Are you emotionally invested in this election?

Well, are you?

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  • Define susceptible

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Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Nope, they are ALL lying.

Trump lies about the size of his crowds. Biden is lying about not supporting mobs that are killing people in the streets.

Your pretense that there is equivalence between the two, is not rational.

With all due respect you're wrong. You accept the binary nature of the game, I do not.
Those in charge (from EITHER side) ALL work for the same people. Sure, the masses get tossed a bone every once in awhile but nothing EVER really changes. The Banks run everything and I do mean everything. That's why the wars never end. Do yourself a favor, take a stroll back through history and check out who financed the Wars. You'll find that the same Banks generally finance both sides of the same conflict. WWII? Look into Prescott Bush and Papa Joe Kennedy.
Your pretense that there is equivalence between the two, is not rational.
as is any pretense of difference.......~S~

No, Dem mayors have ordered cops to stand down so mobs can riot and kill with impunity, while Trump has deputized local and state cops so that they can actually arrest criminals and have them prosecuted.

That is a big difference. Ignoring it, will get people killed. Hell, has already gotten people killed.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Nope, they are ALL lying.

Trump lies about the size of his crowds. Biden is lying about not supporting mobs that are killing people in the streets.

Your pretense that there is equivalence between the two, is not rational.

With all due respect you're wrong. You accept the binary nature of the game, I do not.
Those in charge (from EITHER side) ALL work for the same people. Sure, the masses get tossed a bone every once in awhile but nothing EVER really changes. The Banks run everything and I do mean everything. That's why the wars never end. Do yourself a favor, take a stroll back through history and check out who financed the Wars. You'll find that the same Banks generally finance both sides of the same conflict. WWII? Look into Prescott Bush and Papa Joe Kennedy.

Complaining about underlying problems and trends is valid. Ignoring immediate policy differences that are matters of life and death because of "bigger issues" is not.
Liberals constantly attack me, call me a racist, tell me I don't pay my fair share, Biden tells me "I owe illegals" money so yeah emotions are running high. FU Biden and the rest if your deviant party.
I never heard Biden say yer name..

Biden and the Dems broad brush millions of tax paying Americans.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?

Not at all. In fact, at the moment, I am chilling with family in a luxury cabin built on a mountainside close to a deep, wide lake. I went fishing at daybreak in 27 degree weather. Just got back. I caught a small musky and a few northern pike. I took a walkie talkie with me so I could stay in contact. My wife was still sleeping when I returned. My sister was cooking breakfast and my younger brother was playing some D&D video game and his wife was bogarting my cigarettes. My father is on the way up here to join us. My nieces and nephews are playing pool in the basement and Minecraft and trying to rappel from the loft railing. Life is bloody awesome at the moment. Frankly, I do not give a damn who wins this election. We will endure either way.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?
That's because totalitarians always accuse their opponents of what they are actually doing. It's part of introducing communism and teaching dimwitted people to embrace it. It's part of Obama's political manual, Rules for Radicals. But reasonable people know what party is responsible for pushing Marxism, the riots, the tax hikes, media cover ups, defunding or abolishing police, and even some of them support closing prisons. The crazy Democrat party is a danger to the USA. Stick with Trumpy.
I agree, but spoiler alert. The battle is already lost. We're just trying to put it off a few more years. Even if Trump wins, the country is on the verge of voting for a candidate that supports violence and the destruction of inner cities and is well into Marxism with the "greed" actually "red" deal, who wants to destroy our newly attained energy independence and who doesn't believe we are entitled to borders but anyone who can come here.

Trump is only holding back the tide, not reversing it

kaz, I’m well aware that all we’re doing is trying to hold back the inevitable destruction of this country.

I’ve lived my entire life in New England; where this nation was founded; and where it has already succumbed to total Socialist control and governance. It’s only a matter of time until it overcomes the entire nation. I’m just hoping to hold it off long enough to die a natural death before we lose it all.
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
LOL... If it's anything like an NFL or highly emotional sports fan winning or losing, then I'd say most who are invested in this election will be susceptible to all sorts of emotional trauma be it one way or the other. Now what people do with that emotional trauma is yet to be seen.
The way that dems conflate political support with loving a candidate is them projecting their emotional and intellectual immaturity.

