Are you supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith?

Do you support Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
Kim Davis is guilty of persecuting homosexuals. She deserves what she's getting.
And if it were a homosexual and a horse demanding a marriage license would the clerk still be persecuting someone? In your eyes? Do you see the slippery slope you are on right now?
Kim Davis is guilty of persecuting homosexuals. She deserves what she's getting.
And if it were a homosexual and a horse demanding a marriage license would the clerk still be persecuting someone? In your eyes? Do you see the slippery slope you are on right now?

Well as there are now news stories about men having sex with animals we're only a time away from them demanding their rights to marry too. After all, when you turn against God's design for marriage and make your own laws to accommodate your own sinfulness - where will the line be drawn? You think it will end where you say it ends? Think again.
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?
She is neither defending Christianity nor the laws of Kentucky.

Her actions do not adhere to the basic tenets of Christianity. Her actions do, in fact, fly in the face of the Christian faith.

The law is that same sex marriage is legal. There is no refuting that.

So Ms. Davis' actions have nothing to do with Christianity nor adherence to the law. She is nothing more than a garden variety bigot and should be shamed as one, not celebrated or supported.
And you can back that chiberish with some non chiberish? She most certianly is standing on her Christian faith.
The Christian Faith, at its heart, says 'love thy neighbor as you would be loved'. Further, judge not lest you be judged. And those without sin should cast the first stone. These are the basic tenets of the faith.

Christianity is a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith.

Ms. Davis shows no understanding of those basic tenets. Rather, she is twisting and perverting the faith to seek ecumenical cover for vile bigotry.

When did it become part and parcel of faith to abandon the basic tenets in order to perpetuate fear, suspicion and hurtful stereotypes? Can what makes Christianity a faith of love and understanding and forgiveness suddenly be forgotten to accommodate bigotry? That seems more like heresy than true Christian love.
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?
She is neither defending Christianity nor the laws of Kentucky.

Her actions do not adhere to the basic tenets of Christianity. Her actions do, in fact, fly in the face of the Christian faith.

The law is that same sex marriage is legal. There is no refuting that.

So Ms. Davis' actions have nothing to do with Christianity nor adherence to the law. She is nothing more than a garden variety bigot and should be shamed as one, not celebrated or supported.
And you can back that chiberish with some non chiberish? She most certianly is standing on her Christian faith.
The Christian Faith, at its heart, says 'love thy neighbor as you would be loved'. Further, judge not lest you be judged. And those without sin should cast the first stone. These are the basic tenets of the faith.

Christianity is a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith.

Ms. Davis shows no understanding of those basic tenets. Rather, she is twisting and perverting the faith to seek ecumenical cover for vile bigotry.

When did it become part and parcel of faith to abandon the basic tenets in order to perpetuate fear, suspicion and hurtful stereotypes? Can what makes Christianity a faith of love and understanding and forgiveness suddenly be forgotten to accommodate bigotry? That seems more like heresy than true Christian love.

Sexual immorality is condemned in the bible. Homosexual sin is condemned in the bible. Obeying God and keeping the Word of God is not bigotry. It's holiness and without holiness? No one shall see God. Read Hebrews Chapter 10 tonight.
Kim Davis is guilty of persecuting homosexuals. She deserves what she's getting.
And if it were a homosexual and a horse demanding a marriage license would the clerk still be persecuting someone? In your eyes? Do you see the slippery slope you are on right now?

Marriage is a state sanctioned contract between two consenting adults. This contract establishes a next of kin relationship where no such relationship previously existed. This contract melds the fortunes of two people into a new legal entity, the entity established between two individuals.

That idiotic straw an argument you proffered betrays a lack of knowledge and a mind too susceptible to stupidity and hyperbole.
I approve of Kim Davis's stand because she is obeying God's Laws. Her adultery and divorces have nothing to do with her stand.
Interesting. The poll is tied. Eight of you say you support Kim Davis defending her faith and eight of you say you do not support her defending her faith ( with comments varying - and some claiming that what she is doing is not defending her faith). It's split right down the middle!
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?
She is neither defending Christianity nor the laws of Kentucky.

Her actions do not adhere to the basic tenets of Christianity. Her actions do, in fact, fly in the face of the Christian faith.

The law is that same sex marriage is legal. There is no refuting that.

So Ms. Davis' actions have nothing to do with Christianity nor adherence to the law. She is nothing more than a garden variety bigot and should be shamed as one, not celebrated or supported.
And you can back that chiberish with some non chiberish? She most certianly is standing on her Christian faith.
The Christian Faith, at its heart, says 'love thy neighbor as you would be loved'. Further, judge not lest you be judged. And those without sin should cast the first stone. These are the basic tenets of the faith.

Christianity is a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith.

