Are you free or a slave?

Are you a free person who proveds for yourself, or a slave of government who provides for you?

  • I am a slave, for i cant provide for myself.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I am a free person and want to stay that way, because i only rely on myself.

    Votes: 8 88.9%

  • Total voters
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution

That is true, the government doesn't control us, we control it, unless you get a dictator in there like now. Remember Trump works for us and so does the congress and all their aides and everyone who works for the Federal Gov.
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?

No one here takes complete care of themselves and their families. Everyone relies on the gov't and other people. The question is to what degree.[/QUO


You've never driven on any public roads? You never used tap water or a flush toilet? Do you raise all your own food? You have never used a weather forecast to make plans?

I get that we can protect our families. At least from local criminals. How do you think you would fare against Chinese infantry?

Everyone relies on the gov't for some things.
I helped pay for those roads and payed for that water and installed that toilet myself and raise most of my own food and pay for the rest with money I earned by working,,,I glance at the weather forecast but its wrong most of the time

and I also paid for the government to do its constitutional duties

bottom line is if it were not for us hard working americans there would be no government
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?

No one here takes complete care of themselves and their families. Everyone relies on the gov't and other people. The question is to what degree.[/QUO


You've never driven on any public roads? You never used tap water or a flush toilet? Do you raise all your own food? You have never used a weather forecast to make plans?

I get that we can protect our families. At least from local criminals. How do you think you would fare against Chinese infantry?

Everyone relies on the gov't for some things.
I helped pay for those roads and payed for that water and installed that toilet myself and raise most of my own food and pay for the rest with money I earned by working,,,I glance at the weather forecast but its wrong most of the time

and I also paid for the government to do its constitutional duties

bottom line is if it were not for us hard working americans there would be no government

Yes, you helped pay for those roads. But according to How Much Does It Cost to Build a Mile of Road? | Midwest Industrial Supply a two lane paved road in a rural area costs $2-$3 mille per mile. Yes, you pay a pretty nominal fee for clean water. Certainly far less than it would take you to produce that clean water.

And what of the protection from criminals? From invading forces?

I get that you are an independent man. I applaud you for what you have accomplished. But don't pretend you could have done it on your own.
That is what made Man the dominant species on earth

you should meet my goats......

over 200K in tools and equipment

i think i just got a tool woody.....


You'd have to work hard to convince a goat they weren't the dominant species.
and also need to learn goat to know what they were saying

My post was intended as sarcasm and a comment on the hard-headedness of goats. No need to be a dick.

But maybe now I see why you stay out on your own.
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?

No one here takes complete care of themselves and their families. Everyone relies on the gov't and other people. The question is to what degree.[/QUO


You've never driven on any public roads? You never used tap water or a flush toilet? Do you raise all your own food? You have never used a weather forecast to make plans?

I get that we can protect our families. At least from local criminals. How do you think you would fare against Chinese infantry?

Everyone relies on the gov't for some things.
I helped pay for those roads and payed for that water and installed that toilet myself and raise most of my own food and pay for the rest with money I earned by working,,,I glance at the weather forecast but its wrong most of the time

and I also paid for the government to do its constitutional duties

bottom line is if it were not for us hard working americans there would be no government

Yes, you helped pay for those roads. But according to How Much Does It Cost to Build a Mile of Road? | Midwest Industrial Supply a two lane paved road in a rural area costs $2-$3 mille per mile. Yes, you pay a pretty nominal fee for clean water. Certainly far less than it would take you to produce that clean water.

And what of the protection from criminals? From invading forces?

I get that you are an independent man. I applaud you for what you have accomplished. But don't pretend you could have done it on your own.

blah blah blah,,,

the government depends on us not the other way around

this country was built by the people not the government
That is what made Man the dominant species on earth

you should meet my goats......

over 200K in tools and equipment

i think i just got a tool woody.....


You'd have to work hard to convince a goat they weren't the dominant species.
and also need to learn goat to know what they were saying

My post was intended as sarcasm and a comment on the hard-headedness of goats. No need to be a dick.

But maybe now I see why you stay out on your own.
who said I was on my own??
If you lived on Fed min wage and worked 2080 hrs a year, (full time in the past) you would of made 15080. 10 years hey? Are you married , do you have kids, are you on social programs, do you live in a tent?
I estimate I worked 10-12 hrs a day 6 days a week, and no I never took welfare because it would mean I stole from the person that earned it
how would you know one way or the other,,I'm very happy in general

10-12 hrs a day, six days a week for ten years

In every minimum wage discussion, I have had on this board, you are declared a loser
lets see, I own 4 houses and 12 acres of land and over 200K in tools and equipment and very little debt,,

you and I have a very different idea of what a loser is
And you manage to work 70 hours a week for less than minimum wage

I estimate I worked 10-12 hrs a day 6 days a week, and no I never took welfare because it would mean I stole from the person that earned it
how would you know one way or the other,,I'm very happy in general

