Are you better off than you were four years ago?

If he has a mortgage like yours, that's actually deflationary. CD rates are higher than most current fixed term mortgages.
And if you don't have credit card debt you avoid the 25% interest they're charging.

What kind of drugs are you doing to come up with that crock of shit?

Our CD rates are about 4%. Mortgage rates are about 7%.
Does anyone seriously believe that the US is better of at this point of Biden's presidency that it was at the same point in Trump's presidency?

Trump (October 2019): America is great again.

Biden (October 2023); We are in deep shit.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
4 Years ago I was working at a job I hated. Now, 4 years later I'm retired and a lot happier.
Does anyone seriously believe that the US is better of at this point of Biden's presidency that it was at the same point in Trump's presidency?

Trump (October 2019): America is great again.

Biden (October 2023); We are in deep shit.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
I've always considered this the stupidest fucking question. At least as a barometer for who to vote for. The President doesn't have much, and shouldn't have any, power to influence my personal standard of living.
I've always considered this the stupidest fucking question. At least as a barometer for who to vote for. The President doesn't have much, and shouldn't have any, power to influence my personal standard of living.
Carter vs. Nixon/Ford? Carter won.
Carter vs. Reagan? Reagan won.
Reagan vs. Dukakis? Reagan Won
Bush vs. Clinton? Clinton won.
Clinton vs. G.W Bush? G. W. Bush won.
G. W. Bush (McCain) vs. Obama? Obama won.
Obama (Clinton) vs. Trump? Trump won.
Trump vs. Biden? COVID skewed everything in the economy. Everyone was sucking ass in 2020, but Biden made it worse.

Prediction: Biden vs. Any sentient being? Any sentient being.
I spend more to live on too, and I'm earning more too. +++
SO tell me that 'inflation' story again, and HOW I CANNOT possible be ahead.

I'm NOT one of those non-working shills, ie Road Runner and marvin martian

Are you making more than $7,000 a year more, if not you're not gaining any ground. That's what it's costing the average family due to inflation.

Overall yes. But that is only from working more hours.

My point on average joes stands. Same as trucks cost too dang much
So overall you’re doing better than you were four years ago. Same here.

Why are you and I doing better overall while others aren’t? Luck? Or is it due to your work ethic?
Holy smokes! Our electric bill has never been over $200 in the worst of times! It did used to be when we first moved here, never higher than $100 bucks, so it has doubled over the past 17 years!

But I try to remember, we do not have the summer heat and central air conditioning to pay y'all in the South.....

We do have big heating oil bills in the winter, for a forced hot water system that does not use electricity for fans and blowers.... And even our hot water for showers is from the house oil heat, so no electric hot water heater either....

How stupid. An Electric bill is not a "Big" asset. Biggest assets are down from Trump peak. House down ~$100K. IRA/401K down 10%? The cost of everything is 2X-5X.

Bottle of Wesson Canola Oil $5.19 at Walmart. $6.50 elsewhere. Was $2.99 - $3.99 back under normal times?
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Someone who won't put in give-aways to put a solar panel on her roof because they're known to confuse migrant birds whose droppings feed the tall pine forest nearby. If everybody does it, we will not have forests any more. I'm not going to contribute to losing the forests. As a consequence, I will have to spend four or five hundred dollars more on electricity and suffer being thought of as a stupid kook, just like you think. I live in the country, and my well runs on electricity, and a veteran charity I support that's nobody else's business.

Still, that is an unusually high electric bill.
A well pump does NOT cause an electric bill to run that much. I have two.

If your electric bill is really that high and you are not charging several EVs or live in Buckingham palace then in all sincerity
I suggest you get an electrical evaluation from your power company.
Something is wrong.

I tend to agree with the others that you are not being quite honest.
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