Ms. Davis shows no understanding of those basic tenets. Rather, she is twisting and perverting the faith to seek ecumenical cover for vile bigotry.

When did it become part and parcel of faith to abandon the basic tenets in order to perpetuate fear, suspicion and hurtful stereotypes? Can what makes Christianity a faith of love and understanding and forgiveness suddenly be forgotten to accommodate bigotry? That seems more like heresy than true Christian love.

Sexual immorality is condemned in the bible. Homosexual sin is condemned in the bible. Obeying God and keeping the Word of God is not bigotry. It's holiness and without holiness? No one shall see God. Read Hebrews Chapter 10 tonight.
If you want to cherry pick scripture, that's your sin. Either adhere to ALLof God's laws or not.

How righteous should contemporary America be?.Orthodox Jew righteous? Amish righteous?

Should it be appropriate to have a private family ceremony prior to stoning my mother to death after she commits a sin? Should the NFL be disbanded for touching the skin of a dead pig? Should McDonald's be closed for selling meat and cheese together? What is an appropriate price should I decide to sell my daughter into slavery?

She's just looking to make some coin just like most of these people who are "defending their faith". Start a gofundme and cry "help me defend my faith". Pat Robertson would approve

No, she is standing up for her faith and saying no to sin. That is what Kim Davis is doing. Even at the cost of being in jail.
When does she submit for her stoning as punishment for her adultery?

Address the question in the OP or don't, idb. Do you support Kim Davis for defending her faith or don't you?
She would have done MORE for her faith, if she had refused to do the job, and then quit, giving up the lucrative gvt job with all the benefits, for her faith and convictions....without her forcing her Faith, on to others while being paid by the government, but via the bystanders and strangers seeing this woman of faith, giving up her riches, for the Lord....and her that is so sincere, that she had no fears of quitting and how she would be able to survive....because she would know, in her heart of hearts, that God would provide.

This was a huge opportunity for her, that I believe she missed....

That shocking moment, to wake others up through humbling oneself, not aggrandizing oneself...

Like the widows and children of those religious black people that were murdered in the famous black church did, when they forgave the murderer, and did not use the bad actions of the murderer, to further an agenda.... it was humbling, it was a wake up call to what true Christians should be was Christ in them...

(When you take an oath of office, it is not to uphold the law as it was only before you were hired, but also all laws and rulings after you have taken your job.... you give an oath to uphold the law, regardless of any changes or new laws that come in to effect.)
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Kim Davis is guilty of persecuting homosexuals. She deserves what she's getting.
And if it were a homosexual and a horse demanding a marriage license would the clerk still be persecuting someone? In your eyes? Do you see the slippery slope you are on right now?

Marriage is a state sanctioned contract between two consenting adults. This contract establishes a next of kin relationship where no such relationship previously existed. This contract melds the fortunes of two people into a new legal entity, the entity established between two individuals.

That idiotic straw an argument you proffered betrays a lack of knowledge and a mind too susceptible to stupidity and hyperbole.

Yo, if you are a fag? Fine! Just keep your abnormal activity behind closed doors! There are children all over the place! You know the Democrat saying? It`s about the children? Or is that phony too!

obama-lying (1) (1) (1).jpg
May she enjoy the lifestyle that the generous citizens of Kentucky have provided for her, including room and board, medical care, 3 squares a day, laundry,and even full time pay for doing nothing, for as many years as she wants! (just as long as the tax money supporting her fanaticism does not come out of my pocket)
Funny thing that breaking the law is considered "defending your faith". I heard Huckmadinajad say that the left supports laws they like...then proceeded to defend this lady breaking the law. Ironic as hell

I saw that too and literally laughed out loud. Like lushbo says, accuse the left of doing what the right does.

Not to mention that with his phony cancer and diabetes cures and his sleazy survival meals, The Huckster is the absolute last person who should be lecturing or preaching about morals.

No, of course I don't "support" sharia law. She's not standing up for her religion unless she's a member of Westboro Baptist. Her religion is not what Jesus taught. Its just a hate group and what a hypocrite she is!

If she didn't want to do her job, she should have quit.
Kim Davis is guilty of persecuting homosexuals. She deserves what she's getting.
And if it were a homosexual and a horse demanding a marriage license would the clerk still be persecuting someone? In your eyes? Do you see the slippery slope you are on right now?

Marriage is a state sanctioned contract between two consenting adults. This contract establishes a next of kin relationship where no such relationship previously existed. This contract melds the fortunes of two people into a new legal entity, the entity established between two individuals.

That idiotic straw an argument you proffered betrays a lack of knowledge and a mind too susceptible to stupidity and hyperbole.

Yo, if you are a fag? Fine! Just keep your abnormal activity behind closed doors! There are children all over the place! You know the Democrat saying? It`s about the children? Or is that phony too!



The phony christian nutters need to stop peeking in windows.

