Are you better off than you were four years ago?

yes, low income is 80k a year

you should learn to not be an asshole prick, lying about how great the price of food has become
Everyone should be able to function quite well on $80K per year.
Don't live beyond your means, then blame it on ......inflation.....biden....taxes.....housing....interest rates.....etc.

80/12 = $6,666 PER MONTH.
Breaking news to all the jerks, Housing sales have dropped to their lowest point, this century. We must go back to the last century to find a housing sales to be lower
I own my home, I sold my rental.
Daughter is 30, she has a mortgage on 2 homes.
1 is a rental that bings in MORE than the payment.
The other is their current residence, YES they have a mortgage, they are 30.
They bought their 2nd home in Oct 2022, little over 1 year ago.
Four years ago I still had most of my teeth, I could run up stairs two at a time and I was not yet diagnosed with a few disease that may kill me … eventually.

So sure, I felt better off and just better in general.

But life is like that and if you expect politicians to solve your personal problems or make you feel better you are a fool.

I don’t complain about things that can’t be helped, and I sure as hell won’t let a craven miserable liar like Donald Trump or the MAGAnuts here ruin my mood even for an hour. So I read relatively few of the sick comments here, and do my research before I write anything myself. I do my best to stay rational, informed and composed … and succeed more as I get older.

I think I am probably considerably richer than 4 years ago due to living carefully and making intelligent investments. I plan to leave at least a small inheritance for my grandchild.

Can anyone guarantee the world will be better when she grows up … if the guy they decide to vote for in 2024 wins? I don’t think so.

I just vote my conscience and hope she will read about these days when she is older … as a time of unusual chaos and trouble. I also hope she concludes we addressed these problems as best we could, with intelligence and at least some compassion and dignity.
your grandchild will face famine, crime, and war, and much more, congratulate yourself for giving her that
"Clinton vs. G.W. Bush.... G. W. Bush won." Huh?
Bill Clinton was President when G.W. Bush was elected. Al Gore lost.
2 sandwiches and a glass of wine, $36
Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 7.15.17 PM.png

No ONE made you buy that wine.

Sounds like you're in for a major tax bill. Hope your State taxes are low, cause the feds are going to eat your lunch. With the higher taxes and inflation, you'll be lucky to realize a third of that.

Are you an accountant now?

Why would I be in for a major tax Bill?
I know how to use a "Tax Predictor" on HRBlock, or TurboTax or multiple other Tax sites.

I could teach you if you require some help.

1/3 ......WTF........If I was paying 33%, I'd be living real Large.
Everyone should be able to function quite well on $80K per year.
Don't live beyond your means, then blame it on ......inflation.....biden....taxes.....housing....interest rates.....etc.

80/12 = $6,666 PER MONTH.

I own my home, I sold my rental.
Daughter is 30, she has a mortgage on 2 homes.
1 is a rental that bings in MORE than the payment.
The other is their current residence, YES they have a mortgage, they are 30.
They bought their 2nd home in Oct 2022, little over 1 year ago.
no, it equals 4k take home, not a penny more

food is $800 a month
electricity is $300 a month
gas is $100 a week, $400 a month
telephones are $266 a month
garbage is $40 a month
mortgage is $1500 a month
car payment $400 a month
insuranace is $400 a month
braces, $100 a month

80k a year is simply living

it cost me 4300k a month to live, I dont live high on the hog. I pay for 4 people to include myself

I bought the cheapest house I could find before the prices went up. My $150k house now costs $400k. Lucky for me I live in a city that raises property tax as fast as they think the price of my house went up.

the only thing you are right about is that people should live pretty good on 80k, what you are wrong about is that we honestly cant.

Thank god, at 60 years old, I get to work 84 hours this week, and if I can not keep working 84 hours a week I will have to find a job that needs me to work 84 hours a week.

Education? Bachelors in Electronic engineering, further education in Non destructive testing, qualifications with the Electrical Power Research Institute, ASNT and my company.

sure, one can live good, if they never ever make a mistake, but not making any mistake, 80k in this economy sucks!
How? you pay a ton more for nearly everything, and that's directly related to Biden's policies that have increased inflation.

Do you enjoy a massive inflation tax?
they are low life liars, they dont care about how much anything costs, all that matters is their stupid political loyalty to the party of hate, the democrats
come on democrats, get all your friends to post, tell us how much better life is paying an extra 400% for the price of food

Really, rub it in our faces that you dont care how much food is and that it is the only the dumb americans that find the 400% increase in the price of food a burden

And then explain to us why the rate of inflation excludes the cost of food
Four years ago I still had most of my teeth, I could run up stairs two at a time and I was not yet diagnosed with a few disease that may kill me … eventually.

So sure, I felt better off and just better in general.

But life is like that and if you expect politicians to solve your personal problems or make you feel better you are a fool.

I don’t complain about things that can’t be helped, and I sure as hell won’t let a craven miserable liar like Donald Trump or the MAGAnuts here ruin my mood even for an hour. So I read relatively few of the sick comments here, and do my research before I write anything myself. I do my best to stay rational, informed and composed … and succeed more as I get older.

I think I am probably considerably richer than 4 years ago due to living carefully and making intelligent investments. I plan to leave at least a small inheritance for my grandchild.

Can anyone guarantee the world will be better when she grows up … if the guy they decide to vote for in 2024 wins? I don’t think so.

I just vote my conscience and hope she will read about these days when she is older … as a time of unusual chaos and trouble. I also hope she concludes we addressed these problems as best we could, with intelligence and at least some compassion and dignity.

You're an Obiden lackey. You people own this mess. The torture of J6, the perversion of the Courts, harassment of President Trump, inflation, world War, Stolen Elections, home Os, drags in schools harming children, street crime, open borders, Criminals coming in. On and on and on. How can you look at your Granddaughter knowing what you people have setup for her?

It may be irreparable? Ending in War or civil unrest? Death or gulags like NAZI Germany. Your sheetbags own the Courts. We may not be able to Vote the crooks out at this time? Then it's over for certain.
Reading this thread, all the posts of democrats, calling people dumb or stupid that have to work, and still can't afford steak, I now see in today's democrats the attitude of the old white slave owners
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