They are children, or at least have the minds of very young children, that can't understand nuance or even degrees.

With them it is either LOVE or HATE, no in between
You are precisely describing your own side’s Trump fanatics, who do indeed emotionally “love,” adore, even worship Trump. They are the “children, or at least have the minds of very young children, that can’t understand nuance or even degrees.”

Very few Democratic voters are like that. Democrats may fear Trump & his cultists and the program of corporate Republicans with an intensity equal to your fear of Democrats, they may fear and be revolted by the divisive lowlife demagogue in Trump, but most Democrats and Biden voters “understand nuance or degree” far better than typical Trump cultists. For Trump cultists, “it is either LOVE or HATE, no in between.”

Of course there are also many less emotionally involved “critical” Trump supporters. You may fancy yourself one of them, but personally I have my doubts. In any case, most pseudo-intellectual Trump supporters usually partake in Trump’s demagoguery, demonizing Liberals, etc. Hugging and mugging with the flag and the Bible, Trump plays to the most infantile emotions of his most loyal supporters.

Liberals are often afraid of losing their illusions in a constantly improving, ever more tolerant country. Personally, I have never had such illusions. I have never bought into the media’s lies. I have long expected this country to go crazy and seek salvation from a preposterous Mussolini / Berlusconi like figure. So I’m not at all surprised or disappointed by Trump’s emergence and apparent staying power.

I only hope against hope the country finds a balance and recovers its mind, so that wiser leaders than Biden or Trump can emerge to lead the country and the world out of the quagmire we are now in.
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The way that dems conflate political support with loving a candidate is them projecting their emotional and intellectual immaturity.

They are children, or at least have the minds of very young children, that can't understand nuance or even degrees.

With them it is either LOVE or HATE, no in between
You are precisely describing your own side’s Trump fanatics, who do indeed emotionally “love,”, adore, even worship Trump. They are the “children, or at least have the minds of very young children, that can’t understand nuance or even degrees.”

Very few Democratic voters are like that. Democrats may fear Trump & his cultists and the program of corporate Republicans with an intensity equal to your fear of Democrats, they may fear and be revolted by the divisive lowlife demagogue in Trump, but most Democrats “understand nuance or degree” far better than typical Trump cultists.

Of course there are also many less emotionally involved “critical” Trump supporters. You may fancy yourself one of them, but personally I have never seen that in you. Most pseudo-intellectual Trump supporters usually partake in Trump’s demagoguery, demonizing Liberals, etc. Hugging and mugging with the flag and the Bible, Trump plays to the most infantile emotions of his most loyal supporters.

Liberals are often afraid of losing their illusions in a constantly improving, ever more tolerant country. Personally, I have never had such illusions. I have never bought into the media’s lies. I have long expected this country to go crazy and seek salvation from a preposterous Mussolini / Berlusconi like figure. So I’m not at all surprised or disappointed by Trump’s emergence and apparent staying power.

I only hope against hope the country finds a balance and recovers its mind, so that wiser leaders than Biden or Trump can emerge to lead the country and the world out of the quagmire we are now in.

your may have predicted correctly------the Biden/Harris gang is VERY MUSSOLINI/STALIN like. If the worst happens----we will see abrupt "IMPROVEMENTS" in society----IMPOSED
Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Nope, they are ALL lying.

Trump lies about the size of his crowds. Biden is lying about not supporting mobs that are killing people in the streets.

Your pretense that there is equivalence between the two, is not rational.

With all due respect you're wrong. You accept the binary nature of the game, I do not.
Those in charge (from EITHER side) ALL work for the same people. Sure, the masses get tossed a bone every once in awhile but nothing EVER really changes. The Banks run everything and I do mean everything. That's why the wars never end. Do yourself a favor, take a stroll back through history and check out who financed the Wars. You'll find that the same Banks generally finance both sides of the same conflict. WWII? Look into Prescott Bush and Papa Joe Kennedy.

