Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

Those poor souls families are asking why we don't do something about guns

Are they exploiting the situation too?

Only the stupid ones that think if you take guns away from good people, the bad will gladly offer theirs.

And so far, I have not heard this outcry from the family members to do something about guns. I only heard liberal politicians and their sheep crying about guns.
Those poor souls families are asking why we don't do something about guns

Are they exploiting the situation too?

Only the stupid ones that think if you take guns away from good people, the bad will gladly offer theirs.

And so far, I have not heard this outcry from the family members to do something about guns. I only heard liberal politicians and their sheep crying about guns.
The stupid ones who saw their children's slaughtered bodies?
Hey, did you hear he isn't raising any money! He, he, heh

Yeah, because of all the candidates in the world, Trump is the one we need to worry about when it comes to raising money. I worry almost as much about Trump raising money as I worry about Hillary winning an award for honesty and ethics in politics.
well, when your side responds to a tragedy like Orlando saying, "We need us more guns so we can shoot the Darkies", it's hard to NOT mock you.

I applaud your effort to publicly demonstrate the liberal tactics outlined in the OP. Step 1 is illustrated to perfection here.

I think we need to deport all liberals. Every time one of you suggests gun control, we need to send you packing for Cuba or Venezuela where you belong. Every time you try to imply someone is racist, we need to send you away to someplace where they ARE racist so you can learn what that's really like.

I am more and more convinced the only way we can get this country back on track is to thin the population of people like you.
Real nice. *gag* Thats what the fuck is wrong with our country. Do you honestly think that making those statements is conducive to repairing things? Hating and blaming each other has only one outcome: further dissonance. It must suck giant donkey cajones to be filled with such hate towards your fellow Americans. I swear. The things people like you say to and about other Americans is nasty and downright evil. Now i remember why i quit coming here. Its fucked up and depressing to be hated by other Americans. Shit. I will NOT cry over this senseless bullshit. (Im trying very hard not to anyway. :(
Those poor souls families are asking why we don't do something about guns

Are they exploiting the situation too?

Only the stupid ones that think if you take guns away from good people, the bad will gladly offer theirs.

And so far, I have not heard this outcry from the family members to do something about guns. I only heard liberal politicians and their sheep crying about guns.
The stupid ones who saw their children's slaughtered bodies?
Shocking....yah, no. Selective hearing and would be my guess.
Real nice. *gag* Thats what the fuck is wrong with our country. Do you honestly think that making those statements is conducive to repairing things? Hating and blaming each other has only one outcome: further dissonance.

I know what DOESN'T work when dealing with radical zealots... appeasement.

I don't want to fucking repair anything with you people. I want to rid the world of you ilk. Wipe you off the face of the map forever. I have absolutely zero desire to be cordial and polite to you. Yes, I hate you, your agenda and everything you stand for and I want to eliminate it from this world. I don't care if that hurts your feelings or you don't like it.

If you are all about love and peace and not blaming each other... set that example and start acting that way toward people on the right, Christians and conservatives. More people will follow your example when you lead by example as opposed to being a two-faced hypocrite who has no intention of respecting anyone else's views or being tolerant of anything outside your liberal dogma.

In the OP outline, you are illustrating Step 4 beautifully... Call for Civility!
Traditional liberals are open to ideas, diverse voices and debate, and are naturally curious.

The nasty, narcissistic group that has so polluted the Left wing are the opposite.
I swear you guys disgust me. Let me guess: you think your pubs are perfect and squeaky pristine. What a good joke! Ill be giggling all night n
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

Actually, dumbass, liberals learned it from NaziCons. It's called fighting fire with fire. It's always hilarious to watch NaziCons accuse others of what they are doing.

Bullshit. Dims have been doing it since the FDR administration.
Dims? Now i know where you go. The childish bullshit romper room.
/dismissed. Asswipe.
Traditional liberals are open to ideas, diverse voices and debate, and are naturally curious. The nasty, narcissistic group that has so polluted the Left wing are the opposite.
I swear you guys disgust me. Let me guess: you think your pubs are perfect and squeaky pristine. What a good joke! Ill be giggling all night
I'm actually a left-leaning independent and I'll be voting for Hillary.

Your response doesn't address my point, it just deflects to the GOP.

There are traditional liberals, and there is the Regressive Left.
Let me guess: you think your pubs are perfect and squeaky pristine.

Nope... A good many think the Republicans are little pussy-whipped bitches who've allowed you asswipes to get away with shoving your agenda down our throats for way too many years. That's precisely why they've nominated Donald Trump. Republicans (run of the mill) can't get the job done... they're too mealy-mouthed and afraid to confront you. They want to try and appease you and work with you on things... usually opting to pass more chunks of your socialist agenda into law instead of standing up for republican principles.
Real nice. *gag* Thats what the fuck is wrong with our country. Do you honestly think that making those statements is conducive to repairing things? Hating and blaming each other has only one outcome: further dissonance.

I know what DOESN'T work when dealing with radical zealots... appeasement.

