Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Does anyone seriously believe that the US is better of at this point of Biden's presidency that it was at the same point in Trump's presidency?

Trump (October 2019): America is great again.

Biden (October 2023); We are in deep shit.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
I Was still working four years ago but guess what? Retired and doing almost as well
A few small adjustments but that’s retirement
Yes. I am better off than I was 4 years ago. It is not even close.

Yeah, those sucking heavily off the government tit and the backs of those who actually produce are doing pretty good thanks to a Socialst, welfare state mentality......

Too bad it'll all come crashing down on you when they run out of everyone elses money.
And all of that is eaten up by inflation and higher taxes.


Let's not forget....The Socialists have laid lavish and generous pay increases on gubbment stooges......
It's no surprise they are delighted with their Socialist comrades in DC.
Of course, they did this by stealing it from everyone outside gubbment.
Because I have to spend a lot more to live and can't save as much as I was. Simple math, try it.

Even if you can't save as much as you used to, your savings should be returning almost 5 times the interest rate four years ago, which should more than make up for diminished increase in savings.
Do you think you grandchildren will be better off than you are?
They likely wont...

But shoot, my parents are better off than my sister and I ever achieved.... So it already has been happening in recent years....

The hubby and I are better off than 3 years ago, but mostly because we own everything, home, cars, and finally no credit card debt....and we are now both retired so we don't have to pay for the gasoline for hubby to go 60 miles a day for work, or pay for lunches or coffee at work, or work clothes, and the car insurance went way down because we are not putting in so many miles driving to and fro work....

Then we got all those stimulus checks, which we saved the money....that we now are using for inflation woes.

So, even though now on a fixed income, we are better off now.
Look at the stock market over the last four years.

If you’re not better off now than you were 4 years ago, then that’s on you.

Make better choices. Stop blaming others for your failures.
Again STFU. Look what its doing to average Americans... You are saying I got mine and fuck every one else.

Freaking Trucks now cost what a house used to cost.

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