Are you employed full time?

Are you employed full time?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Unofficial poll. Just want to see how close it is to all of the statistics I've been seeing.
Well, my wife keeps me busy all day. Does that count? According to what I read yesterday, the actual rate of unemployment is now at 23%, unofficial of course. Full-time employed is relative. Full-time at McDonald's means little if you have health insurance that carries a $6,000 deductible, paying $750 a month rent, $300 a month car note, $250 a month for utilities, $150 a month for gasoline, $60 a month car insurance, $300 a month for food and misc. household items, $25 a month for clothes, and items such as cell phone usage, medicines, dental care, doctor visits, money for emergencies, and off-time recreation.

In other words, in order for someone to be self-supporting, depending on area of the country, it would take approx. $2,000 a month after taxes and other payroll deductions to squeak by without the need for assistance of some sort. So, full-time employment means little if one is working full-time, but still requires assistance in order to make ends meet. Remember, everyone doesn't live with parents or friends, live in Mississippi, nor drive a 1981 Chevy. Not everyone that works is in perfect health. No everyone that works lives within walking distance of their job, and not everyone lives in a $150 a month rundown mobile home.

A full-time job doesn't mean much if one still qualifies for government assistance programs such as food stamps. What's more important when speaking of employment numbers, is the number of workers earning a living wage. Some folks that work from their homes, work 15 to 20 hours a week and make a 6 figure income. The number of hours does not correlate to a living wage, nor to being self-supporting. I had rather know how many workers are employed making a living wage.
What happened to the good old days, when someone could support their family on a single pay check?

What a quaint, antiquated concept!

Don't you know that all you need is need itself and others are obliged to provide!
Obama was elected to enrich the 1% and free the 47% from the tyranny of labor.

He has succeeded, as proved by his re-election.
Unofficial poll. Just want to see how close it is to all of the statistics I've been seeing.
After working from 16 I retired at 56, making room for someone else.

don't kid yourself there are as many jobs as people. China has plenty of jobs for 100's of millions. Do you understand?
Workshy behavior gets you free job training in the People's Republic.

If that doesn't work, a bullet in the nape of the neck solves your unemployment woes.
Unofficial poll. Just want to see how close it is to all of the statistics I've been seeing.
After working from 16 I retired at 56, making room for someone else.

don't kid yourself there are as many jobs as people. China has plenty of jobs for 100's of millions. Do you understand?
Workshy behavior gets you free job training in the People's Republic.

If that doesn't work, a bullet in the nape of the neck solves your unemployment woes.

care to tell us what on earth you are talking about??
Unofficial poll. Just want to see how close it is to all of the statistics I've been seeing.
After working from 16 I retired at 56, making room for someone else.

don't kid yourself there are as many jobs as people. China has plenty of jobs for 100's of millions. Do you understand?
Workshy behavior gets you free job training in the People's Republic.

If that doesn't work, a bullet in the nape of the neck solves your unemployment woes.

care to tell us what on earth you are talking about??
I don't know the Chinese word for gulag.
Unofficial poll. Just want to see how close it is to all of the statistics I've been seeing.
After working from 16 I retired at 56, making room for someone else.

don't kid yourself there are as many jobs as people. China has plenty of jobs for 100's of millions. Do you understand?
Workshy behavior gets you free job training in the People's Republic.

If that doesn't work, a bullet in the nape of the neck solves your unemployment woes.

care to tell us what on earth you are talking about??
I don't know the Chinese word for gulag.
don't kid yourself there are as many jobs as people. China has plenty of jobs for 100's of millions and no gulag you idiot. Do you understand?
We closed our steel mills, textile mills, tool shops, toy factories,.

what you mean is that liberals closed them with their unions taxes and deficits, not to mention their war on the family and schools or the 20 million illegals they invited in to take our jobs.

Do you understand??
I understand, you're a partisan hack and as a sharp as a tub of wet noodles.

translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to respond with substance so I'll try to distract or change the subject with personal attack.

