Are you emotionally invested in this election?

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Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.

Your side is arresting people for defending themselves from violent mobs that are attacking them.

Fear is the logical reaction to the idea of such hate being given even more power.

That is not "manipulation" , that is them paying attention and seeing a real danger to themselves and their loved ones.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Nope, they are ALL lying.

Trump lies about the size of his crowds. Biden is lying about not supporting mobs that are killing people in the streets.

Your pretense that there is equivalence between the two, is not rational.

With all due respect you're wrong. You accept the binary nature of the game, I do not.
Those in charge (from EITHER side) ALL work for the same people. Sure, the masses get tossed a bone every once in awhile but nothing EVER really changes. The Banks run everything and I do mean everything. That's why the wars never end. Do yourself a favor, take a stroll back through history and check out who financed the Wars. You'll find that the same Banks generally finance both sides of the same conflict. WWII? Look into Prescott Bush and Papa Joe Kennedy.

Complaining about underlying problems and trends is valid. Ignoring immediate policy differences that are matters of life and death because of "bigger issues" is not.

LOL, assuming you have the "moral" authority to judge and dismiss the truth makes you look foolish.

Judging candidates and platforms are the heart of voting. If you don't believe in that, what do you believe in? The Divine RIght of Kings?

Nobody ever breaks away from the false binary paradigm that is our electoral system until they want to. I have shown you some truth, you are simply too lazy or too fearful to research it for yourself. I don't blame you, it isn't a comforting thing to discover. They ALL work fpr the same people.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power.

Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

Yep, that's because both sides have been manipulated to think exactly that. That strategy seems to have worked well, based on how many people are eagerly going out to vote. It's really sad, from my perspective, and there's much more to be said about this, but for now I'll leave it at that.
Invested emotionally? hmm, some sure.

I usually don't care about elections, but this one felt particularly important.

Love of country or label it racist and evil.
Protect communities and respect police presence, or allow billions in damage while defunding police.
Tax breaks and regulations, or vice versa.
Free market capitalism or Marxist Communism.
Uniting all people or dividing them up into gender and skin color.
Respect for the 1st and 2nd amendments or Fake News, app censorship and confiscation of personal guns.
Respect for religious freedom and protecting the fetus, or godlessness and baby killing.

Easiest decision ever.
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.

So when you and a gang of leftists are beating the shit out of an old man or a kid wearing a MAGA hat and he looks terrified, you think it's because he's worried Trump will lose. Sure, that's it ...
He’s unhinged.
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.

So when you and a gang of leftists are beating the shit out of an old man or a kid wearing a MAGA hat and he looks terrified, you think it's because he's worried Trump will lose. Sure, that's it ...
He’s unhinged.

Democrats are unhinged supporting violence and intimidation to silence your opposition
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?

Not at all. In fact, at the moment, I am chilling with family in a luxury cabin built on a mountainside close to a deep, wide lake. I went fishing at daybreak in 27 degree weather. Just got back. I caught a small musky and a few northern pike. I took a walkie talkie with me so I could stay in contact. My wife was still sleeping when I returned. My sister was cooking breakfast and my younger brother was playing some D&D video game and his wife was bogarting my cigarettes. My father is on the way up here to join us. My nieces and nephews are playing pool in the basement and Minecraft and trying to rappel from the loft railing. Life is bloody awesome at the moment. Frankly, I do not give a damn who wins this election. We will endure either way.
If your in a position to say or feel that way, then good for you brother, but for a huge amount of everyday average American's, Bidens policies and tax raising could spell defeat for their dreams of just trying to make it at a decent level in society. Boasting of personal security and wealth in this way, uhhh is what the leftist attempt to use against conservatives daily in this country, but that's ok because I think most Americans know what the left is up to when they hear or see their bullcrap for what it's worth. I'm glad for you though, and enjoyed my read of your experience up there.

