Are you emotionally invested in this election?

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Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?

Not at all. In fact, at the moment, I am chilling with family in a luxury cabin built on a mountainside close to a deep, wide lake. I went fishing at daybreak in 27 degree weather. Just got back. I caught a small musky and a few northern pike. I took a walkie talkie with me so I could stay in contact. My wife was still sleeping when I returned. My sister was cooking breakfast and my younger brother was playing some D&D video game and his wife was bogarting my cigarettes. My father is on the way up here to join us. My nieces and nephews are playing pool in the basement and Minecraft and trying to rappel from the loft railing. Life is bloody awesome at the moment. Frankly, I do not give a damn who wins this election. We will endure either way.
If your in a position to say or feel that way, then good for you brother, but for a huge amount of everyday average American's, Bidens policies and tax raising could spell defeat for their dreams of just trying to make it at a decent level in society. Boasting of personal security and wealth in this way, uhhh is what the leftist attempt to use against conservatives daily in this country, but that's ok because I think most Americans know what the left is up to when they hear or see their bullcrap for what it's worth. I'm glad for you though, and enjoyed my read of your experience up there.
I was watching the rally at Grand Rapids last night and when Pence left the stage to Brooks and Dunn -Only in America, I got goosebumps. That's the perfect song for our situation today and Trump is the only one who can keep our country that way. That's what I'm calling emotion. So I hope everyone is as fired up to vote for Trump as I am. It's imperative that we stick with Trumpy. Only in America.
But Brooks & Dunn weren’t actually there. None of the artists Trump illegally plays at his rallies are ever actually there.

Biden, otoh...John Legend, Lady Gaga, Alicia and in person.
Why didn't you list Cardi B ?? lol
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
I was watching the rally at Grand Rapids last night and when Pence left the stage to Brooks and Dunn -Only in America, I got goosebumps. That's the perfect song for our situation today and Trump is the only one who can keep our country that way. That's what I'm calling emotion. So I hope everyone is as fired up to vote for Trump as I am. It's imperative that we stick with Trumpy. Only in America.
But Brooks & Dunn weren’t actually there. None of the artists Trump illegally plays at his rallies are ever actually there.

Biden, otoh...John Legend, Lady Gaga, Alicia and in person.
Why didn't you list Cardi B ?? lol
Did she perform, too? Awesome. I forgot Common and few others, too, I’m sure.
There’s a lot of people lying on this thread. The same people that talk about the election 24/7 on this site aren’t the slightest bit emotionally invested. Riiight
I was watching the rally at Grand Rapids last night and when Pence left the stage to Brooks and Dunn -Only in America, I got goosebumps. That's the perfect song for our situation today and Trump is the only one who can keep our country that way. That's what I'm calling emotion. So I hope everyone is as fired up to vote for Trump as I am. It's imperative that we stick with Trumpy. Only in America.
But Brooks & Dunn weren’t actually there. None of the artists Trump illegally plays at his rallies are ever actually there.

Biden, otoh...John Legend, Lady Gaga, Alicia and in person.
Why didn't you list Cardi B ?? lol
Did she perform, too? Awesome. I forgot Common and few others, too, I’m sure.
No she was to pornographic, so Joe just had her in the interview with him... LOL.
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
Well unless Biden enforces his tax hikes on us, then it's true he doesn't hurt us Trumpers at all, and even then Biden mainly will hurt his base who for many don't need a huge tax hike or higher cost of living in their lives. You attack the wealthy, the the poor will suffer, unless Biden and his evil minions are planning on a communist take over of this country. If that's what's at stake here, then look out because it's gonna get ugly.
Agreed. I say that too, I just hope to stave it off long enough to finish my life. Sadly I have no hope for my kids being able to do that

That’s part of the reason why I don’t have children. Even in my youth it was obvious that the next generation was not going to live out their lives in a decent nation.
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You are precisely describing your own side’s Trump fanatics, who do indeed emotionally “love,” adore, even worship Trump.

Funny, I know plenty of Trump supporters, and none of them fit that mold.

Every politician has SOME loyal partisans, who might get carried away. But it is your side that seems to need to imagine "Camelots" and that their leaders are messiahs.

Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
i really don't even consider it an election
elections have choices.....

What are you talking about? This election puts freedom against totalitarianism, the American dream against the collective, safety against riots, prosperity against poverty and law and order vs. chaos and anarchy. The difference between Trump and Biden are greater than any other election in history. The choice is easy. Stick with Trumpy.
you do realize you sound exactly like your opposition, right?

The difference is that one side is telling the truth and the other is lying.

Nope, they are ALL lying.

Trump lies about the size of his crowds. Biden is lying about not supporting mobs that are killing people in the streets.

Your pretense that there is equivalence between the two, is not rational.

With all due respect you're wrong. You accept the binary nature of the game, I do not.
Those in charge (from EITHER side) ALL work for the same people. Sure, the masses get tossed a bone every once in awhile but nothing EVER really changes. The Banks run everything and I do mean everything. That's why the wars never end. Do yourself a favor, take a stroll back through history and check out who financed the Wars. You'll find that the same Banks generally finance both sides of the same conflict. WWII? Look into Prescott Bush and Papa Joe Kennedy.

Complaining about underlying problems and trends is valid. Ignoring immediate policy differences that are matters of life and death because of "bigger issues" is not.

LOL, assuming you have the "moral" authority to judge and dismiss the truth makes you look foolish.

Judging candidates and platforms are the heart of voting. If you don't believe in that, what do you believe in? The Divine RIght of Kings?
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.

So when you and a gang of leftists are beating the shit out of an old man or a kid wearing a MAGA hat and he looks terrified, you think it's because he's worried Trump will lose. Sure, that's it ...
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.

So when you and a gang of leftists are beating the shit out of an old man or a kid wearing a MAGA hat and he looks terrified, you think it's because he's worried Trump will lose. Sure, that's it ...
Starting tomorrow all Trumpers here will be saying they had no stake in this election. Battling liberals on this board is just a fun distraction. Biden’s win doesn’t affect them at all.

All lies. :laugh:
When I talk to Trumpsters face to face, I look in their eyes, and they're absolutely fucking terrified.

They think it's Trump or it's literally communism and/or death. I've never seen anything like this. The level of manipulation here is just breathtaking.

So when you and a gang of leftists are beating the shit out of an old man or a kid wearing a MAGA hat and he looks terrified, you think it's because he's worried Trump will lose. Sure, that's it ...
And dont forget the elderly ladies theyve beaten on.
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Susceptible to emotional outbursts and such?
No, but I've got butterflies in my stomach. Does that count? It's going to take forever to get to 9 pm

I am not so worried. I look at it that if this country would elect Biden we are choosing to flush ourselves down the toilet now instead of waiting. Why be stressed at the choice to self destruct?

You have no reason to be worried. It's just a matter of time until intolerant hate filled fascist leftists overrun us just like you want. It's only a question of when you get what you want, not if. You will succeed in choking the goose that laid the golden egg. Capitalism's days are numbered. We just don't know the number. Could be today
I have to say the Dem's actions these past 4 years, the blatant attempts to undermine the 2016 election and president...I hate them even more than before.
I agree...well,
I dont hate them personally, but I do hate their policies and what they stand for.

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