Are whites a minority in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District?

lots of 'somalis' and other third worlder in that district I ASSUME . Plus lots of OTHERS are ASSUMED by me to be liberal , love immigration and third worlders and thats the answer or my comment . See mrobamas 2 time election . And see 'keith ellisons' election in Minnesota . He was 'muslim' but I don't know if he was in the same district as 'omar' was .

Ellison was. Keith Maurice Ellison is an American politician and lawyer serving as the 30th Attorney General of Minnesota. A member of the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party, Ellison was the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district from 2007 to 2019. Wikipedia

The major problem with "Whites" voting for "Blacks" was best exemplified by Obama when he won the Iowa primary in 2008.
As a caucus state, Iowans literally had to stand in many cases for their choice, i.e. Iowans stood for Obama.
Well put yourself in an Iowan's shoes. You know most non-Iowans..i.e. the audiences for MSM think Iowans are dumb farmers. Stupid. Racist.
So when the reporter shoved a microphone into an Iowan's face at a caucus and the Iowan WAS NOT standing for Obama? Well what do you guess that
reporter's first question to the Iowan is...."are you not standing for Obama because he's black"?
Consequently we got one of the worst president's who literally hates the USA because the USA is Britain's friend....

Obama doesn't hold a "grudge" over Britain torturing his Kenyan grandfather...
No, Obama isn't angry that Britain tortured his Kenyan grandfather. But so what if he was?

So too with Omar.... poor Minnesotans ... not wanting to be accused of being "racist" either didn't vote in the 5th district or did and voted for her because
she certainly doesn't represent the majority.

White identity politics.
----------------------- maybe and So What J Miller .
Is this Jew hating racist Tax cheat district where the killer came from that tossed a 5 year old white kid off the 5th floor Great Mall deck? Proably one of obamas' imports we can't live without. Kill them before they kill you.
Go right ahead and start killing....or are you just all talk?
To understand how she got elected you have to understand the nomination process. The Somalis turn out in droves.....This makes the diversity loving whites uncomfortable, other means may be applied to heighten that, when you look at the photos you will be hard pressed to find a white face in a white majority district. Once nominated the libs simply vote for the D on the ballot per their party programming. I doubt they ever give one thought to not voting for a D, Win a small battle, win the war......
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative
for Minnesota's 5th congressional district since 2019.
Minnesota's 5th congressional district is a geographically small urban and suburban ...
The district is represented by Ilhan Omar, the first Somali American to ever serve in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the first black woman to represent the 5th.
Minnesota's 5th congressional district - Wikipedia

Less 1/3 are non-whites. So does she really represent her district as she said?
Over 50,000 Somali Americans live in Minnesota, the largest population in the U.S., many in the densely populated neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside. Often called Little Mogadishu, after Somalia’s capital,
‘I Believe in My Work.’ How Rep. Ilhan Omar Rose From Refugee to Trump’s Top Target
Omar is what happens when people don't vote.
Why don't you guys move to her district...then you can vote against her. Until then...................................
The problem is that so many of you are far from those troublesome districts living the life of riley and pat yourselves on the back for their support. Give up the wealth and move into them.
ORLY? :71: My district has an indicted thief as Representative....for now....I'd take Omar over him any day.
They're both trash. No surprise you'd support the Muslim America hater.
To understand how she got elected you have to understand the nomination process. The Somalis turn out in droves.....This makes the diversity loving whites uncomfortable, other means may be applied to heighten that, when you look at the photos you will be hard pressed to find a white face in a white majority district. Once nominated the libs simply vote for the D on the ballot per their party programming. I doubt they ever give one thought to not voting for a D, Win a small battle, win the war......
---------------------------- aw well , they get what they deserve I suppose and i'm happy to be older .
To understand how she got elected you have to understand the nomination process. The Somalis turn out in droves.....This makes the diversity loving whites uncomfortable, other means may be applied to heighten that, when you look at the photos you will be hard pressed to find a white face in a white majority district. Once nominated the libs simply vote for the D on the ballot per their party programming. I doubt they ever give one thought to not voting for a D, Win a small battle, win the war......
There were mostly white faces in that crowd the welcomed Omar home at the airport. They sure looked like they supported her. They even took the time to make signs.
To understand how she got elected you have to understand the nomination process. The Somalis turn out in droves.....This makes the diversity loving whites uncomfortable, other means may be applied to heighten that, when you look at the photos you will be hard pressed to find a white face in a white majority district. Once nominated the libs simply vote for the D on the ballot per their party programming. I doubt they ever give one thought to not voting for a D, Win a small battle, win the war......
There were mostly white faces in that crowd the welcomed Omar home at the airport. They sure looked like they supported her. They even took the time to make signs.
Staged photo op doofus
To understand how she got elected you have to understand the nomination process. The Somalis turn out in droves.....This makes the diversity loving whites uncomfortable, other means may be applied to heighten that, when you look at the photos you will be hard pressed to find a white face in a white majority district. Once nominated the libs simply vote for the D on the ballot per their party programming. I doubt they ever give one thought to not voting for a D, Win a small battle, win the war......
There were mostly white faces in that crowd the welcomed Omar home at the airport. They sure looked like they supported her. They even took the time to make signs.
------------------------------- just some 'UNamerican ' dummies then eh 'NOT' ??
She is dead center with her back to the camera, wearing a white head covering.