Actually it's not the first time I've characterized you as a partisan hack, or dumb. You've proven both over and over again. So, stop whining and ignore me, or up your game. Your post was nothing more than an echo of a right wing meme.
We closed our steel mills, textile mills, tool shops, toy factories,.

what you mean is that liberals closed them with their unions taxes and deficits, not to mention their war on the family and schools or the 20 million illegals they invited in to take our jobs.

Do you understand??
I understand, you're a partisan hack and as a sharp as a tub of wet noodles.

translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to respond with substance so I'll try to distract or change the subject with personal attack.

Actually it's not the first time I've characterized you as a partisan hack, or dumb. You've proven both over and over again. So, stop whining and ignore me, or up your game. Your post was nothing more than an echo of a right wing meme.

too stupid as always if you find the philosophy of Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson and Friedman lacking show exactly where or admit with your silence ot attempt to change the subject that you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.
Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson

Wasn't he black??
admit with your silence or attempt to change the subject that you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.

See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be slow? This idiot liberal thinks its meaningful to have his pants down!
We closed our steel mills, textile mills, tool shops, toy factories,.

what you mean is that liberals closed them with their unions taxes and deficits, not to mention their war on the family and schools or the 20 million illegals they invited in to take our jobs.

Do you understand??
I understand, you're a partisan hack and as a sharp as a tub of wet noodles.

translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to respond with substance so I'll try to distract or change the subject with personal attack.

Actually it's not the first time I've characterized you as a partisan hack, or dumb. You've proven both over and over again. So, stop whining and ignore me, or up your game. Your post was nothing more than an echo of a right wing meme.

too stupid as always if you find the philosophy of Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson and Friedman lacking show exactly where or admit with your silence ot attempt to change the subject that you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.

Check your syntax, and then provide a summary of what you have read in the works of Aristotle (yes, I've read The Politcs); Locke (Yes, I've read Two Treaties); and I've read Heilbroner (The Worldly Philosophers) + many others.

Do you have a point? Since your post was all emotion (anger) and written as if English is not you native language, I would like to know why you think you can lecture anyone.
Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson

Wasn't he black??
admit with your silence or attempt to change the subject that you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.

See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be slow? This idiot liberal thinks its meaningful to have his pants down!
I'd say that the fellow that lacks skills in punctuation, is the one lacking in form and functionality....
what you mean is that liberals closed them with their unions taxes and deficits, not to mention their war on the family and schools or the 20 million illegals they invited in to take our jobs.

Do you understand??
I understand, you're a partisan hack and as a sharp as a tub of wet noodles.

translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to respond with substance so I'll try to distract or change the subject with personal attack.

Actually it's not the first time I've characterized you as a partisan hack, or dumb. You've proven both over and over again. So, stop whining and ignore me, or up your game. Your post was nothing more than an echo of a right wing meme.

too stupid as always if you find the philosophy of Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson and Friedman lacking show exactly where or admit with your silence ot attempt to change the subject that you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.

Check your syntax, and then provide a summary of what you have read in the works of Aristotle (yes, I've read The Politcs); Locke (Yes, I've read Two Treaties); and I've read Heilbroner (The Worldly Philosophers) + many others.

Do you have a point? Since your post was all emotion (anger) and written as if English is not you native language, I would like to know why you think you can lecture anyone.

too stupid as always if you find the conservative philosophy of Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson and Friedman lacking show exactly where or admit with your silence or attempt to change the subject that you lack the IQ for it as a typical liberal.
And you expect an honest reply from these liberal wienies?
Point. I guess most of them would lie, to make their messiah look good.

I'm not sure if they know what work is....and I'm positive they don't understand the concept of working full time.

I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to work for a living. I'm 100% disabled, and I wish I was working instead. Someone who would live off of the government, who is able to work, doesn't deserve to live.

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