Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome.

right. From bushes that weren't there... sure he did.

Yep, and the intense investigation revealed that everything Zimmerman claimed actually took place. In court, the forensic scientist proved that when shot, Martin was on top of Zimmerman based on the bullet hole between the shirt and Martin's body.
right. From bushes that weren't there... sure he did.

Yep, and the intense investigation revealed that everything Zimmerman claimed actually took place. In court, the forensic scientist proved that when shot, Martin was on top of Zimmerman based on the bullet hole between the shirt and Martin's body.

Don't you GET what this ass munch is trying to do here? The thread OP has nothing to do with Zimmerman and Martin! How did we get off into THIS debate? This PUNK decided to come in here and DERAIL the thread topic! It's a typical left wing tactic. Whenever you can't win, change the conversation!

Don't let this shit stain get away with this, just stop replying to his nonsense unless he can stay on topic. It's not that hard to do. He's sitting there in his underwear in his grandmother's basement getting a kick out of the fact that he's disrupted the thread topic. That's all the fuck this little liberal butt munch is capable of doing. He proves it every day here.
Don't you GET what this ass munch is trying to do here? The thread OP has nothing to do with Zimmerman and Martin! How did we get off into THIS debate? This PUNK decided to come in here and DERAIL the thread topic! It's a typical left wing tactic. Whenever you can't win, change the conversation!

Don't let this shit stain get away with this, just stop replying to his nonsense unless he can stay on topic. It's not that hard to do. He's sitting there in his underwear in his grandmother's basement getting a kick out of the fact that he's disrupted the thread topic. That's all the fuck this little liberal butt munch is capable of doing. He proves it every day here.

I understand, but the topic is leftists tactics and I think the Martin case (and Joe's stance on it) is a perfect example of just that.

One of the most popular tactics of the left is to change words, meanings and intent around. Martin was this innocent "child" that was simply walking home from the grocery store and by no fault of his own, was brutally attacked by this monster with a gun. He started this fight and because he was on the losing end, decided to use his gun to settle the score. See what I mean?

They do this all the time. If you are against fracking, you must be for polluting the water and air. If you are against changing the definition of marriage since the founding of this country, you must hate all gays. If you think affirmative action has crossed the lines and has done more harm than good, you must hate minorities. If you think that parents should be responsible for feeding their own children in school, you must hate kids. If you think women should pay for their own birth control pills, it must be because you have this war on women.

In defense, you can't generalize. You have to take each issue and address it individually. A liberal cannot win a debate that way. They do try and win debates by generalizing.
well, when your side responds to a tragedy like Orlando saying, "We need us more guns so we can shoot the Darkies", it's hard to NOT mock you.

I applaud your effort to publicly demonstrate the liberal tactics outlined in the OP. Step 1 is illustrated to perfection here.

I think we need to deport all liberals. Every time one of you suggests gun control, we need to send you packing for Cuba or Venezuela where you belong. Every time you try to imply someone is racist, we need to send you away to someplace where they ARE racist so you can learn what that's really like.

I am more and more convinced the only way we can get this country back on track is to thin the population of people like you.
Lol I love how you represent the exact emotionality you pretend to hate.
I am just about to the point of supporting a revival of the House Un-American Activities Committee and starting investigations into every liberal asswipe who utters a sound in defense of radical Islam. We need to round you up and deport your asses from this country before you destroy it. We've been patient with you long enough, we've seen enough carnage and tragedy for a lifetime and it's time to put an end to this.

Frankly, the only damage I've seen done is you Wingnuts getting Right With Jesus by giving up all the gains the working class made against the rich.

Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome.

Dims gave those gains to illegals and H1-B coolies.
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

Actually, dumbass, liberals learned it from NaziCons. It's called fighting fire with fire. It's always hilarious to watch NaziCons accuse others of what they are doing.

