Are You A Domestic Terrorist ?


Mar 27, 2014
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.

Oh! The drama! Did they teach you how to be such a sad little victim while you were in the service?

What, specifically, was Reid referring to when he called those people domestic terrorists?
72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered "Potential Terrorists" ...
... In Official Government Documents

1. Those that talk about "individual liberties"
2. Those that advocate for states' rights
3. Those that want "to make the world a better place"
4. "The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule"
5. Those that are interested in "defeating the Communists"
6. Those that believe "that the interests of one's own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations"
7. Anyone that holds a "political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful, or undesirable"
8. Anyone that possesses an "intolerance toward other religions"
9. Those that "take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals"
10. "Anti-Homosexual"
11. "Anti-Immigrant"
12. "Anti-Muslim"
13. "The Patriot Movement"
14. "Opposition to equal rights for homosexuals and lesbians"
15. Members of the Family Research Council
16. Members of the American Family Association
17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States "are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the 'North American Union'"
18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol
19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform
20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition
21. Members of the Christian Action Network
22. Anyone that is "opposed to the New World Order"
23. Anyone that is engaged in "conspiracy theorizing"
24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21
25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps
26. Anyone that "fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations"
27. The militia movement
28. The sovereign citizen movement
29. Those that "don't think they should have to pay taxes"
30. Anyone that "complains about bias"
31. Anyone that "believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia"
32. Anyone that "is frustrated with mainstream ideologies"
33. Anyone that "visits extremist websites/blogs"
34. Anyone that "establishes website/blog to display extremist views"
35. Anyone that "attends rallies for extremist causes"
36. Anyone that "exhibits extreme religious intolerance"
37. Anyone that "is personally connected with a grievance"
38. Anyone that "suddenly acquires weapons"
39. Anyone that "organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology"
40. "Militia or unorganized militia"
41. "General right-wing extremist"
42. Citizens that have "bumper stickers" that are patriotic or anti-U.N.
43. Those that refer to an "Army of God"
44. Those that are "fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)"
45. Those that are "anti-global"
46. Those that are "suspicious of centralized federal authority"
47. Those that are "reverent of individual liberty"
48. Those that "believe in conspiracy theories"
49. Those that have "a belief that one's personal and/or national 'way of life' is under attack"
50. Those that possess "a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism"
51. Those that would "impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)"
52. Those that would "insert religion into the political sphere"
53. Anyone that would "seek to politicize religion"
54. Those that have "supported political movements for autonomy"
55. Anyone that is "anti-abortion"
56. Anyone that is "anti-Catholic"
57. Anyone that is "anti-nuclear"
58. "Rightwing extremists"
59. "Returning veterans"
60. Those concerned about "illegal immigration"
61. Those that "believe in the right to bear arms"
62. Anyone that is engaged in "ammunition stockpiling"
63. Anyone that exhibits "fear of Communist regimes"
64. "Anti-abortion activists"
65. Those that are against illegal immigration
66. Those that talk about "the New World Order" in a "derogatory" manner
67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations
68. Those that are opposed "to the collection of federal income taxes"
69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr
70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag ("Don't Tread On Me")
71. Those that believe in "end times" prophecies
72. Evangelical Christians

My name is Fred ... and I AM a Potential Terrorist!
Paranoid white supremacist dumbasses who are convinced that the government is out to get them and surround themselves with weapons and preach violent opposition bear watching, everyone else on the right not so much. We keep tabs on radicalized Muslims and no one seems to mind but keep tabs on white "christian" radicalized anti government types and it's just horrible tyranny.
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.

Harry Reid was referring to an armed gang that was using the threat of violence to advance a political agenda.
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.

Oh! The drama! Did they teach you how to be such a sad little victim while you were in the service?

What, specifically, was Reid referring to when he called those people domestic terrorists?

I do not consider myself to be a victim at all. In fact I consider myself to be an American Patriot. For the last five years I have watched as people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi damage and continue to destroy the greatest nation on this planet. With miss guided policies, out of control spending, idiotic statements, unsustainable debt, corruption, scandals, and cover ups. I do not think Reid even knows what he was actually referring to. Those on the left, when not accusing everyone of being racist seem to enjoy the blame game and endless name calling when they are confronted with their own short comings and miss guided agendas.
The founding fathers were considered domestic terrorist. When standing up to fascist one needs to consider.
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.

Oh! The drama! Did they teach you how to be such a sad little victim while you were in the service?

What, specifically, was Reid referring to when he called those people domestic terrorists?

I do not consider myself to be a victim at all. In fact I consider myself to be an American Patriot. For the last five years I have watched as people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi damage and continue to destroy the greatest nation on this planet. With miss guided policies, out of control spending, idiotic statements, unsustainable debt, corruption, scandals, and cover ups. I do not think Reid even knows what he was actually referring to. Those on the left, when not accusing everyone of being racist seem to enjoy the blame game and endless name calling when they are confronted with their own short comings and miss guided agendas.

