeating, it was Miss Willis herself, who brought up the racial issue.

Some of our Georgia hillbillies are racist.. she's a successful, educated black woman.. it's the same crowd that couldn't stand Obama.

District attorney of Fulton County
In 2020, Willis was elected district attorney for Fulton County, defeating Paul Howard Jr., a six-term incumbent and her former boss.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Fani Willis - Wikipedia
Some of our Georgia hillbillies are racist.. she's a successful, educated black woman.. it's the same crowd that couldn't stand Obama.

District attorney of Fulton County
In 2020, Willis was elected district attorney for Fulton County, defeating Paul Howard Jr., a six-term incumbent and her former boss.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Fani Willis - Wikipedia
So your Georgia hillbillies are so racist and sexist that they elected a black woman over a six term white male incumbent?
“Pete Skandalakas?” Sounds like an SNL character.

Interesting to see what he does.

I’m a bit surprised at the Democrats lack of understanding of strategy in this whole matter. From a standpoint of wanting to actually get a conviction on Trump, replacing this Willis, with a clean prosecutor, would be the wisest move.
The RICO charges are so ridiculous, it will be a huge test for whomever takes over this mess.
Serious question.

I'm white so I don't know. I'm asking any black posters on here if they feel that the white lawyers questioning her are coming from a different place as far as how important marital honesty is, or the morality of romance with someone who is married to another.

In this clip:

She seems very surprised and annoyed that the opposing is asking her about the money that she gave her married lover, for their vacations and dinners and other entertainments they shared. She tries to be a bit of a wise guy, but she does not really evade the fact of having given him money, just tries not to answer about the form.

More oddly to me is that she is not at all embarrassed about the fact that she was doing all this with a man who has a wife at home who may or may not be aware of this affair.

Is that a common thing, that all that would be important is the relationship she enjoys, and has no thoughts or feelings about the wife whose husband she is taking. In her world, it that normal, I guess is my question.

"Our standards"... what is that?
Are you talking "our" as being white people?

I think their should be human standards. A standard of decency that makes everyone's lives better.
As a productive human being you should be able to live your life without dirtbags like this piece of work fucking you over.
No one is judging her fidelity. Her unethical conduct has impacted her professional performance and is properly judged.

She used a high profile case with a politically unpopular defendant to game the system. She assumed that because democrats hate Trump so much, she would never be questioned. She assumed that being a black female was enough to silence any detractors. She was wrong.

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