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Are you a God in waiting, or have you stepped up to your destiny?


My bible has Jesus saying he came to serve and not be served.

You seem to see the reverse.

What makes you think God wants servants, and why would you ignore his desires to serve you and not have you serve him?

I have nothing God wants and that is why I let my God serve me.

I am following your God more than you are.

Why are you doing the opposite of what he wants?


Walk on water for us?
Walk on water for us?
What does that have to do with you not having the brains to answer simple questions?

Oh wait, that is the usual level of Christian apologetics. A deflection into stupidity.

Keep it up as it helps my side.

What does that have to do with you not having the brains to answer simple questions?

Oh wait, that is the usual level of Christian apologetics. A deflection into stupidity.

Keep it up as it helps my side.

Which side is that?
They made laws despite God.
He never showed up to have his wants known.

Are you saying the Jews should have done something stupid, like believe some god was talking somewhere?

and I'm not arrogant.

So reject your birth rite and deny your God his will to not lose any of us.

Strange that Christians do not follow Jesus' instructions to apotheosis.

Oh well.

no not like one of them - the religion of antiquity is to triumph good vs evil - that would be like one of them - in purity is required for admission to the heavens ... by their judgement for who accomplishes the feat.
When did evil ever triumph over good?

The world has always had more good going on than evil, even as evil has always been with us, as it should be.

Too many words from a person whose words I don't respect. Try to be brief if you want to be read

Apologies for getting past your idiot sized attention span.

Keep earning my respect by advocating for your genocidal prick of a god who is homophobic and misogynous.

You really know what deserves respect or not. Not.

He never showed up to have his wants known.

Are you saying the Jews should have done something stupid, like believe some god was talking somewhere?
After Adam's fall from grace, the holy people searched hard and fast for God, usually in vain, except at times finding Him through their priests and prophets (their righteous priests and prophets, anyway). Israel was an idolatrous nation, after all.

Hence a few laws out of the many that survived to inhere to Christianity, such as the Ten Commandments and to love God and others, laws on the hearts of believers, innate to the kingdom.

God showed up, maybe not even always in the Holy of Holies, but He was there.

So reject your birth rite and deny your God his will to not lose any of us.

Strange that Christians do not follow Jesus' instructions to apotheosis.

Oh well.
No one is elevated to the godhead; only to the new priesthood. My, but you are arrogant.
After Adam's fall from grace, the holy people searched hard and fast for God, usually in vain, except at times finding Him through their priests and prophets (their righteous priests and prophets, anyway). Israel was an idolatrous nation, after all.

Hence a few laws out of the many that survived to inhere to Christianity, such as the Ten Commandments and to love God and others, laws on the hearts of believers, innate to the kingdom.

God showed up, maybe not even always in the Holy of Holies, but He was there.

No one is elevated to the godhead; only to the new priesthood. My, but you are arrogant.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Yes, I am arrogant enough to be brethren to Jesus/God.

When you mature mentally and morally, you will be as well.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Yes, I am arrogant enough to be brethren to Jesus/God.

When you mature mentally and morally, you will be as well.

Socialists aren't moral.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Yes, I am arrogant enough to be brethren to Jesus/God.

When you mature mentally and morally, you will be as well.

Romans 8:29? Does that tells us we are gods? “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” ~ Jesus.

Jesus then delegates authority to the priesthood. Likening Israel to a prodigal son in the parable means only that Israel belongs in the household of God. Only one in the house is the father, who has appointed only one in the house to instruct the others (Mt 23:10). Christians are the body of which Christ is the head.

Christians reign in the kingdom with Christ, not as his equals but as his priests. Being Christ’s brethren does not make them christs. There is only one Christ. And being sons of God does not make them gods.

God is not man (Numbers 23:19).

For I am God and not a man (Hosea 11:9).

Being brethren with Christ is not arrogance. Being a god is.
Apologies for getting past your idiot sized attention span.

Keep earning my respect by advocating for your genocidal prick of a god who is homophobic and misogynous.

You really know what deserves respect or not. Not.

Hint: when you don't have anyone's respect, they're not going to read endless paragraphs from someone most consider mentally ill or possessed.

You have to prove yourself worthy to be read. Nobody owes you
What does that have to do with you not having the brains to answer simple questions?

Oh wait, that is the usual level of Christian apologetics. A deflection into stupidity.

Keep it up as it helps my side.


You aren't "god", there is nothing "godlike" about you. Cultists always twist scripture to fit their agenda, you are no exception. Now IF you a God you could walk on water, raise the dead, turn water to wine etc. You aren't, so you can't. You're jus a lil ole human like the rest of us.
Who is "THEIRS"? Another logical fallacy. You attempt to insult but you toss your insults out like a shotgun........ Again, WHO IS THEIRS? You continue to make ad hominem accusations based upon nothing but your subjective bigotry and hate. Did your "mommy" not love you enough as a child? :dunno:

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Just like your accusations........the number is infinite because angels are spiritual beings and take up no physical space, just as do your continued insults and accusations void of any objective reality.