Complaining about underlying problems and trends is valid. Ignoring immediate policy differences that are matters of life and death because of "bigger issues" is not.

LOL, assuming you have the "moral" authority to judge and dismiss the truth makes you look foolish.
When I see the hate, violence, death and destruction, yes.
I want all children to be taught to love our country, yes.
I dont loose any sleep over it, but yes, Im emotionally invested.
The other side thinks that you want to teach the children to love the country, but to hate other's who are also in it. It's not true, but that's the way they've been brainwashed by the radicals, who somehow rose to power in a very organized yet suspicious way over the years, in which had taught them this hatred or never allowed them to give it up.

The hate has been coming from the other side (the leftist), for years now, even though they went along in peace as things got better and better for them or until they figured that they could tip the scales into their radical favor someday.

They thought they had done that when Obama got elected, and him and Joe's oppeasement of the radicals set them on a course for failure.

It all failed because politician's have proven over the years that they can't be trusted. They use people badly, and stoke the flames of division in order to keep the people's minds off of the major bank heist in play for them. It's diversion tactics at it's best.

This nation has moved forward tremendously over the years ever since the abolishment of slavery and such, but greed and power entrenched in the Democrats who have been using race baiting on steroids as a huge divisive issue over and over again. They are doing a huge disservice to the families and men and women of this country, but they could care less because it's all about the corruption, hoaxes, and victim hood they thrive on in order to keep them empowered.
I agree, but spoiler alert. The battle is already lost. We're just trying to put it off a few more years. Even if Trump wins, the country is on the verge of voting for a candidate that supports violence and the destruction of inner cities and is well into Marxism with the "greed" actually "red" deal, who wants to destroy our newly attained energy independence and who doesn't believe we are entitled to borders but anyone who can come here.

Trump is only holding back the tide, not reversing it

kaz, I’m well aware that all we’re doing is trying to hold back the inevitable destruction of this country.

I’ve lived my entire life in New England; where this nation was founded; and where it has already succumbed to total Socialist control and governance. It’s only a matter of time until it overcomes the entire nation. I’m just hoping to hold it off long enough to die a natural death before we lose it all.

Agreed. I say that too, I just hope to stave it off long enough to finish my life. Sadly I have no hope for my kids being able to do that
Left wing media is melting down by flooding youtube and media with Anti-Trump rehtoric, heavily ladened biases, and outright manipulative senarios in hopes to somehow shift the game at this late stage. It's truly sickening what the left has done in this country to those who are gullable and weak.

Then I saw this group serving free meals, and other such stuff at the polling stations, but depending on the political lean of the group, shouldn't that be illegal ? Otherwise is it virtual signalling to those who figure "wow now that's why we love this side or that side", otherwise being based upon these operations set up at the polling station's ??

Coffee and donuts offered inside the station to every voter that walks in would be ok, but outside should be illegal. There should be no pamphlets, meals and such outside of the station's offered. It's to tempting to try and lean voters through gifts and free crap offered as this supposed neutral non-partisan charity, but every group and individual in this country are invested in one way or the other when it comes to voting.. Outside of polling stations should be off limits to any form of solicitation or manipulation of the voters coming to vote.

Now soft drink or peanut sales by kids 15 or 16 years as the police watch over them for safety purposes would be ok in my opinion. Sort of like the old baseball games when the youth would do that for future character training purposes. Otherwise no one is going to think that children serving peanuts and drinks down the lines would influence a turn out or change of a vote in anyway possible.
I was watching the rally at Grand Rapids last night and when Pence left the stage to Brooks and Dunn -Only in America, I got goosebumps. That's the perfect song for our situation today and Trump is the only one who can keep our country that way. That's what I'm calling emotion. So I hope everyone is as fired up to vote for Trump as I am. It's imperative that we stick with Trumpy. Only in America.
But Brooks & Dunn weren’t actually there. None of the artists Trump illegally plays at his rallies are ever actually there.

Biden, otoh...John Legend, Lady Gaga, Alicia and in person.

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