Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

You called me a retard and that other guy a moron.

You play the art of war but cry foul when it's played on you.

I haven't cried foul. I've pointed out your fucking tactics and you don't like it that I exposed you... that somehow translated in your head to me "losing it" and "crying foul" but you're wrong as usual.

This is typical of Step 4 in the OP... Call for Civility... You want to make me feel bad about calling you names and pretend that we should all be able to work together without the name calling... but that's a tactic.
You should know the game you're playing it right now. The fact is we're not letting your side control the conversation like we did with gore and Kerry. We are no longer pussies you can walk all over. If it weren't for gerrymandering your kind would be such a small minority in the government.

You only win midterms because people don't show up.

Anyways, this is going to be the easiest election. You nuts finally have a nut representing you instead of an asshole. We will win.

They won't even let rubio quit because they know you're losing the Senate. It's gods will
I'm tired of these freak'n liberals

Every time there is a major massacre they try to do something about it

What a bunch of pussies

No, every time there is a major massacre, they try to use the poor souls to promote their political agenda.
Those poor souls families are asking why we don't do something about guns

Are they exploiting the situation too?
The "why" probably has something to do with the Constitution...
Nothing in the Constitution prevents assault weapons bans, bans on large magazines, background checks, preventing those on the no fly list from buying guns

It is the NRA that bans it
Nothing in the Constitution empowers assault weapons bans, etc., either.
You should know the game you're playing it right now. The fact is we're not letting your side control the conversation like we did with gore and Kerry. We are no longer pussies you can walk all over. If it weren't for gerrymandering your kind would be such a small minority in the government.

You only win midterms because people don't show up.

Anyways, this is going to be the easiest election. You nuts finally have a nut representing you instead of an asshole. We will win.

They won't even let rubio quit because they know you're losing the Senate. It's gods will

Must be. I'm sure God is fixing the election so that the party of thousands of dead babies every year and wants to take his name out of our society gets power.
Nothing in the Constitution prevents assault weapons bans, bans on large magazines, background checks, preventing those on the no fly list from buying guns

It is the NRA that bans it

The Constitution was not written to limit citizens, it was written to limit government.
Christ you people spend so much time demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. Is their uncompromising on gun laws the ONLY thing you like about them? Apparently so.

Are you talking about Republicans or conservatives?

I like a lot of things about conservatism including limiting government, following the US Constitution and the intention of our founders, personal responsibility, lower taxes and lower spending, and no special laws or favors for certain groups. Just treat everybody the same.

You asked me about the dynamics of the Democrat gun grab, and I explained it to you. Sorry you don't like the answer, and if you can come up with a better one, by all means, let me know what that is.
I'm tired of these freak'n liberals

Every time there is a major massacre they try to do something about it

What a bunch of pussies

No, every time there is a major massacre, they try to use the poor souls to promote their political agenda.
Those poor souls families are asking why we don't do something about guns

Are they exploiting the situation too?
The "why" probably has something to do with the Constitution...
Nothing in the Constitution prevents assault weapons bans, bans on large magazines, background checks, preventing those on the no fly list from buying guns

It is the NRA that bans it
Nothing in the Constitution empowers assault weapons bans, etc., either.

It is all part of a well regulated militia
You should know the game you're playing it right now. The fact is we're not letting your side control the conversation like we did with gore and Kerry. We are no longer pussies you can walk all over. If it weren't for gerrymandering your kind would be such a small minority in the government.

You only win midterms because people don't show up.

Anyways, this is going to be the easiest election. You nuts finally have a nut representing you instead of an asshole. We will win.

They won't even let rubio quit because they know you're losing the Senate. It's gods will

Must be. I'm sure God is fixing the election so that the party of thousands of dead babies every year and wants to take his name out of our society gets power.
Imagine if all those little girls who didn't want to be parents were forced to become bad parents when they don't want to be parents. The number one thing criminals have in common is bad parenting. Yea, let's bring more fatherless children in this world. Then don't give them foodstamps but give them all guns. And no healthcare.
Nothing in the Constitution prevents assault weapons bans, bans on large magazines, background checks, preventing those on the no fly list from buying guns

It is the NRA that bans it

The Constitution was not written to limit citizens, it was written to limit government.
Actually, it was written to constitute a government
Christ you people spend so much time demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. Is their uncompromising on gun laws the ONLY thing you like about them? Apparently so.

Are you talking about Republicans or conservatives?

I like a lot of things about conservatism including limiting government, following the US Constitution and the intention of our founders, personal responsibility, lower taxes and lower spending, and no special laws or favors for certain groups. Just treat everybody the same.