She's just looking to make some coin just like most of these people who are "defending their faith". Start a gofundme and cry "help me defend my faith". Pat Robertson would approve

No, she is standing up for her faith and saying no to sin. That is what Kim Davis is doing. Even at the cost of being in jail.
When does she submit for her stoning as punishment for her adultery?

Address the question in the OP or don't, idb. Do you support Kim Davis for defending her faith or don't you?
she would have done MORE for her faith, if she had refused to do the job, and then quit, giving up the lucrative gvt job with all the benefits, for her faith and convictions....without her forcing her Faith, on to others while being paid by the government, but via the bystanders and strangers seeing this woman of faith, giving up her riches, for the Lord....and her that is so sincere, that she had no fears of quitting and how she would be able to survive....because she would know, in her heart of hearts, that God would provide.

This was a huge opportunity for her, that I believe she missed....

That shocking moment, to wake others up through humbling oneself, not aggrandizing oneself...

Like the widows and children of those religious black people that were murdered in the famous black church did, when they forgave the murderer, and did not use the bad actions of the murderer, to further an agenda.... it was humbling, it was a wake up call to what true Christians should be was Christ in them...

when you take an oath of office, it is not to uphold the law as it is only before you were hired, but also all laws and rulings after you have taken your job.... you give an oath to uphold the law, regardless of any changes or new laws that come in to effect.

Yo, what happen to Obama and Hillary Miss Brain?

obama-lying (1) (1) (1).jpg

Mike Huckabee: We Must Stand with Kim Davis Against ‘Criminalization of Christianity’

Big Government ^ | 9/7/15 | Tony Lee
On Breitbart News Sunday, Former Arkansas Governor and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said Americans must stand with Kim Davis, the country clerk who was jailed without bail for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses because doing so went against her Christian faith, to show that they are against the “criminalization of Christianity” and “judicial tyranny.”Speaking to guest-host Matthew Boyle on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, Huckabee announced that he will attend a rally for Davis in Kentucky on Tuesday–he said that a number of churches are busing people to the rally and supporters from as far away as Virginia,...
  • Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Issues Statement Supporting Kim Davis

    Forex Report Daily ^ | 9/7/15 | Iris Duncan
    A jailed Kentucky clerk asserts that the marriage licenses issued Friday to gay couples in Rowan County are void because she didn’t authorize them, her attorney said. On Saturday, a white banner spray-painted with the black letters “Kim Davis POW” was placed near the entrance of the jail in Grayson, Kentucky, and a bagpipe and drum corps played “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and marched to a field across from the jail.Protesters held up signs that read “Freedom of religion”, “Kim Davis for President”, and “Free Kim Davis!” as they were joined by Grayson Mayor George Steele.Davis, who can not...
If a rasta said he shouldn't be arrested for smoking weed these same people would reverse opinion and scream rule of law!
False assumption.

I think weed never should have been made illegal in the first place.
She's just looking to make some coin just like most of these people who are "defending their faith". Start a gofundme and cry "help me defend my faith". Pat Robertson would approve

No, she is standing up for her faith and saying no to sin. That is what Kim Davis is doing. Even at the cost of being in jail.

She should be in a mental institution getting help
She's just looking to make some coin just like most of these people who are "defending their faith". Start a gofundme and cry "help me defend my faith". Pat Robertson would approve

No, she is standing up for her faith and saying no to sin. That is what Kim Davis is doing. Even at the cost of being in jail.
When does she submit for her stoning as punishment for her adultery?

Address the question in the OP or don't, idb. Do you support Kim Davis for defending her faith or don't you?
she would have done MORE for her faith, if she had refused to do the job, and then quit, giving up the lucrative gvt job with all the benefits, for her faith and convictions....without her forcing her Faith, on to others while being paid by the government, but via the bystanders and strangers seeing this woman of faith, giving up her riches, for the Lord....and her that is so sincere, that she had no fears of quitting and how she would be able to survive....because she would know, in her heart of hearts, that God would provide.

This was a huge opportunity for her, that I believe she missed....

That shocking moment, to wake others up through humbling oneself, not aggrandizing oneself...

Like the widows and children of those religious black people that were murdered in the famous black church did, when they forgave the murderer, and did not use the bad actions of the murderer, to further an agenda.... it was humbling, it was a wake up call to what true Christians should be was Christ in them...

when you take an oath of office, it is not to uphold the law as it was only before you were hired, but also all laws and rulings after you have taken your job.... you give an oath to uphold the law, regardless of any changes or new laws that come in to effect.

I thought about that too.

Those black families were actually Christians though.

Davis' $80K a year and her son working in the same office is a lot more important to her than morals.

And yes, her hypocrisy makes it easy for her to judge others while committing several sins that, in her fundie world, would have gotten her stoned. But of course, that's different.

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