Are you a conservative Republican....or justa Trumpster?

Yes you are a far left drone!

......and entirely indistinguishable from dozens of others here in this forum who play politics as if it were a child's game of cowboys and Indians.

They are incapable of discussing issues. They have no actual ideology. All they know how to do is fling poo at the other "side", and that "side" is anybody who is not just as much a goose stepping authoritarian as they.
They are incapable of discussing issues. They have no actual ideology. All they know how to do is fling poo at the other "side", and that "side" is anybody who is not just as much a goose stepping authoritarian as they.

Are you the second or third from the left?......LOL

They are incapable of discussing issues. They have no actual ideology. All they know how to do is fling poo at the other "side", and that "side" is anybody who is not just as much a goose stepping authoritarian as they.

Are you the second or third from the left?......LOL

View attachment 201402

I did not vote for Trump, little boy. I was also better educated than you by the time I was in middle school.

Grow the fuck up.
There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns

What does your thread title have to do with your post? I thought you were looking for people's political leanings when really what you wanted to do was bash on Trump on deficits that your side maintains doesn't matter.
I've always been more motivated politically by the rapid changes in society at the hands of the deranged perverted left than by economic issues. I think having a safety net to protect kids and the disabled is a good thing and I also believe that too much is spent on the military. That said, there's no doubt social services are taken advantage of by lazy, undeserving people and it is important to maintain a strong military force.
You have to remember the debt hysteria conservatives launched while Obama was president

They complained about any expenditure regardless of how crucial it was. They voted against hurricane relief. They voted against saving the auto companies. In an economy bordering depression they demanded an austerity budget

Once elected they made no attempt at controlling debt. They even needlessly passed a tax cut that caused debt to skyrocket and increased military spending

Socialist pigs have no clue what makes an economy robust. Big surprise there :rolleyes:
Yeah Lets Bash the car industry when Germany and others have plants employing 1000's in So Car Alabama Wisc.
They did just whats good for America and now the orange AH wants to punish them ?
The biggest tax burden are illegals that don’t pay for the schools their kids fill up, the hospital bills they don’t pay, the auto insurance they never buy, the taxes they don’t pay in their illegal jobs, and the jails they fill from committing so many crimes.

Wow. The very first response to the OP. The immigrant scapegoat. Pretty damn useful to the Republican party. It is the fuel that feeds the fire of fanaticism. And it is stupid. First, not one, not one single economist worth two shits believes that immigrants, either legal or illegal, are a net cost to the economy. They give back far more than they take. They make skilled native American workers more efficient. They keep cost for all residents down. They pay taxes, contribute billions to Social Security without expecting a dime in return. And without their children our society would both be aging dramatically and shrinking drastically.

They don't pay for schools? Bullshit. Most of the funding for schools comes from property taxes. The next largest funding source is local sales taxes. Illegals pay both. If the own, they pay property taxes. If they rent, a portion of their rent goes to paying property taxes. And of course, they pay sales taxes.

Hospital bills they don't pay? Wrong again. First, they utilize emergency rooms at a far lower rate than native Americans. But what you really need is a lesson on how hospital charges work. Take a simple emergency room visit. They charge can exceed five thousand dollars in some cases. But let's use half that. If your have insurance your insurance company is going to pay the negotiated rate, probably less than a fourth of the total. But the uninsured get stuck with the full retail price. There have been studies that show the uninsured actually pay more, even discounting those bills that are uncollected, than insured clients. In short, the uninsured in America are subsidizing the insured in many areas. Disgusting.

Now, the auto insurance. Well, before you purchase auto insurance you probably need a license. Hard to bitch about illegals not have auto insurance when you advocate against them having a license. Duh Huh. And the jail statement is just plain ignorance. Damn near everyone knows illegal immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than native americans. I mean if you were here illegally don't you think you would want to maintain a low profile?

The truth of the matter, the entire Republican agenda is based on ignorance, racism, and myths.
Well, there's a difference between all three. One being Republican/GOP, the other being Conservative. Then there's just being a Trump Supporter.
  • A Republican is pro-business, while a conservative is pro-free enterprise.
  • A Republican believes that the Federal Government should solve the problems of education, supports funding the Department of Education, A conservative believes that the federal government has no role in education. They agree with Ronald Reagan that the Federal Department of Education should be abolished and control returned to the local level.
  • A Republican thinks that federal grants are good for business, but welfare problems cause lack of initiative on part of the recipients. Corporate welfare and TARP bailouts are good, but giveaway programs are bad, according to
    Well, there's a difference between all three. One being Republican/GOP, the other being Conservative. Then there's just being a Trump Supporter.
    • A Republican is pro-business, while a conservative is pro-free enterprise.
    • A Republican believes that the Federal Government should solve the problems of education, supports funding the Department of Education, A conservative believes that the federal government has no role in education. They agree with Ronald Reagan that the Federal Department of Education should be abolished and control returned to the local level.
    • A Republican thinks that federal grants are good for business, but welfare problems cause lack of initiative on part of the recipients. Corporate welfare and TARP bailouts are good, but giveaway programs are bad, according to Republicans. Conservatives want to see free enterprise work.
    • Republicans will support a moderate Republican because it’s good for the Party. Conservatives will never support a moderate because it’s bad for the country. In recent days, moderate Republican Florida Gov. Charles Crist has announced for US Senate. Crist was a supporter of the Obama stimulus package. The Conservative Republican Speaker of the House Rubio was already running for this seat, but the National GOP establishment is already behind Crist, thinking he can win the election.
    Now, I'm unusual, I am both a Conservative and Republican. For example, I am pro-free enterprise and believe that federal government has no business in education, but I am Republican in the fact that I support the GOP. Normally Conservatives do not support the GOP only the Republicans do. I am also a Trump Supporter. So, that would make me all three.

