Are you good looking?

Originally posted by -=d=-
The question in this thread wasn't "are you beautiful" it was 'Are you good-looking?'.

I'm not bad despite a few "flaws" :D
Originally posted by HGROKIT
LMAO - ok - change my word "beauty (et al) to good looking and my opinion stays the same.

If in my opinion, the woman I love is the most "good looking" woman in the world, why would I look elsewhere?

There are lots of reasons - none which lend towards harmony, or the topic at hand. :) I can say I wish I viewed my wife as the single most physically beautiful person on the planet; I bet she wishes the same for me.

Originally posted by HGROKIT
beer-holder, now that's funny - they all get better looking around closing time eh?

Ineed they despiration and blood-alcohol levels increase, so does the physical beauty of the 'big-boned, hairy-wart girl' at the end of the bar. So I'm told.

Originally posted by -=d=-
I can say I wish I viewed my wife as the single most physically beautiful person on the planet

That's sad.
I'm handsome i've been told by many good looking milf's(mediterranean swarthiness), I don't put much stock in the opinions of young girls as I don't think they know there ass from a hole in the ground yet because I see hottie college girls with guys whose pantwaists are down around their ankles and they've got about a dozen piercings and a 1/2 dozen bad tattoos.

I've got a couple flaws in my appearance but once in the sack the ladies usually forget all about them:D
Originally posted by -=d=-
There are lots of reasons - none which lend towards harmony, or the topic at hand. :) ...

eh - ok

harmony or the topic at hand? as I review this thread it appears you were making a point based on your perception of a perceived racist comment.

do you feel compelled to discuss that as a basis of good looking and therefore this creates harmony how? :confused:
Originally posted by HGROKIT
eh - ok

harmony or the topic at hand? as I review this thread it appears you were making a point based on your perception of a perceived racist comment.

do you feel compelled to discuss that as a basis of good looking and therefore this creates harmony how? :confused:


A comment started the idea in my head "If he thinks black people are ugly, I wonder how he views himself?" - thus, this topic of "Do you feel you are good looking?"

My 'harmony' comment was in reference to your "Beauty comes from within - thus my wife is the most beautiful person on the planet" comments. I was choosing not to dive further into that, or some implied meanings of those statements to keep things going towards the basic question in this thread "do you feel you are good looking".

that make sense?
Originally posted by Said1
That's sad.

why? I don't 'desire' others - I 'desire' my wife; with her perfections AND her flaws. Seeing others whom I find beautiful does nothing to diminish the love I have for my wife.

To me it's not sad being honest. I feel most people who say "My signifigant other is the most beautiful person on the planet" aren't being honest - not because of sincerity, but because of statistics. There's no way to know how you'd feel about another person whom you met, if you haven't met them. It's quite likely, given other circumstances, they could be just as happy, or happier with 'another'.

Saying one's spouse, etc, is 'the most beautiful' 'briefs well', but I feel it's intellectually dishonest.
Originally posted by -=d=-

A comment started the idea in my head "If he thinks black people are ugly, I wonder how he views himself?" - thus, this topic of "Do you feel you are good looking?"

My 'harmony' comment was in reference to your "Beauty comes from within - thus my wife is the most beautiful person on the planet" comments. I was choosing not to dive further into that, or some implied meanings of those statements to keep things going towards the basic question in this thread "do you feel you are good looking".

that make sense?

question asked and ansered. perhaps not to your liking, but answered none the less.

so, yes...I think I am good looking :p:
Originally posted by -=d=-
why? I don't 'desire' others - I 'desire' my wife; with her perfections AND her flaws. Seeing others whom I find beautiful does nothing to diminish the love I have for my wife.

To me it's not sad being honest. I feel most people who say "My signifigant other is the most beautiful person on the planet" aren't being honest - not because of sincerity, but because of statistics. There's no way to know how you'd feel about another person whom you met, if you haven't met them. It's quite likely, given other circumstances, they could be just as happy, or happier with 'another'.

Saying one's spouse, etc, is 'the most beautiful' 'briefs well', but I feel it's intellectually dishonest.

Blah, blah :rolleyes: Let me know what the jury decides with regard to your son's looks.
Originally posted by -=d=-
why? I feel most people who say "My signifigant other is the most beautiful person on the planet" aren't being honest - not because of sincerity, but because of statistics.

If I wanted statistics over sincerity and personal character, I would have fallen in love with a computer or a slide ruls - geez.
Originally posted by Said1
Blah, blah :rolleyes: Let me know what the jury decides with regard to your son's looks.

don't be an ass.
Originally posted by HGROKIT
If I wanted statistics over sincerity and personal character, I would have fallen in love with a computer or a slide ruls - geez.
okay then!

Originally posted by Said1
What offended you, the jury part of the blah, blah part?


Do I love my son? More than my own life. Is my son adorable? 100%. Will my son be the next Tyson Bedford? No idea. Does it mean I don't love and support him inspite of him NOT being named to People Magazine's 'Most Beautiful People'? Nope.

Why is it so much trouble for people to remove glamor and romance and bias from discussions?
Originally posted by -=d=-

Do I love my son? More than my own life. Is my son adorable? 100%. Will my son be the next Tyson Bedford? No idea. Does it mean I don't love and support him inspite of him NOT being named to People Magazine's 'Most Beautiful People'? Nope.

Why is it so much trouble for people to remove glamor and romance and bias from discussions?

Glamor and romance? Anyway, the jury comment was taken from you, so it shouldn't bother you. I'm glad to see you've changed you tune a little though ;).
Originally posted by Said1
Glamor and romance? Anyway, the jury comment was taken from you, so it shouldn't bother you. I'm glad to see you've changed you tune a little though ;).

my tune is constant - The question wasn't about love, or beauty; it was about pure physical appearance.

I think I am about average looking, I guess. Some days I look at myself in the mirror and think, "Damn, you are the MAN!" other days I wonder why my wife even wants to look at me.

As for -=d=-'s comment about not wanting anyone to see him naked, all i can say is THANK YOU.

Originally posted by gop_jeff

I think I am about average looking, I guess. Some days I look at myself in the mirror and think, "Damn, you are the MAN!" other days I wonder why my wife even wants to look at me.

As for -=d=-'s comment about not wanting anyone to see him naked, all i can say is THANK YOU.



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