Are you free or a slave?

Are you a free person who proveds for yourself, or a slave of government who provides for you?

  • I am a slave, for i cant provide for myself.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I am a free person and want to stay that way, because i only rely on myself.

    Votes: 8 88.9%

  • Total voters
you wanna know
10-12 hrs a day, six days a week for ten years

In every minimum wage discussion, I have had on this board, you are declared a loser
lets see, I own 4 houses and 12 acres of land and over 200K in tools and equipment and very little debt,,

you and I have a very different idea of what a loser is
And you manage to work 70 hours a week for less than minimum wage


thanks for your opinion,

but as I sit here on this cold winter day in my underwear I dont feel like a loser,,,in fact its because I was a winner that made it possible
Now you are lounging around in your underwear?

A few posts ago you were working 60 hours a week for less than minimum wage
well I did decide to close my business cause there is no longer a need for me to work for others,,,

you wanna know my secret???

you saved a bundle w/Geico.......?

I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
False dilemma fallacy.
"Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all" Psalm 23...
"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"1 Cor 10;12

I’ve had to run

I’ve had to crawl

Been rich as a king

Had nothing at all

Still raising hell

And tearing down walls

I know where I stand

I’m learning to fall.
We are all one step away from poverty. It only takes one serious illness. I have seen it.
I believe that before the stifling growth of the government that has become very oppressive in its "FAIRNESS", people were able to use their God given talents to make something of themselves, or turn to Lucifer, and have their inner demons end up killing them at an early age. It is the Choice given each and everyone of US. If you want to do drugs, go for it, just dont come to me and whine that I need to pay for your addiction. If you want to kill your unborn child, go for it, there inst anything I can do about it, but it will keep the "stupid" gene pool from increasing. If you want to be poor and miserable that again is your choice, because you think you are a victim.

We are all one step away from poverty. It only takes one serious illness. I have seen it.

I wish more folks realized this LilOlLady

All those ol timers i turned into soylent green as an ems minion back in the day

They all had stories.....

I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Government needs to help those who need helping

It is what great societies do

To some degree everyone needs helping, so yes, but it’s a matter of degree. Now I think the government should provide for people incable of providing for themselves, but I’m against the notion that the government owes everyone a living
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
You must be a slave. Everyone who posts here except for the bots has an income. Be it retirement or ssi or from a job. Your premise is moot.
Waiting for the social security, Medicare, paid sick leave, family medical leave all are bad bad bad crowd. A college degree or tech degree in a field where the employee is valued is necessary so one doesn't have to be a slave to working 2 part time jobs that pay a pittance like 12 bucks an hour.
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Government needs to help those who need helping

It is what great societies do

To some degree everyone needs helping, so yes, but it’s a matter of degree. Now I think the government should provide for people incable of providing for themselves, but I’m against the notion that the government owes everyone a living
I never heard that notion before. Illegal seem to have that notion. Plus radical Christians.
Waiting for the social security, Medicare, paid sick leave, family medical leave all are bad bad bad crowd. A college degree or tech degree in a field where the employee is valued is necessary so one doesn't have to be a slave to working 2 part time jobs that pay a pittance like 12 bucks an hour.
I earned twelve and hour in the 1980's, in the 1990's I was earning around $1,800 a week..I can earn five to six thousand a month if I like yet that has nothing to do with the OP's condescending attitude and superior egotism...
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Government needs to help those who need helping

It is what great societies do

To some degree everyone needs helping, so yes, but it’s a matter of degree. Now I think the government should provide for people incable of providing for themselves, but I’m against the notion that the government owes everyone a living

Are you comfortable with indigent families in the street?
Yes, I'm a slave, damn it!

Luckily for me, I'm a house slave instead of a field slave and the family treats me just like one of them!

.....umm, except for not making me eat the leftovers and locking me into my room each night.
Yes, I'm a slave, damn it!

Luckily for me, I'm a house slave instead of a field slave and the family treats me just like one of them!

.....umm, except for not making me eat the leftovers and locking me into my room each night.
At least you got a room.....
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?

This is a false dichotomy as we all are dependent on the surrounding community for expertise that we ourselves do not have.

Do you wear manufactured clothing? Use reading glasses? See a doctor? Buy a loaf of bread on occasion?

It is a truthful statement, 'No man is an island.'

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