Are you better off than you were four years ago?

And these other people can’t do the same?

Maybe these other people should be making better choices instead of blaming others for their failures.

Thank you for proving my point.

No one can do anything about the biggest assets. Home value and 401K. Big pay raises help to ride it out.....if things turn around.
are you doing better, no way

is your house paid for? If you say yes you paid that off before inflation, or at least 90% of it

are doing better? not if you are reading my posts, cause if you were doing great you would be on vacation on a beach doing so much more than posting here

are you doing better, not at all, not when food is so expensive.

The only people doing okay, are multimillionaires, billionaires,
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not even close. fortunately my family took the opportunity under the AMAZING Trump economy to get out of debt, because we knew as soon as a demfuk got power things would go to shit. And they have.
Congratulations on being debt free, THAT is amazing!

Carter vs. Nixon/Ford? Carter won.
Carter vs. Reagan? Reagan won.
Reagan vs. Dukakis? Reagan Won
Bush vs. Clinton? Clinton won.
Clinton vs. G.W Bush? G. W. Bush won.
G. W. Bush (McCain) vs. Obama? Obama won.
Obama (Clinton) vs. Trump? Trump won.
Trump vs. Biden? COVID skewed everything in the economy. Everyone was sucking ass in 2020, but Biden made it worse.

Prediction: Biden vs. Any sentient being? Any sentient being.

"Clinton vs. G.W. Bush.... G. W. Bush won." Huh?
C'mon dude.
You constantly putting others down is doing you NO GOOD.
Don't be bitter, be Better.

I'm sorry you live on a low income.
yes, low income is 80k a year

you should learn to not be an asshole prick, lying about how great the price of food has become
Breaking news to all the jerks, Housing sales have dropped to their lowest point, this century. We must go back to the last century to find a housing sales to be lower
Breaking news to all the jerks, Housing sales have dropped to their lowest point, this century. We must go back to the last century to find a housing sales to be lower
Prices have gone thru the roof. Interest rates high.

With these asshats running the show Tiny homes are the future.
are doing better? not if you are reading my posts, cause if you were doing great you would be on vacation on a beach doing so much more than posting here
I will be doing the Beach thing next Summer, on OUR 40th, the Wife and I.

Who Vacations 365?
Oh.......No One on this site is a Billionaire.
I wager we have plenty of Millionaires though.

The only people doing okay, are multimillionaires, billionaires,
I'm no Multi-Millionaire, but you don't have to be a Multi-Millionaire to be living beyond Paycheck to Paycheck.
I will be doing the Beach thing next Summer, on OUR 40th, the Wife and I.

Who Vacations 365?
Oh.......No One on this site is a Billionaire.
I wager we have plenty of Millionaires though.

I'm no Multi-Millionaire, but you don't have to be a Multi-Millionaire to be living beyond Paycheck to Paycheck.
As you ignore prices.

Typical. Inflation is a tax. You fuckers love taxes.
I will be doing the Beach thing next Summer, on OUR 40th, the Wife and I.

Who Vacations 365?
Oh.......No One on this site is a Billionaire.
I wager we have plenty of Millionaires though.

I'm no Multi-Millionaire, but you don't have to be a Multi-Millionaire to be living beyond Paycheck to Paycheck.
you have so much money you dont care that the price of food has gone up over 400%

you care so little for your fellow americans you could care less that they can not afford food?

60 years old, never divorced, you are a lucky prick, a disgrace if you dont care that the price of food is too expensive.

Honestly, I am not being insulting, I am not trying to flame or troll your post, but hard working americans that are not lazy, that are not idiots, are struggling to feed their families. And this is just the beginning of inflationary hell.

You will be lucky to make that vacation, and really lucky if it is safe enough to take, crime is skyrocketing as people become desperate.

People are very desperate
Four years ago I still had most of my teeth, I could run up stairs two at a time and I was not yet diagnosed with a few disease that may kill me … eventually.

So sure, I felt better off and just better in general.

But life is like that and if you expect politicians to solve your personal problems or make you feel better you are a fool.

I don’t complain about things that can’t be helped, and I sure as hell won’t let a craven miserable liar like Donald Trump or the MAGAnuts here ruin my mood even for an hour. So I read relatively few of the sick comments here, and do my research before I write anything myself. I do my best to stay rational, informed and composed … and succeed more as I get older.

I think I am probably considerably richer than 4 years ago due to living carefully and making intelligent investments. I plan to leave at least a small inheritance for my grandchild.

Can anyone guarantee the world will be better when she grows up … if the guy they decide to vote for in 2024 wins? I don’t think so.

I just vote my conscience and hope she will read about these days when she is older … as a time of unusual chaos and trouble. I also hope she concludes we addressed these problems as best we could, with intelligence and at least some compassion and dignity.
I'm Making $18,000 more this year.

No policy of trump or biden caused me to make more.

I decided to work more hours, my business asked me to work more hours, I gladly said sure.

Why is this ^^^^ so difficult for you to fathom?

Sounds like you're in for a major tax bill. Hope your State taxes are low, cause the feds are going to eat your lunch. With the higher taxes and inflation, you'll be lucky to realize a third of that.


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