Are you emotionally invested in this election?

Well, are you?

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  • No

  • Define susceptible

Results are only viewable after voting.

All the emotion is fascinating to observe, but it's terribly misguided.

Too many frail egos getting too much attention.

I don't believe you.

I know, right?

He comes across as such a bitter, broken man, and now he wants to pretend to be above it all?

Not credible at all.

Seriously. Mac's a typical Democrat though. They don't do personal honesty or self reflection

Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
Yes, I am very emotionally invested in this election; though not because I live (or even like) either candidate.

I’m emotionally invested because I believe a Biden/Harris victory will turn this country sharply in a direction thst I don’t support and cannot personally accept. A Biden/Harris administration is essentially the complete antithesis of what I believe in and would take us in a direction I cannot support at any level. Especially if the Democrats were to take control of both houses of Congress.

For all intents and purposes, this election will determine if I can (or would) call myself an American anymore.

The way that dems conflate political support with loving a candidate is them projecting their emotional and intellectual immaturity.

They are children, or at least have the minds of very young children, that can't understand nuance or even degrees.

With them it is either LOVE or HATE, no in between.
Yes, I am very emotionally invested in this election; though not because I live (or even like) either candidate.

I’m emotionally invested because I believe a Biden/Harris victory will turn this country sharply in a direction thst I don’t support and cannot personally accept. A Biden/Harris administration is essentially the complete antithesis of what I believe in and would take us in a direction I cannot support at any level. Especially if the Democrats were to take control of both houses of Congress.

For all intents and purposes, this election will determine if I can (or would) call myself an American anymore.

I agree, but spoiler alert. The battle is already lost. We're just trying to put it off a few more years. Even if Trump wins, the country is on the verge of voting for a candidate that supports violence and the destruction of inner cities and is well into Marxism with the "greed" actually "red" deal, who wants to destroy our newly attained energy independence and who doesn't believe we are entitled to borders but anyone who can come here.

Trump is only holding back the tide, not reversing it
I save my emotional outbursts for important matters, like when the Steelers couch up the ball in the Red Zone or make a splash play.

Like when they intercept Lamar's first pass for a pick 6? ugh, why did I go there. lol:(
  • Funny
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Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?

I'll be very disappointed if Trump loses. If Trump does lose, will I film myself crying and post to social media and become the next viral snowflake? Uh no.

Yes. Both sides care about politics, of course we do. But for Democrats politics are their entire life while for us it's a part of our life. If Biden loses they will scream in the night. We'll say oh shit and go to bed and get up for our jobs the next day
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?

I have to admit that yes, I am. Too many personal attacks from the other side, has made it personal for me.

They are fucking assholes and I want them to lose.

Also, this current brand of vile Democrat wants to make such a hard left turn, there may be no turning back for our Country if they win!
I say, FUCK THAT!, with extreme prejudice!!!
Yes! I absolutely love dark comedy.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.
The difference is You BELIEVE one side is telling the truth and the other is lying Correll

Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Nope, they are ALL lying.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.
The difference is You BELIEVE one side is telling the truth and the other is lying Correll


Dude. It's called JUDGEMENT. You use it to tell who to trust, or at least, distrust LESS.

Dem mayors are ordering cops to stand down and let riots happen, and then ordering those same cops to arrest people who defend themselves.

That is seriously fucked up.

Biden talks shit about disavowing the violence, but do you really believe he will take serious steps against his own base and party?
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Nope, they are ALL lying.

Trump lies about the size of his crowds. Biden is lying about not supporting mobs that are killing people in the streets.

Your pretense that there is equivalence between the two, is not rational.

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