Are you a conservative Republican....or justa Trumpster?

The biggest tax burden are illegals that don’t pay for the schools their kids fill up, the hospital bills they don’t pay, the auto insurance they never buy, the taxes they don’t pay in their illegal jobs, and the jails they fill from committing so many crimes.

Haha...are you pretending you don’t know that wetbacks are taxpayer dependent, incarcerated at a rate just slightly below blacks, drop litters of money trees/children, work shit jobs for cash, flood our emergency rooms and public schools...etc?
Come on man...don’t make an ass of yourself.
Fuckhead......take a GED course in economics....
One CANNOT lower the debt when faced with 800,000 new unemployment claims PER fucking MONTH....and when facing a recession bordering on an all-out DEPRESSION.....

Right "fuckhead"
That's why every time Democrats or Globalists elitist like the Bush family get elected they drag everybody back down.

Fortunately the SCOTUS just dealt not one but TWO MAJOR blows to your stupidity

Haha...are you pretending you don’t know that wetbacks are taxpayer dependent, incarcerated at a rate just slightly below blacks, don’t drop litters of money trees/children, don’t work shit jobs for cash, don’t flood our emergency rooms and public schools...etc?
Come on man...don’t make an ass of yourself.

Above one of the racist pigs that have found a "leader"in Trump's racist policies.
New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Learn how to read AND comprehend, moron......

First, Obama's debt when up to 19 trillion (as clearly stated...look it up)

Second, only a fucking idiot would compare as the same what Obama inherited and what the orange clown also inherited in economic status.

Libtard Obama begged us to put him in charge, why didn't he lower the debt? I thought he was the smartest guy ever to be president? Perfect example of the left not accepting responsibility for anything, its always someone else's fault that's your MO.
Blues that's pure unadulterated BS It's republicans who never do anything wrong Have they taken Blame for GWB and his BS war ,,for the great recession?? Answer is NO They blame the party who had no president in office You're nothing but a herd of hypocrites.................Aside.... When if ever have repubs taken blame?

We are discussing how Dem's never accept responsibility for their many failures and always blame others. The great recession is yet another example of Dem's fucking everything up then deflecting their blame. GW tried multiple times to reign in out of control DEM's who controlled congress in 2007 and 2008 but the dumb ass DEMS refused to listen. Then it blew up in their face and shocker they tried to blame GW and Wall Street and Banks. FACTS vs your fiction. Should we post the video of DEM house chairman insisting everything was perfectly fine at Fannie and Freddie and GW's warnings were nothing to be concerned about? Likely your head just exploded, why don't you take a moment to compose yourself.
Right "fuckhead"
That's why every time Democrats or Globalists elitist like the Bush family get elected they drag everybody back down.

Fortunately the SCOTUS just dealt not one but TWO MAJOR blows to your stupidity

March on.....LOL

Haha...are you pretending you don’t know that wetbacks are taxpayer dependent, incarcerated at a rate just slightly below blacks, don’t drop litters of money trees/children, don’t work shit jobs for cash, don’t flood our emergency rooms and public schools...etc?
Come on man...don’t make an ass of yourself.

Above one of the racist pigs that have found a "leader"in Trump's racist policies.

Come on Nat...learn to appreciate candid truth. Don’t be scared.
Libtard Obama begged us to put him in charge, why didn't he lower the debt? I thought he was the smartest guy ever to be president? Perfect example of the left not accepting responsibility for anything, its always someone else's fault that's your MO.

Fuckhead......take a GED course in economics....

One CANNOT lower the debt when faced with 800,000 new unemployment claims PER fucking MONTH....and when facing a recession bordering on an all-out DEPRESSION.....

^^^ see what I'm talking about everyone, the left never accept responsibility. I'll demonstrate further, okay nat tell us what specifically did the $800 billion stimulus produce? What did we get for all that money Obama spent? Nat is that steam blasting out your ears? :auiqs.jpg:
Another Trump CULT member steps up to flaunt his fucking ignorance on the economy....and readily bends over as instructed.

Blah blah blah
You get more "Funny" marks against your posts than a professional comedian.
Only an ignorant flaming assclown would fail to get the message.
I am not a conservative, and nat4900 is not a liberal.

True....I am NOT a liberal.....Liberals don't kick conservatives' asses hard enough.

You are a low IQ leftist who doesn't understand a damn thing about liberal ideology, true. You are exceptionally conformist, lacking the ability to think on any original level, reactive, arbitrary and hypocritical. All you know is that you belong to one tribe, and if anybody does not march in lock step with your brand of authoritarianism, you assign them to the other tribe.

If The Donald were to come out in favor of dogs, you are one of the puerile little brats who would kick a few puppies to the curb just to make sure.
okay nat tell us what specifically did the $800 billion stimulus produce? What did we get for all that money Obama spent? Nat is that steam blasting out your ears?

Ask those millions on the UNEMPLOYMENT rolls who didn'thave to beg on the streets......and ask the auto industries, as just a couple of examples......
Go back to bed, you're a fucking moron on economic issues.
Blah blah blah
You get more "Funny" marks against your posts than a professional comedian.
Only an ignorant flaming assclown would fail to get the message.

Of course, I do get those "funnies"..........Even an idiot like you should know that this forum is chuck-full of Trump ass kissers.

I expect this thread to soon disappear because it "offends" Trump ass kissers' "delicate sensibilities'...also known as reality.
Repubs have thrown out being fiscally responsible as well as basic economics...
okay nat tell us what specifically did the $800 billion stimulus produce? What did we get for all that money Obama spent? Nat is that steam blasting out your ears?

Ask those millions on the UNEMPLOYMENT rolls who didn'thave to beg on the streets......and ask the auto industries, as just a couple of examples......
Go back to bed, you're a fucking moron on economic issues.

As predicted you can't answer. The stimulus money wasn't part of the auto bail out. Come on shovel ready jobs, list them. :itsok:

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