Are Women Stupid?

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

The best way for the GOP to appeal to women voters is to stop trying to violate their right to privacy.

Obama is the one forcing them to put all their medical records in a government database.

Refusing to pay for their birth control isn't violating their so-called "privacy."

stop babbling.

the companies aren't "paying" for a particular drug. and if there is prescription coverage, then all covered drugs should be included. and certainly none should be EXCLUDED because the owner of the corporation is a religious zealot. if hobby lobby were muslim-owned, you'd be shrieking like a stuck pig.

and what drugs are prescribed to their employees are none of their business.... unless of course they want to stop availing themselves of the protections corporate status offers, too... you know, like keeping them from being personally liable for corporate debts, torts and crimes.

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The best way for the GOP to appeal to women voters is to stop trying to violate their right to privacy.

Obama is the one forcing them to put all their medical records in a government database.

Refusing to pay for their birth control isn't violating their so-called "privacy."

stop babbling.

the companies aren't "paying" for a particular drug.

and what drugs are prescribed to their employees are none of their business.... unless of course they want to stop availing themselves of the protections corporate status offers, too... you know, like keeping them from being personally liable for corporate debts, torts and crimes.


Ironic you tell someone to stop babbling. SO you can babble instead.
Poseur :cuckoo:
Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

So this is news to you?
To some republicans, it appears...this is a documentary:

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Its a political war of rhetoric using women as the bait. lol . I like to think of it as an attack on my" give a fuckery" & patience- for institutionalized minions who carry water for ideologues. Both sides do it.
Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

that idiot should immediately lose her seat. she's clearly too stupid to be trusted with any decision-making power.

You clean your house out first. My favorite stupid Democrat. :lol: Too many to choose from. So little time.

Speaking on the House Floor, rocket scientist Sheila Jackson Lee claimed the United States had operated under the Constitution since 1614.

“Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not.”
Sheila Jackson Lee, March 12, 2014 Audio and/or video clip available


As usual, Sheila Jackson Lee took to the House Floor and confused people, demanding unemployment insurance payments for the employed.

“Let us vote to provide for unemployment insurance for working men and women so that faces across America will not have the tear of desperation on their faces.”
Sheila Jackson Lee, December 12, 2013


Appearing on Shepard Smith's Studio B while promoting the President's attempt at attacking Syria, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee pronounced the word heinousness as heeneousness.

“And what the President was doing, as he expressed from his heart, is to respond to the tragedy and the heeneousness of gassing children and using chemical weapons that went beyond the international convention of using chemical weapons.”
Sheila Jackson Lee, September 10, 2013 Audio and/or video clip available


Speaking on the House floor, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee defended gang members committing crimes with guns.

“Don’t condemn the gangbangers, they’ve got guns that are trafficked, that are not enforced, that are straw purchased and they come into places even that have strong gun laws. Why? Because we don’t have sensible gun legislation.”

Sheila Jackson Lee, April 9, 2013 Audio and/or video clip available

Sheila Jackson Lee Quotes -

Oh and my fave of faves is that she believed American astronauts planted the flag on Mars.

bripat wukfit makes a statement that he cannot qualify.

As long as we understands that as an anarcho commie he hates American constitutionalism and democracy, let him rant on.
Women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. That's why they can't make it and are always demanding special treatment. There is no conspiracy against them. They just don't have the ability and drive of men.

The first sentence is true then you went all crazy town
Women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. That's why they can't make it and are always demanding special treatment. There is no conspiracy against them. They just don't have the ability and drive of men.

The first sentence is true then you went all crazy town

See the far left truly hates woman...
Women aren't stupid but they are definitely more emotional and some are easily fooled by their emotions. They vote with their emotions rather than their brains.
Women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. That's why they can't make it and are always demanding special treatment. There is no conspiracy against them. They just don't have the ability and drive of men.


typical RW'r ... lower someone else attempting to elevate themselves...

He's not a "RW'r", he is just a raving lunatic with delusions of adequacy.

No, he's actually a typical conservative. Sorry to say. As the conservatives continue to dominate the makes it clear that for many people (soon to be most), there is only one major party to vote for.

How sad.
—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

The best way for the GOP to appeal to women voters is to stop trying to violate their right to privacy.

Everyone's right to privacy went away with your dear leaders mandatory electronic medical records and other mandates to move us to his socialist utopia, and let's not forget the NSA.


Bush did the same thing (only Obama gets blamed).
Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch actually had staffers pull messages off the answreing machines of people in England. I bet you have Fox News on in your house.

Selective outrage is another wonderful Conservative trait it seems.

typical RW'r ... lower someone else attempting to elevate themselves...

He's not a "RW'r", he is just a raving lunatic with delusions of adequacy.

No, he's actually a typical conservative. Sorry to say. As the conservatives continue to dominate the makes it clear that for many people (soon to be most), there is only one major party to vote for.

How sad.

Puh-leeze conservatives are too few and far between in the GOP. But the right still is far superior to the left.
How many women believe the Hobby Lobby decision infringed on their constitutional rights? Yeah, at least that percentage is stupid. How many support Bil Clinton and Ted Kennedy while railing about Bob Packwood? Yeah, those are stupid too. How many believe ACA will result in better care for women? Add those to the list of dumbos.
Anyone with half a brain knows what she was talking about and it wasn't a put down to women. Just your saying so makes me think you don't think much of women.

typical RW'r ... lower someone else attempting to elevate themselves...

He's not a "RW'r", he is just a raving lunatic with delusions of adequacy.

No, he's actually a typical conservative. Sorry to say. As the conservatives continue to dominate the makes it clear that for many people (soon to be most), there is only one major party to vote for. How sad.

Dead wrong. SS is no more representative of the conservatives than bfgrn is of the liberals. They are both wackobirds on the far extremes.
The GOP/Conservative war on women continues. 2016 is looking better and better for the Dems.

Ted Kennedy got the only confirmed kill in the war on women.

This administration has done nothing but wage war on women. Working women. Women whose health insurance comes from employers. Women married to men who can't find jobs. Women who need business loans. Women who own their own businesses. You know, succesfful independent women, not the gimme whiners that Democrats portray.
The GOP/Conservative war on women continues. 2016 is looking better and better for the Dems.

Ted Kennedy got the only confirmed kill in the war on women.

This administration has done nothing but wage war on women. Working women. Women whose health insurance comes from employers. Women married to men who can't find jobs. Women who need business loans. Women who own their own businesses. You know, succesfful independent women, not the gimme whiners that Democrats portray.

Facts always whisper louder than your lies Shirley.

Yet women still vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats.

And will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. When Hillary runs in 2016, the base will be energized as never before. Enjoy 2014; it should be a good year for the GOP.

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