To understand how she got elected you have to understand the nomination process. The Somalis turn out in droves.....This makes the diversity loving whites uncomfortable, other means may be applied to heighten that, when you look at the photos you will be hard pressed to find a white face in a white majority district. Once nominated the libs simply vote for the D on the ballot per their party programming. I doubt they ever give one thought to not voting for a D, Win a small battle, win the war......
There were mostly white faces in that crowd the welcomed Omar home at the airport. They sure looked like they supported her. They even took the time to make signs.
Staged photo op doofus
Sure. Staged with white people.

Can't believe you big strong cowards are so afraid of such a tiny person.
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative
for Minnesota's 5th congressional district since 2019.
Minnesota's 5th congressional district is a geographically small urban and suburban ...
The district is represented by Ilhan Omar, the first Somali American to ever serve in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the first black woman to represent the 5th.
Minnesota's 5th congressional district - Wikipedia

Less 1/3 are non-whites. So does she really represent her district as she said?
Over 50,000 Somali Americans live in Minnesota, the largest population in the U.S., many in the densely populated neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside. Often called Little Mogadishu, after Somalia’s capital,
‘I Believe in My Work.’ How Rep. Ilhan Omar Rose From Refugee to Trump’s Top Target

She represents America in no way, no matter whether the color is brown, black, white or orange.
The local media glorified her as she used the race, gender, and Muslim cards all in one sweep. They still do as every story about her feels the need to point out her victim status.
Those white people supporting her would never set foot in Cedar/Riverside or want to see that population in their exclusive executive neighborhoods near Lake Minnetonka.
Cheering her at the airport is nothing but virtue signaling and then they go back to their gated communities feeling nice and smug.
Liberals love diversity as long as it stays in the ghetto.

I dare anyone feeling inclusive to step foot in Cedar/Riverside...
The local media glorified her as she used the race, gender, and Muslim cards all in one sweep. They still do as every story about her feels the need to point out her victim status.
Those white people supporting her would never set foot in Cedar/Riverside or want to see that population in their exclusive executive neighborhoods near Lake Minnetonka.
Cheering her at the airport is nothing but virtue signaling and then they go back to their gated communities feeling nice and smug.
Liberals love diversity as long as it stays in the ghetto.
My city is minority white. I'm a Liberal. I get along just fine. The only people here who are miserable are the conservative whites.
The local media glorified her as she used the race, gender, and Muslim cards all in one sweep. They still do as every story about her feels the need to point out her victim status.
Those white people supporting her would never set foot in Cedar/Riverside or want to see that population in their exclusive executive neighborhoods near Lake Minnetonka.
Cheering her at the airport is nothing but virtue signaling and then they go back to their gated communities feeling nice and smug.
Liberals love diversity as long as it stays in the ghetto.
My city is minority white. I'm a Liberal. I get along just fine. The only people here who are miserable are the conservative whites.
No one is miserable in red Anoka county.
Especially when our property taxes are 60% lower than the close by metro. Housing is affordable, crime is rare, and there is actually even successful minorities here who vote Republican.

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