This passage of Biblical scripture is simply pointing out the fact, man became as "like one of us". Who is US? The heavenly hosts of the Godhead who defined Morality........in defining what is right or wrong. There is no JUDGEMENT by a presentation of the LAW/MORALITY......a law simply defines morality it does not enforce it.........man became "LIKE ONE OF US" in having the capacity to JUDGE for themselves or make free will decisions. This can be demonstrated in the fact that God "repented" or was made sorry that He ever created man on earth, because the mind of man was constantly choosing evil over good with their decisions. free will..........is in fact the image that is spoken of as being made in the image of God. Man's spirit/mind can choose between right and wrong. God could have never been sorry if everything is "predetermined" in man's life. (Genesis 6:6)

Before the Law was presented. The knowledge between right and wrong........man could not sin because he did not have the capacity to know right from wrong........without law there can be no sin. The law did not create sin......the law simply defined sin.........the choice to sin has always been a product of "FREE WILL".

As far as "THEIRS" making a decision to allow or disallow entrance into heaven..........God loved man so much that He gave His only Begotten Son to save the entire world (if one simply chooses to accept this grace/gift) (John 3:16)

"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from our unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." -- 1 John 1:8-10.

Its not about JUDGEMENT and "Got ya!"...........God simply wants everyone to live in TRUTH, as God wants every man saved, via coming to the knowledge of THE TRUTH. (1 Tim. 2:4) Salvation is there for the acceptance as a Gift or heritage from the sacrificial lamb of God........His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus. Just like any last will and testament.....there are conditions to the acceptance of this will. Everyone has the freedom to accept or reject this heritage in becoming the seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:29) and heirs to the promise.

"THEIRS" do not judge YOU. You judge yourself via your freewill decision making when comparing your decisions with the Word of God. If you sin without the law, you shall perish without the law. (Rom. 2:12-16) Why? Because, " that which can be known of God is manifest in them; for God has shown it to them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen; being understood by the things which are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; SO THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE. (ROMANS 1:19-20)

as pointed out, those in the heavens are all equal - in purity - theirs {sic} is anyone's judgement for the applicants accomplishment, nothing more ... obviously polytheism is the rule of order whether a leader exists or not makes no difference.

the 1st century was meant as a revival - liberation theology, self determination as set by a&e's decision to live their own lives and accept the consequences for their own decisions.
When did evil ever triumph over good?

The world has always had more good going on than evil, even as evil has always been with us, as it should be.


neither has triumphed over the other, that was the mission granted a&e, all living beings, for their remission to be in charge of their own destiny and of the universe, called - purity. of one or the other ...

"as it should be" - will get you 6' under, good luck.
After Adam's fall from grace, the holy people searched hard and fast for God, usually in vain, except at times finding Him through their priests and prophets (their righteous priests and prophets, anyway). Israel was an idolatrous nation, after all.

Hence a few laws out of the many that survived to inhere to Christianity, such as the Ten Commandments and to love God and others, laws on the hearts of believers, innate to the kingdom.

God showed up, maybe not even always in the Holy of Holies, but He was there.

No one is elevated to the godhead; only to the new priesthood. My, but you are arrogant.

a&e were granted their wish for self determination, the misguided judgement otherwise is why those others have failed to communicate with the heavens.

there were never etched tablets from the heavens much less inscriptions that are not verified - moses was a liar and in their nefarious conceit the murder wrote - to not kill.

the heavens by their very nature of freed spirits is a world of poltheism, to have believed otherwise would insure their own demise.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” ~ Jesus.
If that is the case, where is he?

Further, if that is the case, then the Temptation of Christ never happened and half that bible has to be scrapped.

I am my own authority, and only stupid people believe in a supernatural authority, and give up their autonomy to one.

Get your mom to talk to me.

You have no authority, or intelligence enough to do so.

If that is the case, where is he?

Further, if that is the case, then the Temptation of Christ never happened and half that bible has to be scrapped.

I am my own authority, and only stupid people believe in a supernatural authority, and give up their autonomy to one.

Get your mom to talk to me.

You have no authority, or intelligence enough to do so.

That is the case.

If you don't believe the Bible, then you're no kind of Christian.
That is the case.

If you don't believe the Bible, then you're no kind of Christian.

isn't that an oxymoron ...

the state religion of the roman empire is who crucified the 1st century religious itinerant and many of the same before and after and has a recorded history of persecution and victimization of the innocent from that time to the present day.

- bring to justice the crucifiers and the 1st century will again reveal itself.

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