Are you ready for what will happen WHEN the Republicans hold the Congress?

Will cities burn if Republicans hold onto the Congress?

  • Yes, more cities will burn, because that is what Anarchists do to people they hate.

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • No, the Democrats will congratulate the Republican for a FAIR campain, and everyone will happy.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
You just admitted you will send bombs if you have to. That is some disturbing shot.
It is a disturbing thought that I even have to contemplate sending bombs against a government of a supposedly free country.
You are no better than the 911 hijackers and terrorist scum if that is what you truly believe. Rethink what you post. You are for all intents and purposes a true Trumper.
YOU are on the side of Muslim terrorists, idiot.

Look at how your ilk sucks Muhammad’s dick in Europe.

Trump supporters don’t go far enough to deal with you vermin.

Muslims carve a swathe of death across europe. The left: #Notallmuslims

Some random mails a prop bomb to CNN. The left: #Killallwhitepeople
In our country

Radical RW Terrorists are a bigger threat

Sorry, but violent crime is a much bigger problem in the US than terrorism.
Republicans have to resort to terrorism to hold control

RW terrorism is a bigger threat in this country than Muslims

The far right has already shown a willingness to resort to terrorist attacks when they do not get their way
BULLSHIT. WTF attacks are you talking about? Are you confusing the right with antifa? Those poor babies who can't even stand to let conservative speakers on campus without rioting?

when attacked fight back. I am an anti-fascist American at heart, and I can't stand white nationalists fascist racist people. No the fascist go to the colleges to get in fights. Real conservatives fine, but the alt right white nationalist , no.

How do you tell the conservatives from the RW white nationalists? Their red hats?
This is a first. A poster who says he is a wannabe terrorist. Get help immediately. You are unhinged.
Doxxxing is terrorism now?

Funny how you were ok with it a year ago.
You just admitted you will send bombs if you have to. That is some disturbing shot.
It is a disturbing thought that I even have to contemplate sending bombs against a government of a supposedly free country.
You are no better than the 911 hijackers and terrorist scum if that is what you truly believe. Rethink what you post. You are for all intents and purposes a true Trumper.
YOU are on the side of Muslim terrorists, idiot.

Look at how your ilk sucks Muhammad’s dick in Europe.

Trump supporters don’t go far enough to deal with you vermin.
You really do need help.
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Republicans have to resort to terrorism to hold control

RW terrorism is a bigger threat in this country than Muslims

The far right has already shown a willingness to resort to terrorist attacks when they do not get their way
BULLSHIT. WTF attacks are you talking about? Are you confusing the right with antifa? Those poor babies who can't even stand to let conservative speakers on campus without rioting?

when attacked fight back. I am an anti-fascist American at heart, and I can't stand white nationalists fascist racist people. No the fascist go to the colleges to get in fights. Real conservatives fine, but the alt right white nationalist , no.

What the fuck is a "real conservative" in your eyes? I'm guessing some warmongering hypocrite like John McCain, right?
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaaa… John(Songbird) McCain was a RINO...Republican in Name Only. Funny how you call out a warmonger liberal like John. Most of you libfucks are violent as hell, and you just proved it by ousting John the liberal Republican....

What? I'm not a liberal. My point is that McCain is the left's ideal version of a conservative.
People want to bodyslam their opponents. I think that a full scale civil war should erupt.
Ya. The 'war' against the 'soy-boy' LIBs will last about as long a popcorn fart in the wind.
These idiots are so afraid of a gun they won't touch one.
Once the real shooting begins you'll be able to smell cordite from the US in Paris France.
You guys are all hat, no cowboy.
You guys are all cow, no boy.
That's not even an actual saying. Please try again.
RW terrorism is a bigger threat in this country than Muslims

The far right has already shown a willingness to resort to terrorist attacks when they do not get their way
BULLSHIT. WTF attacks are you talking about? Are you confusing the right with antifa? Those poor babies who can't even stand to let conservative speakers on campus without rioting?

when attacked fight back. I am an anti-fascist American at heart, and I can't stand white nationalists fascist racist people. No the fascist go to the colleges to get in fights. Real conservatives fine, but the alt right white nationalist , no.

What the fuck is a "real conservative" in your eyes? I'm guessing some warmongering hypocrite like John McCain, right?
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaaa… John(Songbird) McCain was a RINO...Republican in Name Only. Funny how you call out a warmonger liberal like John. Most of you libfucks are violent as hell, and you just proved it by ousting John the liberal Republican....

What? I'm not a liberal. My point is that McCain is the left's ideal version of a conservative.

then you must be an alt right wing nut.

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