I don't want to fucking repair anything with you people. I want to rid the world of you ilk. Wipe you off the face of the map forever. I have absolutely zero desire to be cordial and polite to you. Yes, I hate you, your agenda and everything you stand for and I want to eliminate it from this world. I don't care if that hurts your feelings or you don't like it.

If you are all about love and peace and not blaming each other... set that example and start acting that way toward people on the right, Christians and conservatives. More people will follow your example when you lead by example as opposed to being a two-faced hypocrite who has no intention of respecting anyone else's views or being tolerant of anything outside your liberal dogma.

In the OP outline, you are illustrating Step 4 beautifully... Call for Civility!
Fuck you. You have ZERO clue as to what I believe and want. Typical he-man pube. Flexing his teeny tiny dick trying to bully and intimidate others. Newsflash: teeny weenie penie club member: You dont intimidate me. When you figure out how to keep your overwhelming asshole persona in check...then let me know so we can have an at least semi civilized repartee. Until then i dont give dick swingers any of my precious time. Got it? Let me know if i used words that are too big for you. Ill break up into tiny words. Hopefully that will do the trick. I didnt realize that you have 4-letter word max. I am so sorry. If you need further assistance be a dear and let me know. I do SO enjoy helping out the reading challenged.
'Mkay sugah puss?
I'm actually a left-leaning independent and I'll be voting for Hillary.
You're an abject moron if you vote for that corrupt and lying bitch.
Voting is often about voting against someone.
I'm actually a left-leaning independent and I'll be voting for Hillary.
You're an abject moron if you vote for that corrupt and lying bitch.
Voting is often about voting against someone.


Why would anyone who is sane vote for Hillary Rotten Clinton? The woman is as corrupt and crooked as they come. The epitome of what is wrong with politics in Washington. She's in bed with the lobbyists, the bankers, the corporatists, the globalists, our national enemies abroad and basically anyone who throws the whore a little bit of money. She has sold favors, she has sold influence, she would sell her own soul if she had one. She is totally incompetent in virtually everything she has ever done.

But you're going to vote for her over Trump because you're scared of him for not following the "script" and being like a "normal" partisan politician? Like I said... abject moron.
Fuck you. You have ZERO clue as to what I believe and want. Typical he-man pube. Flexing his teeny tiny dick trying to bully and intimidate others. Newsflash: teeny weenie penie club member: You dont intimidate me. When you figure out how to keep your overwhelming asshole persona in check...then let me know so we can have an at least semi civilized repartee. Until then i dont give dick swingers any of my precious time. Got it? Let me know if i used words that are too big for you. Ill break up into tiny words. Hopefully that will do the trick. I didnt realize that you have 4-letter word max. I am so sorry. If you need further assistance be a dear and let me know. I do SO enjoy helping out the reading challenged.
'Mkay sugah puss?

And it's back to Step 2 on the OP list... take a fascist authoritative tone and tell me how things are GOING to be! You see how quickly you shifted from "can't we all just get along" to "by god you're going to pay the price!"

...let me know so we can have an at least semi civilized repartee...

Got news for ya, moron... the time for semi civilized repartee was about 12 years ago. You missed your chance at that. I have no inclination to ever have civil or semi civil repartee with you. I don't want your precious time... I want you to continue going out there spewing your bile until November when the American people are going to bury you and your sick perverted ideology.
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.
Right out of the GOP playbook. Look at all the bad policies bush put through after 9-11. It's called disaster capitalism
But you're going to vote for her over Trump because you're scared of him for not following the "script" and being like a "normal" partisan politician? Like I said... abject moron.
Pretty cool the way you tell someone else why they're voting for someone.

Makes it easier, I suspect.


Just going off what you stated...

"I'm actually a left-leaning independent and I'll be voting for Hillary."

"Voting is often about voting against someone."

What exactly do you think is the motivation for liberals pushing gun control?

Gun control is people control.

Each party would love to expand their base. The larger the base, the more likely success come election time.

Instead of talking about Republicans, I want to concentrate on the Democrats.

Among the many different voting groups the Democrats have, the two largest in their voting base are government dependents and victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Democrat politicians are not dumb, they just appear to be. They know quite well that disarming law abiding citizens will do nothing to bring down gun violence or murders. In fact, they know it would only increase in those statistics.

If they could achieve their ultimate goal, we would no longer be allowed to have guns. Only the police and criminals would then have guns. That makes all of us victims to the criminals. Eventually, crime would get so out of hand that the new group of victims would cry out for help because we would no longer be able to defend ourselves.

Okay, so how do we fight this Big Crime? The same way Democrats fight big pharma, big business, big tobacco, big wall street........and that is with bigger government.

So they grow government: more police, more courts, more lawyers, more prisons, more laws, more big government.

A real ingenious plan really, because not only would Democrats create more victims, at the same time, they would expand their voting base of public workers since they usually vote Democrat as well.

Bottom line: Democrats don't have anything against guns--Democrats don't like that we are able to defend ourselves. Because when people don't need government to do things for them, Democrats lose and Republicans win.

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