Yep. You are a victim. A sad victim balloon bursting with hot air talking points. Sitting there doing nothing but whining as your country is being destroyed. You go, patriot!
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.


You’re a domestic terrorist if you advocate armed violence as a means to realize your paranoid, delusional rightwing agenda.
Oh! The drama! Did they teach you how to be such a sad little victim while you were in the service?

What, specifically, was Reid referring to when he called those people domestic terrorists?

I do not consider myself to be a victim at all. In fact I consider myself to be an American Patriot. For the last five years I have watched as people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi damage and continue to destroy the greatest nation on this planet. With miss guided policies, out of control spending, idiotic statements, unsustainable debt, corruption, scandals, and cover ups. I do not think Reid even knows what he was actually referring to. Those on the left, when not accusing everyone of being racist seem to enjoy the blame game and endless name calling when they are confronted with their own short comings and miss guided agendas.

Yep. You are a victim. A sad victim balloon bursting with hot air talking points. Sitting there doing nothing but whining as your country is being destroyed. You go, patriot!

I have a hot tip for you sweetheart, we are all victims, victims of Obama, victims of far far left wing progressive socialism that cannot succeed. If need be I am ready and willing to defend myself against unlawful government tyranny just as the minute men did. I have no intention of allowing my country to be destroyed, I vote, I know that Americans are not always perfect, they do not always make the right choices, but they are not stupid either. I have a right to my opinions just as you do. Trouble is you do not know me or know who I am or what I actually believe or what I am willing to do to help my country. So when the economic collapse comes, as it will, I ask you, how will you survive? What will you do? Do you have a plan? I do and I know how to survive and even prosper while most of you will be standing there shaking your head and asking yourself what the hell has happened. My answer to you would be Obama happened and now you will pay the price, probably with your life.
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.


You’re a domestic terrorist if you advocate armed violence as a means to realize your paranoid, delusional rightwing agenda.

Hell we got a whole group of gun nuts right here that could make up a terrorist cell. Matter of fact, I think they WANT to be terrorists. And die at the hands of the US military. And then be right wing martyrs. Who loved them some guns.
I do not consider myself to be a victim at all. In fact I consider myself to be an American Patriot. For the last five years I have watched as people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi damage and continue to destroy the greatest nation on this planet. With miss guided policies, out of control spending, idiotic statements, unsustainable debt, corruption, scandals, and cover ups. I do not think Reid even knows what he was actually referring to. Those on the left, when not accusing everyone of being racist seem to enjoy the blame game and endless name calling when they are confronted with their own short comings and miss guided agendas.

Yep. You are a victim. A sad victim balloon bursting with hot air talking points. Sitting there doing nothing but whining as your country is being destroyed. You go, patriot!

I have a hot tip for you sweetheart, we are all victims, victims of Obama, victims of far far left wing progressive socialism that cannot succeed. If need be I am ready and willing to defend myself against unlawful government tyranny just as the minute men did. I have no intention of allowing my country to be destroyed, I vote, I know that Americans are not always perfect, they do not always make the right choices, but they are not stupid either. I have a right to my opinions just as you do. Trouble is you do not know me or know who I am or what I actually believe or what I am willing to do to help my country. So when the economic collapse comes, as it will, I ask you, how will you survive? What will you do? Do you have a plan? I do and I know how to survive and even prosper while most of you will be standing there shaking your head and asking yourself what the hell has happened. My answer to you would be Obama happened and now you will pay the price, probably with your life.

You are rambling, Rambo.
I do not consider myself to be a victim at all. In fact I consider myself to be an American Patriot. For the last five years I have watched as people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi damage and continue to destroy the greatest nation on this planet. With miss guided policies, out of control spending, idiotic statements, unsustainable debt, corruption, scandals, and cover ups. I do not think Reid even knows what he was actually referring to. Those on the left, when not accusing everyone of being racist seem to enjoy the blame game and endless name calling when they are confronted with their own short comings and miss guided agendas.

Yep. You are a victim. A sad victim balloon bursting with hot air talking points. Sitting there doing nothing but whining as your country is being destroyed. You go, patriot!

I have a hot tip for you sweetheart, we are all victims, victims of Obama, victims of far far left wing progressive socialism that cannot succeed. If need be I am ready and willing to defend myself against unlawful government tyranny just as the minute men did. I have no intention of allowing my country to be destroyed, I vote, I know that Americans are not always perfect, they do not always make the right choices, but they are not stupid either. I have a right to my opinions just as you do. Trouble is you do not know me or know who I am or what I actually believe or what I am willing to do to help my country. So when the economic collapse comes, as it will, I ask you, how will you survive? What will you do? Do you have a plan? I do and I know how to survive and even prosper while most of you will be standing there shaking your head and asking yourself what the hell has happened. My answer to you would be Obama happened and now you will pay the price, probably with your life.

Paranoia will rob you of life's joy and maybe even destroy you far more effectively than the government can. Quit living in fear, it's just not worth it.
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.

