Are you free or a slave?

Are you a free person who proveds for yourself, or a slave of government who provides for you?

  • I am a slave, for i cant provide for myself.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I am a free person and want to stay that way, because i only rely on myself.

    Votes: 8 88.9%

  • Total voters
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?

Is it possible to be free after you have sold your soul to a political party?

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I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Government needs to help those who need helping

It is what great societies do
not if it GOES AGAINST THEIR LAWS and results in the theft of anothers property
Our Constitution authorizes Congress to collect revenue for the General Welfare of We the People

but what they are doing is hurting more than it helps, so its going against the general welfare not for it

SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Programs help millions.
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Government needs to help those who need helping

It is what great societies do
not if it GOES AGAINST THEIR LAWS and results in the theft of anothers property
Our Constitution authorizes Congress to collect revenue for the General Welfare of We the People

but what they are doing is hurting more than it helps, so its going against the general welfare not for it

SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Programs help millions.
while it steals from millions more and puts children yet born in debt they cant pay

ie,,bad for america
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Agreed stealing is not good, so we need social programs so people do not have to steal food. Abled bodies workers should work, and often they need a helping hand as well. 15 bucks is 31000 a year full time.
I've lived the last 10 yrs on less than min wage and didnt have to steal from anyone,,,

If you lived on Fed min wage and worked 2080 hrs a year, (full time in the past) you would of made 15080. 10 years hey? Are you married , do you have kids, are you on social programs, do you live in a tent?
I estimate I worked 10-12 hrs a day 6 days a week, and no I never took welfare because it would mean I stole from the person that earned it
how would you know one way or the other,,I'm very happy in general

10-12 hrs a day, six days a week for ten years

In every minimum wage discussion, I have had on this board, you are declared a loser
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Government needs to help those who need helping

It is what great societies do

What a load of shit.

The Govt. isn't here to provide for you. The Govt. isn't a charity. If you need help that's what real charities are for.

Oh and you won't find the word charity in the constitution.
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution
“Bu...but the Constitution says...” You may now return to your grazing, Tax Cattle...
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution
You may now return to your grazing, Tax Cattle...

In life, there are more than just these two choices, but the person that started this thread has yet to figure this out. He believes he alone accomplished whatever it was he accomplished with no help from others or the unique aspect of our government helping people get ahead. He sounds like a product of right wing talk radio. Obama had it figured out with that speech about 'you didn't build that by yourself'.

And you're a product of left wing propaganda.
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution
You may now return to your grazing, Tax Cattle...

What a meaningless statement. Taxation has never been predicated on the perceived quality of civility. But idiots like you just eat up meaningless platitudes... Then ask for seconds.
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution
You may now return to your grazing, Tax Cattle...

What a meaningless statement. Taxation has never been predicated on the perceived quality of civility. But idiots like you just eat up meaningless platitudes... Then ask for seconds.

Societies do not exist without revenue

We accomplish more as a member of society than we can as individuals. That is what made Man the dominant species on earth
I've lived the last 10 yrs on less than min wage and didnt have to steal from anyone,,,

If you lived on Fed min wage and worked 2080 hrs a year, (full time in the past) you would of made 15080. 10 years hey? Are you married , do you have kids, are you on social programs, do you live in a tent?
I estimate I worked 10-12 hrs a day 6 days a week, and no I never took welfare because it would mean I stole from the person that earned it
how would you know one way or the other,,I'm very happy in general

10-12 hrs a day, six days a week for ten years

In every minimum wage discussion, I have had on this board, you are declared a loser
lets see, I own 4 houses and 12 acres of land and over 200K in tools and equipment and very little debt,,

you and I have a very different idea of what a loser is
So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?

Objective / Subjective .....

Would you say a dumb uneducated redneck bluecollar that built his own farm and business is 'free' ?

Or perhaps all the right opportunities fell into place, the right doors opened, he could see father 'cuz he sat on the shoulders of giants?

The question is to what degree

and what metric is used ......?

is there an anarchist in the house , and if so how can we tell s/he from a libertarian ......?

Government needs to help those who need helping

It is what great societies do

Yes but that also begs the Hand up Vs Hand out debate RWinger

Is it possible to be free after you have sold your soul to a political party?

good one Gator , i would say partisanship clouds judgment

Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People

If only that were so.......if i may......Gub'Mit is slave to corporatism ,corporatism enslaves us all via debt slavery in America

I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?

No one here takes complete care of themselves and their families. Everyone relies on the gov't and other people. The question is to what degree.[/QUO


You've never driven on any public roads? You never used tap water or a flush toilet? Do you raise all your own food? You have never used a weather forecast to make plans?

I get that we can protect our families. At least from local criminals. How do you think you would fare against Chinese infantry?

Everyone relies on the gov't for some things.

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