Bullshit. Dims have been doing it since the FDR administration.
Don't you GET what this ass munch is trying to do here? The thread OP has nothing to do with Zimmerman and Martin! How did we get off into THIS debate? This PUNK decided to come in here and DERAIL the thread topic! It's a typical left wing tactic. Whenever you can't win, change the conversation!

Don't let this shit stain get away with this, just stop replying to his nonsense unless he can stay on topic. It's not that hard to do. He's sitting there in his underwear in his grandmother's basement getting a kick out of the fact that he's disrupted the thread topic. That's all the fuck this little liberal butt munch is capable of doing. He proves it every day here.

I understand, but the topic is leftists tactics and I think the Martin case (and Joe's stance on it) is a perfect example of just that.

One of the most popular tactics of the left is to change words, meanings and intent around. Martin was this innocent "child" that was simply walking home from the grocery store and by no fault of his own, was brutally attacked by this monster with a gun. He started this fight and because he was on the losing end, decided to use his gun to settle the score. See what I mean?

They do this all the time. If you are against fracking, you must be for polluting the water and air. If you are against changing the definition of marriage since the founding of this country, you must hate all gays. If you think affirmative action has crossed the lines and has done more harm than good, you must hate minorities. If you think that parents should be responsible for feeding their own children in school, you must hate kids. If you think women should pay for their own birth control pills, it must be because you have this war on women.

In defense, you can't generalize. You have to take each issue and address it individually. A liberal cannot win a debate that way. They do try and win debates by generalizing.

Mencken described the tactic long ago:
  • Syllogisms à la Mode — If you are against labor racketeers, then you are against the working man. If you are against demagogues, then you are against democracy. If you are against Christianity, then you are against God. If you are against trying a can of old Dr. Quack's Cancer Salve, then you are in favor of letting Uncle Julius die. permalink
    H. L. Mencken

    "The Citizen and the State"
"Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?"

Everyone’s tired of the conservative right whining and lying about liberals and their ‘tactics.’
i'm not tired of conservatives revealing all the dirty tricks that liberals pull. i am tired of the way liberals use propaganda to manipulate people instead of just being honest.
Hillary is winning. Her margin of victory is expanding. Trump is firing campaign managers. If you’re tired of the strategy thus far…I get the feeling you’ll see a lot more of it.
ep, and the intense investigation revealed that everything Zimmerman claimed actually took place. In court, the forensic scientist proved that when shot, Martin was on top of Zimmerman based on the bullet hole between the shirt and Martin's body.

That would be the "intense investigation" that didn't take place for weeks after the shooting, and only then because there was a nationwide outcry.

Hey, buddy, I get why you all love Zimmerman. He was living the dream. Most of you guys talk smack about shooting the Darkies, but Zimmerman actually did it.

And even though he's been arrested various times for domestic battery and violence, you guys still insist he was the hero of this affair.
Everyone’s tired of the conservative right whining and lying about liberals and their ‘tactics.’

Everyone is? Care to offer us some examples?

Here is one; me.

You fuck head republicans MIGHT just bother to come up with some good ideas.

Instead of the whining like the little bitches you all are. Good God grow some balls and quit whining.
i'm not tired of conservatives revealing all the dirty tricks that liberals pull. i am tired of the way liberals use propaganda to manipulate people instead of just being honest.

Another way to say that is to ask why are democrats so much smarter than republicans?
That would be the "intense investigation" that didn't take place for weeks after the shooting, and only then because there was a nationwide outcry.

Hey, buddy, I get why you all love Zimmerman. He was living the dream. Most of you guys talk smack about shooting the Darkies, but Zimmerman actually did it.

And even though he's been arrested various times for domestic battery and violence, you guys still insist he was the hero of this affair.

No, he was arrested and convicted for pushing a police officer when he was younger and drunk. That was it. He was never convicted on any other trumped up charge made by limelight getters.

And you probably don't know, but Zimmerman was a "darkie" himself. He's a Hispanic American.

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