    . Conservatives want to see free enterprise work.
  • Republicans will support a moderate Republican because it’s good for the Party. Conservatives will never support a moderate because it’s bad for the country. In recent days, moderate Republican Florida Gov. Charles Crist has announced for US Senate. Crist was a supporter of the Obama stimulus package. The Conservative Republican Speaker of the House Rubio was already running for this seat, but the National GOP establishment is already behind Crist, thinking he can win the election.
Now, I'm unusual, I am both a Conservative and Republican. For example, I am pro-free enterprise and believe that federal government has no business in education, but I am Republican in the fact that I support the GOP. Normally Conservatives do not support the GOP only the Republicans do. I am also a Trump Supporter. So, that would make me all three.

Pro free enterprise except when it comes to the border. Tell me, how is it that a government that pretty much screws up everything it touches, like Education and markets of both goods and services, somehow has the ability to pick and choose it's citizens? Why can't the "market" determine who comes in and when we have enough immigrants? They call that OPEN BORDERS. An open border IS a free market. Anyone that opposes an open border can never, ever, claim to be a libertarian supporting free markets. But then again, I have yet to meet a libertarian that actually knows what a free market is suppose to be free from.
Why would it make a difference to lefties whether republicans are conservative, Trump supporters or both (or neither)? The dirty little secret is that the last (some would say only) hope for the left and the dying democrat party is to try to split the republican party but that don't seem to be happnin.
I am not a conservative, and nat4900 is not a liberal.

True....I am NOT a liberal.....Liberals don't kick conservatives' asses hard enough.

You are a low IQ leftist who doesn't understand a damn thing about liberal ideology, true. You are exceptionally conformist, lacking the ability to think on any original level, reactive, arbitrary and hypocritical. All you know is that you belong to one tribe, and if anybody does not march in lock step with your brand of authoritarianism, you assign them to the other tribe.

If The Donald were to come out in favor of dogs, you are one of the puerile little brats who would kick a few puppies to the curb just to make sure.

You know, I believe every president in the last hundred years or so had a dog. Trump doesn't. He is scared of them. LMAO
You have to remember the debt hysteria conservatives launched while Obama was president

They complained about any expenditure regardless of how crucial it was. They voted against hurricane relief. They voted against saving the auto companies. In an economy bordering depression they demanded an austerity budget

Once elected they made no attempt at controlling debt. They even needlessly passed a tax cut that caused debt to skyrocket and increased military spending

Socialist pigs have no clue what makes an economy robust. Big surprise there :rolleyes:
Do you ever have anything of value to post?
I am not a conservative, and nat4900 is not a liberal.

True....I am NOT a liberal.....Liberals don't kick conservatives' asses hard enough.

You are a low IQ leftist who doesn't understand a damn thing about liberal ideology, true. You are exceptionally conformist, lacking the ability to think on any original level, reactive, arbitrary and hypocritical. All you know is that you belong to one tribe, and if anybody does not march in lock step with your brand of authoritarianism, you assign them to the other tribe.

If The Donald were to come out in favor of dogs, you are one of the puerile little brats who would kick a few puppies to the curb just to make sure.

You know, I believe every president in the last hundred years or so had a dog. Trump doesn't. He is scared of them. LMAO
I think the problem is that dogs do not like Trump
New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Learn how to read AND comprehend, moron......

First, Obama's debt when up to 19 trillion (as clearly stated...look it up)

Second, only a fucking idiot would compare as the same what Obama inherited and what the orange clown also inherited in economic status.
Ya that obama, He really turned the country around.
You have to remember the debt hysteria conservatives launched while Obama was president

They complained about any expenditure regardless of how crucial it was. They voted against hurricane relief. They voted against saving the auto companies. In an economy bordering depression they demanded an austerity budget

Once elected they made no attempt at controlling debt. They even needlessly passed a tax cut that caused debt to skyrocket and increased military spending

Socialist pigs have no clue what makes an economy robust. Big surprise there :rolleyes:
Do you ever have anything of value to post?

Do you?
New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Learn how to read AND comprehend, moron......

First, Obama's debt when up to 19 trillion (as clearly stated...look it up)

Second, only a fucking idiot would compare as the same what Obama inherited and what the orange clown also inherited in economic status.
Ya that obama, He really turned the country around.

Liberals blow a gasket when we hold them accountable, start talking facts on Obama's two terms and they freak out.
Why would it make a difference to lefties whether republicans are conservative, Trump supporters or both (or neither)? The dirty little secret is that the last (some would say only) hope for the left and the dying democrat party is to try to split the republican party but that don't seem to be happnin.

Liberals are always attempting to divide the USA and drive wedges between people, and isolate a group like Trump voters so they can demonize them. Wait isn't that what the Nazi party did to the Jews? :eusa_think:
There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns

Jake, why do you criticize Iraq war spending when Krugman tell us military spending is da bomb?

"World War II is the great natural experiment in the effects of large increases in government spending, and as such has always served as an important positive example for those of us who favor an activist approach to a depressed economy." - Krugman

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