Harry Reid was referring to an armed gang that was using the threat of violence to advance a political agenda.

Who gives a rats a$$ what little perv Harry thinks?

I do not consider myself to be a victim at all. In fact I consider myself to be an American Patriot. For the last five years I have watched as people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi damage and continue to destroy the greatest nation on this planet. With miss guided policies, out of control spending, idiotic statements, unsustainable debt, corruption, scandals, and cover ups. I do not think Reid even knows what he was actually referring to. Those on the left, when not accusing everyone of being racist seem to enjoy the blame game and endless name calling when they are confronted with their own short comings and miss guided agendas.

Yep. You are a victim. A sad victim balloon bursting with hot air talking points. Sitting there doing nothing but whining as your country is being destroyed. You go, patriot!

I have a hot tip for you sweetheart, we are all victims, victims of Obama, victims of far far left wing progressive socialism that cannot succeed. If need be I am ready and willing to defend myself against unlawful government tyranny just as the minute men did. I have no intention of allowing my country to be destroyed, I vote, I know that Americans are not always perfect, they do not always make the right choices, but they are not stupid either. I have a right to my opinions just as you do. Trouble is you do not know me or know who I am or what I actually believe or what I am willing to do to help my country. So when the economic collapse comes, as it will, I ask you, how will you survive? What will you do? Do you have a plan? I do and I know how to survive and even prosper while most of you will be standing there shaking your head and asking yourself what the hell has happened. My answer to you would be Obama happened and now you will pay the price, probably with your life.

Dude. what the fuck has happened to you to make you such a victim? Or pessimist? Maybe you need to move to another part of the country where things aren't so bad.

But go ahead. Explain just what it is that Obama has done to cause the coming collapse of our country.

Did Obama do ANYTHING as bad as the Bush Patriot Act? Other than continuing on with it?
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.
I am and I was one under Bush. but it started in late 90's I was one of the terrorists along with gangs such a well regulated militia, then as soon as Bush won, the militia cooled off and was no longer important and I stuck out as a sore anti American terrorist... then in 08 as the demo rat took the white house seat again, there came a tea party back with the vengeance, but I suspect if in 2016 or 2020 a neocon will be selected for the white house role, the tea party will chill out. Long story short it is all a political circus, and that does include Russia and Putin - ALL under the same full control of international bankers
Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.


You’re a domestic terrorist if you advocate armed violence as a means to realize your paranoid, delusional rightwing agenda.

No, we are patriots who through liberty, have decided enough is enough

The Dem radical left machine must play the hand it dealt

Senator Harry Reid may think so if you oppose big government, progressive socialism, higher taxes and out of control spending. If you want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility you may be a domestic terrorist. If you want real leadership and the truth you may be a domestic terrorist. If you are against administrative corruption, endless lies, scandals and cover ups you may just be a domestic terrorist.

I know I am proud to be a domestic terrorist. I am also an honorably discharged combat Marine who fought for his country. Now those in my own government have labeled me a domestic terrorist. I guess I must also be a racist since I strongly disagree with most of the Obama policies and corruption.

I never thought of myself as a domestic terrorist, I have never bombed any body nor attacked anyone in my own country. But I guess now, those on the far far left have absolutely run out of bad things to say about those who oppose their political agenda.

People like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi never cease to amaze me with the idiotic and moronic things they continue to say. These individuals have no place in our government and they should step down and go home. Calling law abiding Americans names and labeling them as domestic terrorists is just not real intelligent.


You’re a domestic terrorist if you advocate armed violence as a means to realize your paranoid, delusional rightwing agenda.

Hell we got a whole group of gun nuts right here that could make up a terrorist cell. Matter of fact, I think they WANT to be terrorists. And die at the hands of the US military. And then be right wing martyrs. Who loved them some guns.

That is.....if they weren't scared.

Our USMB nuts need someone else to get shit started. Too risky for them. Only then can they run around shooting fellow Americans without being held individually responsible. They ain't revolutionaries.....they are butthurt followers who want an excuse to use those firearms for their intended purpose.

What do you think, dummies? Was that statement crazier than what Breakout just said?

You’re a domestic terrorist if you advocate armed violence as a means to realize your paranoid, delusional rightwing agenda.

Hell we got a whole group of gun nuts right here that could make up a terrorist cell. Matter of fact, I think they WANT to be terrorists. And die at the hands of the US military. And then be right wing martyrs. Who loved them some guns.

That is.....if they weren't scared.

Our USMB nuts need someone else to get shit started. Too risky for them. Only then can they run around shooting fellow Americans without being held individually responsible. They ain't revolutionaries.....they are butthurt followers who want an excuse to use those firearms for their intended purpose.

What do you think, dummies? Was that statement crazier than what Breakout just said?

CAN YOU TRANLSATE THIS into normal for me? it doesnt make sense
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of federal or state funds?

a leftard posed the question above.

a partial response:

would you work if you didnt have to?

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