Are Women Stupid?

A quarter-century after women became the majority on college campuses, men are trailing them in more than just enrollment.

Department of Education statistics show that men, whatever their race or socioeconomic group, are less likely than women to get bachelor's degrees — and among those who do, fewer complete their degrees in four or five years. Men also get worse grades than women.

And in two national studies, college men reported that they studied less and socialized more than their female classmates.

Small wonder, then, that at elite institutions like Harvard, small liberal arts colleges like Dickinson, huge public universities like the University of Wisconsin and U.C.L.A. and smaller ones like Florida Atlantic University, women are walking off with a disproportionate share of the honors degrees.

It is not that men are in a downward spiral: they are going to college in greater numbers and are more likely to graduate than two decades ago.

Still, men now make up only 42 percent of the nation's college students. And with sex discrimination fading and their job opportunities widening, women are coming on much stronger, often leapfrogging the men to the academic finish.
The GOP/Conservative war on women continues. 2016 is looking better and better for the Dems.

Ted Kennedy got the only confirmed kill in the war on women.

This administration has done nothing but wage war on women. Working women. Women whose health insurance comes from employers. Women married to men who can't find jobs. Women who need business loans. Women who own their own businesses. You know, succesfful independent women, not the gimme whiners that Democrats portray.

Facts always whisper louder than your lies Shirley.

Yet women still vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats.

And will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. When Hillary runs in 2016, the base will be energized as never before. Enjoy 2014; it should be a good year for the GOP.
So you are proving the truth of the OP!
The facts of women being more likely than men to go to college, perform better academically, and major in fields other than science, technology, engineering and mathematics are mostly attributable to factors affecting students before – in some cases, long before – they enter the halls of academe. But that doesn’t mean colleges can’t do anything to mitigate the consequences.

Those are the conclusions of the authors of a new book, The Rise of Women (Russell Sage Foundation), about how and why female students continue to outpace their male counterparts in education (yet still can’t seem to earn a comparable paycheck).

“We’ve seen astonishing change over a very short historical period,” Thomas DiPrete, the book’s co-author and a sociology professor at Columbia University

New book explains why women outpace men in education @insidehighered
The GOP/Conservative war on women continues. 2016 is looking better and better for the Dems.

Ted Kennedy got the only confirmed kill in the war on women.

This administration has done nothing but wage war on women. Working women. Women whose health insurance comes from employers. Women married to men who can't find jobs. Women who need business loans. Women who own their own businesses. You know, succesfful independent women, not the gimme whiners that Democrats portray.

Facts always whisper louder than your lies Shirley.

Yet women still vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats.

And will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. When Hillary runs in 2016, the base will be energized as never before. Enjoy 2014; it should be a good year for the GOP.


Women correctly understand that democratic candidates are not hostile to working women, unlike most republicans.

Women correctly understand that democratic candidates understand the importance of issues such as affordable childcare, affordable healthcare, and education, unlike most republican candidates.

And women correctly understand that democratic candidates are not hostile to the privacy rights of women, concerning reproductive rights and family planning, unlike most republicans.
New research is providing an answer to the age-old, delicate question: who is smarter, men or women? A new study has come down on the feminine side of that argument, finding that women now score higher on IQ tests than men.

The author of the study, James Flynn, a New Zealand-based researcher known as an IQ testing expert, said that over the past century, women have lagged slightly behind men in IQ testing scores, at times by as much as five points. But now, Flynn said women have closed the gap and even inched ahead in this battle of the intelligent sexes.

“Over the last 100 years, everyone in the developing world has been gaining about three IQ points, but women have been gaining faster,” Flynn told ABC News. “This is the result of modernity. In every country where women have an equal chance of modernity, women have caught men [in IQ testing].”

The changes, Flynn said, can be explained by changes in opportunity and education that have come about in the last century — for example, less reliance on rote memorization in education and an emphasis on improving logic and analytic skills.

“As we enter the modern worlds, our minds change just as our automobiles have changed,” Flynn said.

“Where women can have an equal chance to interface with the modern world, they equal on IQ and surpass on academic performance.”

Women Beat Men on IQ Tests For First Time - ABC News
Women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. That's why they can't make it and are always demanding special treatment. There is no conspiracy against them. They just don't have the ability and drive of men.

It's the hormones. When young, the hormones make them scatterbrained. When old, the lack of hormones make them lazy.
Women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. That's why they can't make it and are always demanding special treatment. There is no conspiracy against them. They just don't have the ability and drive of men.

It's the hormones. When young, the hormones make them scatterbrained. When old, the lack of hormones make them lazy.

how are all those male hormones hormones working out for world peace?

Sorry Valerie, but women always point the wrong way when they are giving directions using body language.

It is encoded in the DNA....

Women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. That's why they can't make it and are always demanding special treatment. There is no conspiracy against them. They just don't have the ability and drive of men.

It's the hormones. When young, the hormones make them scatterbrained. When old, the lack of hormones make them lazy.

how are all those male hormones hormones working out for world peace?


Well, if'n it weren't fer those old hags, Hill and Merkle, we'd be in Moscow and Tehrahn rat now.
Women are physically, mentally, and psychologically inferior to men. That's why they can't make it and are always demanding special treatment. There is no conspiracy against them. They just don't have the ability and drive of men.

You are incorrect on many levels/
If you did some reading instead of holding onto old stereotypes, you'd know this to be true.
First. Women comprise the majority of college under grads.
Second, women are more analytical than men. Men are prone to make decisions without consensus. Women will consult and consider before moving forward.
Third. Women process information differently than men. That does not make them inferior.

Women comprise the majority of college undergrads, but a distinct minority when it comes to math or the hard sciences. Yes women are there, but not many. Women are drawn to professions of feelings rather than doing.

Men do meet and confer before taking action, but they meet and confer on different issues than women. A man will ask for demonstrable evidence from everyone. A woman will ask how people "feel". When opposed, women will not offer additional evidentiary support, they might cry instead. Women are more analytical than men, up to the point where they make up their minds. Thereafter nothing can change them. Women are not as nimble as men. They do not adapt to changing circumstances. They cannot or will not adjust. There are few women that can be on course and make a split second decision to change. They are there, but they are very few. Women made decisions on looks, on superflurous details. No matter how someone lies to them, or how evident that lie is, if a woman perceives the man to be pleasing, the woman will trust him.

There are women who aren't this way, as rare as they are they are there. It's just hard to find them. They tend to hide because they are the bitches of the world. They are the ones that women most hate.
The best way for the GOP to appeal to women voters is to stop trying to violate their right to privacy.

Obama is the one forcing them to put all their medical records in a government database.

Refusing to pay for their birth control isn't violating their so-called "privacy."

Based on that, I hope Viagra and Cialis aren't covered by the ACA either.

Hope not...I see no reason to pay for them! I also hope hair plugs, nose jobs, and sex changes aren't covered! (But they could well be...)

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