You asked me about the dynamics of the Democrat gun grab, and I explained it to you. Sorry you don't like the answer, and if you can come up with a better one, by all means, let me know what that is.
Same shit you said in 1999 when you told us to vote for bush not gore.

Not falling for that again
Same shit you said in 1999 when you told us to vote for bush not gore.

Not falling for that again

Not really because very few of us considered GW a real conservative. He was much better than Gore, but certainly not a died in wool conservative. He was just a Republican.
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

My goodness! This sounds just like the conservatard right! How confusing...
BUt the number of mass shootings has increased because the gun lobby has...

No... mass shootings are happening because of Radical Islamics. Has not a damn thing to do with the gun lobby or our Constitutional right to bear arms. In fact, the reason the casualties are so high in these mass shootings is largely due to liberal anti-gun policies which create "gun free zones" where people are like sheep waiting for slaughter.

Mass Shootings - 2016 | Gun Violence Archive

... ONE was because of radical Islamists.
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well, when your side responds to a tragedy like Orlando saying, "We need us more guns so we can shoot the Darkies", it's hard to NOT mock you.

I applaud your effort to publicly demonstrate the liberal tactics outlined in the OP. Step 1 is illustrated to perfection here.

I think we need to deport all liberals. Every time one of you suggests gun control, we need to send you packing for Cuba or Venezuela where you belong. Every time you try to imply someone is racist, we need to send you away to someplace where they ARE racist so you can learn what that's really like.

I am more and more convinced the only way we can get this country back on track is to thin the population of people like you.

We're in the majority, not you, guy. Maybe you should be the one worried about deportation, except there's no country where you'd be happy at.

What we need to do is stop pandering to your tantrums.
Leave it to a goose stepping liberal to suggest deporting American citizens. Meanwhile they cry like babies if anyone says they want to enforce our existing immigration laws.
Lies and cherry picking. Read the whole thread BEFORE you hit post.
Christ you people spend so much time demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. Is their uncompromising on gun laws the ONLY thing you like about them? Apparently so.

Are you talking about Republicans or conservatives?

I like a lot of things about conservatism including limiting government, following the US Constitution and the intention of our founders, personal responsibility, lower taxes and lower spending, and no special laws or favors for certain groups. Just treat everybody the same.

You asked me about the dynamics of the Democrat gun grab, and I explained it to you. Sorry you don't like the answer, and if you can come up with a better one, by all means, let me know what that is.
No I mean republicans specifically. Why should anyone vote for them?
No I mean republicans specifically. Why should anyone vote for them?

That's a new question. Your earlier question was about the Democrats goal in disarming Americans.

Speaking of which, that is one reason to vote Republican. If Hillary gets in and loads the courts with a bunch of Commie leftists, they may very well rule that we have no constitutional rights to bear arms. That would allow cities and states all across the country to ban guns, allow lawsuits to put gun manufacturers out of business, or tax ammunition so high that it's almost unaffordable.

Sure, you can vote out a President, but you can't vote out lifelong appointed judges. So the rulings of the new SC (if Hillary is elected) will last for generations and it wouldn't matter how you vote in the future.

Also, remember that Hilary's sever didn't even have the minimum encryption protection. A computer geek in high school could have tapped into her emails. So it's reasonable to assume the computer geeks in China, North Korea, or Iran had access to our most sensitive US material. They could use those emails to blackmail Hillary and put our country at jeopardy since the only thing the Clinton's ever cared about was themselves.

I would say that's a very good reason to vote Republican this election.
No I mean republicans specifically. Why should anyone vote for them?

That's a new question. Your earlier question was about the Democrats goal in disarming Americans.

Speaking of which, that is one reason to vote Republican. If Hillary gets in and loads the courts with a bunch of Commie leftists, they may very well rule that we have no constitutional rights to bear arms. That would allow cities and states all across the country to ban guns, allow lawsuits to put gun manufacturers out of business, or tax ammunition so high that it's almost unaffordable.

Sure, you can vote out a President, but you can't vote out lifelong appointed judges. So the rulings of the new SC (if Hillary is elected) will last for generations and it wouldn't matter how you vote in the future.

Also, remember that Hilary's sever didn't even have the minimum encryption protection. A computer geek in high school could have tapped into her emails. So it's reasonable to assume the computer geeks in China, North Korea, or Iran had access to our most sensitive US material. They could use those emails to blackmail Hillary and put our country at jeopardy since the only thing the Clinton's ever cared about was themselves.

I would say that's a very good reason to vote Republican this election.
So in other words, you don't have an answer as to why vote republican. You just gave reasons to not vote democrat. God that's pathetic. The GOP is a joke.

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