It's not that I don't care. I do—quite deeply, actually. However, I served twenty-nine years in the US Army for among other reasons, the express purpose of ensuring what's happening out there right now in our America never happened. Honestly, I do not plan on resisting any communist or authoritarian take over of our nation. If it comes to that, I am getting my family OUT. Live to fight another day and all that.
Not dumb enough to get emotionally involved...I can't control any of this nor would I if I could. God and family.....that's it....kinda ends there for me.
Ever since we hit the year 2020 the only national event that has captured my enthusiasm is our upcoming bash to celebrate our 250th birthday. Once we hit July 5, 2025 it'll be a year long party in anticipation of the big one.
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.
Bullcrap...... However it's been put out there for all to see and know now, that the Demoncrats are the party of Marxist, revolutionaries, radicals, haters, authoritarians, dictators, tyrant's, and last but the worst of all "anti-Americans" from hell these days. What you are seeing is the shock and suprise in their eyes that you are actually even talking to them, especially after knowing how your party thinks and acts after Obama.
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.
Bullcrap...... However it's been put out there for all to see and know now, that the Demoncrats are the party of Marxist, revolutionaries, radicals, haters, authoritarians, dictators, tyrant's, and last but the worst of all "anti-Americans" from hell these days. What you are seeing is the shock and suprise in their eyes that you are actually even talking to them, especially after knowing how your party thinks and acts after Obama.
We're going to get rid of all the cows and make you eat broccoli!
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.
Bullcrap...... However it's been put out there for all to see and know now, that the Demoncrats are the party of Marxist, revolutionaries, radicals, haters, authoritarians, dictators, tyrant's, and last but the worst of all "anti-Americans" from hell these days. What you are seeing is the shock and suprise in their eyes that you are actually even talking to them, especially after knowing how your party thinks and acts after Obama.


So far, 42 have voted YES.

Unless your fellow Trumpsters are liars?
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.
Bullcrap...... However it's been put out there for all to see and know now, that the Demoncrats are the party of Marxist, revolutionaries, radicals, haters, authoritarians, dictators, tyrant's, and last but the worst of all "anti-Americans" from hell these days. What you are seeing is the shock and suprise in their eyes that you are actually even talking to them, especially after knowing how your party thinks and acts after Obama.
We're going to get rid of all the cows and make you eat broccoli!
AOC, is that you ??? LOL
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
Hell no.

I believe the greatest threat to our economy, our future, and our national security is the federal debt.

Since Trump and Biden are both massive over spenders, we're fucked either way.

I'd love to see Trump lose, but I would not be thrilled if Biden won. So my emotions will not be out of control after the election. If Trump loses, I'll gloat a little, but that's about it.
I am very concerned there are armed maniacs out there who will be waiting for a go signal if their side loses. Particularly right-wing maniacs.
I am very concerned there are armed maniacs out there who will be waiting for a go signal if their side loses. Particularly right-wing maniacs.

Another whack job Democrat who while you're actually committing violence is more worried about the people who aren't. Of course you are, nut job
I think Trump will win comfortably so I don't have to be concerned about. However, if that shithead Biden wins this is what I would expect.

1. The Trump tax cuts resulted in me having about $300 more dollars each month in spendable income. That shithead Biden said he was going to take that money away from me and give it to the welfare queens. Also higher taxation than before the Trump tax cuts. He is lying when he says nobody with an income of less than $450K a year will have an increase in taxes. Just like Obama lied about not increasing taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year.

2. I expect to have my right to keep and bear arms to be significantly infringed upon.

3. I expect to have my right of freedom of speech infringed upon in the name of political correctness.

4. I expect to have my freedom of region put in jeopardy.

5. I expect to have my retirement 401K deteriorate due to the certain economic slowdown. Biden will have either a significant recession and possibly even a depression as he fucks up the economy with bad trade deals, stupid green initiatives and raiding the treasury for welfare.

6. I expect to have a shitload of filthy ass Illegal welfare queens to flood into this country signing up for welfare.

7. Health care will deteriorate as the cost for me will increase to pay for Democrat welfare shitheads.

8. America will be an embarrassment to the world as a Democrat administration sells out the country to foreign interests.

9. The cost of energy will soar.

10. The US will make significant advances towards being a dismal Socialist shithole.

I was raised in the greatest country on earth. If the filthy ass Socialists gain power I will be dying in a Socialist shithole so yea, I have emotional ties to this election.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
Hell no.

I believe the greatest threat to our economy, our future, and our national security is the federal debt.

Since Trump and Biden are both massive over spenders, we're fucked either way.

I'd love to see Trump lose, but I would not be thrilled if Biden won. So my emotions will not be out of control after the election. If Trump loses, I'll gloat a little, but that's about it.
You are one messed up dude... LOL. Biden would be your worst nightmare, and everybody's worst nightmare because we will bog down in social engineering bullcrap for the next 4 years. Social engineering doesn't help this country, but instead it caters to the whiney TDS crybabies who are always screaming victim hood and such bullcrap, that hardly nothing moves or is allowed to move under the weight of it all.

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