10-12 hrs a day, six days a week for ten years

In every minimum wage discussion, I have had on this board, you are declared a loser
lets see, I own 4 houses and 12 acres of land and over 200K in tools and equipment and very little debt,,

you and I have a very different idea of what a loser is
And you manage to work 70 hours a week for less than minimum wage


thanks for your opinion,

but as I sit here on this cold winter day in my underwear I dont feel like a loser,,,in fact its because I was a winner that made it possible
how would you know one way or the other,,I'm very happy in general

10-12 hrs a day, six days a week for ten years

In every minimum wage discussion, I have had on this board, you are declared a loser
lets see, I own 4 houses and 12 acres of land and over 200K in tools and equipment and very little debt,,

you and I have a very different idea of what a loser is
And you manage to work 70 hours a week for less than minimum wage


thanks for your opinion,

but as I sit here on this cold winter day in my underwear I dont feel like a loser,,,in fact its because I was a winner that made it possible
Now you are lounging around in your underwear?

A few posts ago you were working 60 hours a week for less than minimum wage
We are all free and we are all slaves. Needing help does not make one a slave and being financially secure do not make you free. I am my brother's keeper. I am financially secure because I worked and paid into the system but also because someone else paid into the system that pays me.

"No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
English metaphysical poet John Donne (1572-1631)
you wanna know
how would you know one way or the other,,I'm very happy in general

10-12 hrs a day, six days a week for ten years

In every minimum wage discussion, I have had on this board, you are declared a loser
lets see, I own 4 houses and 12 acres of land and over 200K in tools and equipment and very little debt,,

you and I have a very different idea of what a loser is
And you manage to work 70 hours a week for less than minimum wage


thanks for your opinion,

but as I sit here on this cold winter day in my underwear I dont feel like a loser,,,in fact its because I was a winner that made it possible
Now you are lounging around in your underwear?

A few posts ago you were working 60 hours a week for less than minimum wage
well I did decide to close my business cause there is no longer a need for me to work for others,,,

you wanna know my secret???
Agreed stealing is not good, so we need social programs so people do not have to steal food. Abled bodies workers should work, and often they need a helping hand as well. 15 bucks is 31000 a year full time and today full time is not 40 hours a week, its more like 30-35. Most often people need two part time jobs and they do not offer shared health ins.
Jason Greenslate, Food Stamp Surfer, Responds To The Haters | HuffPost
“This is the way I want to live and I don’t really see anything changing,” Greenslate said in front of the news cameras. “It’s free food; it’s awesome.”
Theft or slave?
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Ah, but I have a dirty little secret thus minimizing the amounts of money the government can take away from me. I use the liberal tax loopholes, that are legal, but not too many know about.
Here's some walls and a whole bunch of college loan forgiveness. Slaves. Dis any of you taxpayers authorize any of this nonsense ?
U.S. Foreign Aid by Country
I agree, this is my libertarian/conservatism kicking in. Pull our troops and funding out of the other countries that hate US anyway, bring them home, and stop giving other countries our taxes, so they can be our "friends", I use that term loosely...
I have been on this site now for over 2 years, and from what I have seen, there are those that want to remain free and rely on themselves to take care of their families and themselves.

There are also a bunch on this site, who seem that they cannot take care of themselves, so need the government to step in and provide them whatever the necessity is to have them survive, all they have to do is vote for those people who keep them alive.

So what is it, are you a free person who provides for yourself, or a slave to the government who owns you as the provider?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution

That is true, the government doesn't control us, we control it, unless you get a dictator in there like now. Remember Trump works for us and so does the congress and all their aides and everyone who works for the Federal Gov.
Then stop paying taxes and see who is working for who. You can use religious purposes to opt out of paying them, are you willing to find God?
Your poll overlooks the obvious... Because regardless of ones desire to be independent; we’re all slaves to the government in one way or another. Even when we’re fully willing to care for ourselves. Ask anyone to check their paystub if you doubt me. The government takes its desired portion of your wages before your allowed to have any... Think about it..
Actually, the Government is a slave to We the People
That’s funny shit right there!
Read the Constitution

That is true, the government doesn't control us, we control it, unless you get a dictator in there like now. Remember Trump works for us and so does the congress and all their aides and everyone who works for the Federal Gov.
Then stop paying taxes and see who is working for who. You can use religious purposes to opt out of paying them, are you willing to find God?

I was raised with God and its still instilled in me, you know how your raised and it becomes ingrained in you, maybe you found him, but I was never without. I do not wear Christianity on my sleeve, you know able to take it off at will or when things do not go as planned.

PS: I would never think of making money off of God, like the TV preachers and EVans do.
To the OP ...can you name any somewhat successful country or civilization in history who did not rely on the monopolization of force (taxes) to provide services for the greater collective?

But, no need to go into history...I am sure they are plenty of modern day examples of these libertarian utopian one

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