Are you questioning my integrity?


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
i know this thread overlaps others but this is just too delicious a situation to pass up. I have advocated ad nauseum for republicans to push back against the paper Tigers of democratic narratives. They finally took my advice in the second debate and hit a home run. In the recent democratic debate hi.ary Clinton asked if they were questioning her integrity. Why couldn't I have been on that stage? Here's the reply to such a gift question.

Yes were questioning your integrity, the whole country is questioning your integrity. 60 percent of the people polled consider you untrustworthy in this country. The fbi has you under investigation, an unprecedented situation for a person asking for votes for president. You have lied repeatedly to the American people about Benghazi and in a premeditated fashion you lied to the American people in order to promote a false political narrative to protect your boss. Your association with the Clinton Foundation raises way to many questions about pay to play activities while you were Secretary of State. The first word associated with you name is liar. Your use of sexism to blunt the facts of your record will not save you with the American people. Yes Madame secretary, your integrity is in tatters and still going south. The American voters will decide over the next year whether they want someone of your character to be the leader of this nation.
And yet still leading.

The right needs to come up with something more than Hillary is untrustworthy if they want to win and I do not see them doing so. They could start with actually representing those that vote for them rather than feeding us lies about what they are going to do without ever delivering.
She is not going to protect the nation from Islamic terrorism. She cannot even bring herself to say the words. In light of Paris Terror Attack do you really believe Americans will allow her into the oval office? I strongly doubt it. Besides. What makes you think Obama is going to leave? I believe it is more likely she gets a lengthy prison sentence and Obama "saves the day" by accepting a run for a 3rd term. Stranger things have happened during his administration. Who would stop him? Congress? Think again.
I know you think integrity means holding fast to continuous lies Hillary, but it doesn't.
i know this thread overlaps others but this is just too delicious a situation to pass up. I have advocated ad nauseum for republicans to push back against the paper Tigers of democratic narratives. They finally took my advice in the second debate and hit a home run. In the recent democratic debate hi.ary Clinton asked if they were questioning her integrity. Why couldn't I have been on that stage? Here's the reply to such a gift question.

Yes were questioning your integrity, the whole country is questioning your integrity. 60 percent of the people polled consider you untrustworthy in this country. The fbi has you under investigation, an unprecedented situation for a person asking for votes for president. You have lied repeatedly to the American people about Benghazi and in a premeditated fashion you lied to the American people in order to promote a false political narrative to protect your boss. Your association with the Clinton Foundation raises way to many questions about pay to play activities while you were Secretary of State. The first word associated with you name is liar. Your use of sexism to blunt the facts of your record will not save you with the American people. Yes Madame secretary, your integrity is in tatters and still going south. The American voters will decide over the next year whether they want someone of your character to be the leader of this nation.

A good reply would have been, "What integrity?"
And yet still leading.

So say the polls.

They had Al and Johnny Boy leading too, as I recall.
Yes, a lot can change. That is not in doubt. What is needed though for a change is a driving reason. Right now I don't see one that would lead to Hillary losing. There is almost no chance that she does not take the primary. There is little that I see currently going on that would shift the election to a republican victory. That is not to say that they cannot or will not win. I just do not see it as very likely at this time. A lot will depend on who actually takes the republican primary.
And yet still leading.

The right needs to come up with something more than Hillary is untrustworthy if they want to win and I do not see them doing so. They could start with actually representing those that vote for them rather than feeding us lies about what they are going to do without ever delivering.

Sure, she'll always lead among people with no integrity.

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