Are you a conservative Republican....or justa Trumpster?

What does your thread title have to do with your post? I thought you were looking for people's political leanings when really what you wanted to do was bash on Trump on deficits that your side maintains doesn't matter.

Ask a grown up to help you with your reading comprehension issues.
You know, I believe every president in the last hundred years or so had a dog. Trump doesn't. He is scared of them. LMAO

NOT true........Trump has TWO poodles......Nunes and Sessions
Why would it make a difference to lefties whether republicans are conservative, Trump supporters or both (or neither)? The dirty little secret is that the last (some would say only) hope for the left and the dying democrat party is to try to split the republican party but that don't seem to be happnin.

Liberals are always attempting to divide the USA and drive wedges between people, and isolate a group like Trump voters so they can demonize them. Wait isn't that what the Nazi party did to the Jews? :eusa_think:


There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Conservatives and Trumpists are virtually the same thing -- Trump just blows the dog whistle louder than what conservatives would like

Most other conservatives just care if they get tax cuts or not -- if they do, they will stomach everything else Trump does or says.
Haha...are you pretending you don’t know that wetbacks are taxpayer dependent, incarcerated at a rate just slightly below blacks, drop litters of money trees/children, work shit jobs for cash, flood our emergency rooms and public schools...etc?
Come on man...don’t make an ass of yourself. link?

There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns

"but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search."

It is, they're gone. They are already to the point of people in the Isis cult, they would strap explosives to their bodies if their dear leader said that is what they needed to do. They are already cheering toddlers being separated from their parents for months and children crying nonstop for their mothers while locked in cages. These are not reasoned people. They are already full blown David Koresh type followers that wouldn't leave the building even if given the chance.
There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
A full blown Liberal asking this question ? No matter what the debt does under Trump it would never reach the heights it would under Hillary's continuation and expansion of Obama era policies. Of course that doesn't excuse Trump raising the debt but this sudden fiscal "awakening" by the left isn't going to fool anyone and it certainly isn't going to get Conservatives to vote for a Democrat.
There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Conservatives and Trumpists are virtually the same thing -- Trump just blows the dog whistle louder than what conservatives would like

Most other conservatives just care if they get tax cuts or not -- if they do, they will stomach everything else Trump does or says.
You might have a point if Trump were aligned with conservatives, but his leanings have always been liberal. I know the left and MSM refuse to acknowledge it, but we all know it is true.
There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Conservatives and Trumpists are virtually the same thing -- Trump just blows the dog whistle louder than what conservatives would like

Most other conservatives just care if they get tax cuts or not -- if they do, they will stomach everything else Trump does or says.
You might have a point if Trump were aligned with conservatives, but his leanings have always been liberal. I know the left and MSM refuse to acknowledge it, but we all know it is true.
Trump will be whatever the target demographic he is seeking praise from wants him to be -- It is no mystery that Trump has always sought to be part of the so called liberal elite a couple of decades ago and never felt he was quite accepted.

Then he decides to hop on the Birther bandwagon and he soon realized that the level of wealth worship, bigotry, xenophobia and zero intellectual honesty among the republican base made it easier for him to gain the praise and worship he so desires -- as most narcissists do -- he also realized that no matter what, GOP sycophants will shame themselves to the end of time to carry water for him -- or at least until his presidency is considered an absolute failure, then they will pretend they never really supported him -- like they did with Bush
There are several important distinctions between what the GOP once stood for, and the cult mentality that currently has taken over (brain-washed, really) republican conservatives.

One of these distinctions is the fiscal responsibility of our federal government. Current Trump cult members will try to distort the issue, claiming that Obama spent trillions, but only an idiot would neglect to mention what Obama faced when entering office.
Again, only an idiot would forget that with a monthly, new unemployment rate of almost 800,000 new claims........the possibility of bankruptcy of our auto industries.......and the looming recession heading for a depression, Obama HAD to invest in our nation's economic future with borrowed money.

Just as a reminder, we should acknowledge that in the mid to late1990s, our debt was a [then] "shocking" 4 Trillion......

When GWB left office, our debt had climbed to 11 Trillion, mostly because of 2 unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare Advantage, AND huge tax cuts to corporations which still led to the serious recession.

When Obama left office, the debt had climbed to 19 Trillion (especially because Obama foolishly and for political purposes, extended GWB' tax cuts...

With the above stated, we are today faced with an idiot-in-chief a mere 18 months.......has added almost TWO trillions to our debt, mostly through his tax scam for businesses who never really paid the high tax rate, AND who are using the cuts mostly to buy back stock.......Just about 83% of these tax cuts have gone to businesses, and the remaining crumbs to working, middle class Americans.

This tax scam was done by Trump (and his useful puppet, Paul Ryan,) who basically inherited from Obama a thriving economy with an amazingly low unemployment rate.

If there is an ounce of dignity left among Trump cultists, they should realize that at this rate, Trump will lead us at the end of his miserable term in 2020, to a national debt of an estimated THIRTY TRILLION.........but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search.

Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns
Trump tax cuts carry a big price tag: Huge debt and risk of another financial crisis, budget office warns

"but, searching for "dignity" among cult members may be a foolish search."

It is, they're gone. They are already to the point of people in the Isis cult, they would strap explosives to their bodies if their dear leader said that is what they needed to do. They are already cheering toddlers being separated from their parents for months and children crying nonstop for their mothers while locked in cages. These are not reasoned people. They are already full blown David Koresh type followers that wouldn't leave the building even if given the chance.


but this sudden fiscal "awakening" by the left isn't going to fool anyone and it certainly isn't going to get Conservatives to vote for a Democrat.

Which, then, addresses the question of my thread's title.....

New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Good question! Along the same lines, when does a Rep ever take responsibility for anything?
New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Good question! Along the same lines, when does a Rep ever take responsibility for anything?

When a Dem is elected and they blame everything on the Rep.
New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Good question! Along the same lines, when does a Rep ever take responsibility for anything?

When a Dem is elected and they blame everything on the Rep.
Is the debt exploding under Trump or nah?

Its not like Trump inherited 2 wars being fought off the books, the worst economic recession in 70 yrs -- I may give him a pass if that was his situation..

But trump inherited an economy so good, Trump immediately took credit for it on election day -- so why is the debt rising under him so fast?
New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Good question! Along the same lines, when does a Rep ever take responsibility for anything?

When a Dem is elected and they blame everything on the Rep.
Is the debt exploding under Trump or nah?

Its not like Trump inherited 2 wars being fought off the books, the worst economic recession in 70 yrs -- I may give him a pass if that was his situation..

But trump inherited an economy so good, Trump immediately took credit for it on election day -- so why is the debt rising under him so fast?

Heeeey, get outta here with your 'facts'. We're MAGA!
New day, same old liberal horseshit. The debt exploded to $20 trillion during Obama's 8 years but Obama isn't responsible. When is a Dem ever responsible for anything? According to the left, never.

Good question! Along the same lines, when does a Rep ever take responsibility for anything?

When a Dem is elected and they blame everything on the Rep.
Is the debt exploding under Trump or nah?

Its not like Trump inherited 2 wars being fought off the books, the worst economic recession in 70 yrs -- I may give him a pass if that was his situation..

But trump inherited an economy so good, Trump immediately took credit for it on election day -- so why is the debt rising under him so fast?

Trump is playing the long game, the status quo was on a path to failure. We can list dozens of Trump's policies and decisions that have helped the economy take off, you can't do the same for Obama sadly because most of Obama's policies killed jobs and businesses, or raised taxes, or increased government regulations. Man that's a can of whoop ass I just gave you, sorry.

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